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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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Cool concept, but the very first thing it tried to do when I ran it was sell the birthday item. lol.
I have been using this profile for a while now, but I'm still unsure of how to get it to use both my personal bank and the guild bank. It deposits into both just fine, but it will only withdraw from my personal bank. I have the datastore addon downloaded as a few people have mentioned earlier, but I haven't seen a difference. If I allow it to interact with the guild bank, it puts every thing in there and just cylces through searching for undercuts and posting from my empty bags. If someone could give some guidance it would be greatly appreciated.
Now im going to be like the lazy mother****** that u dont like :) im very bad at editing the file, and i dont want to use like a 100 hours chaning so is there a easier way to do it or could some1 upload a "person-changed-file" for me? thanks!
And how do I make it undercut the lowest current auction automatically? Surely you don't update the XML by hand every time price changes.

well then ahbuddy looks useless... why should i use a bot if i have to edit it everytime manually...? posting by hand on AH is the same then
Is it Possible to dynamicly change the sell price with example percentage?

if its not possible then, its pretty much useless for me.
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Is there an issue with this not selling items correctly? I've editted the file to sell additional items at a certain price (such as all glyphs, darkmoon trinkets, cards, etc) and even things that were already in the profile such as enchanting mats, but it lists them at 0 copper on the ah. I've checked the item ids on a lot of them, they're correct and its still not working. One example is:
<SellItemOnAhAction Category="TradeGoods" Location="0, 0, 0" ItemID="74250" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" MinBuyout="12g0s0c" AutoFindAh="True" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" Amount="3" MaxBuyout="25g0s0c" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" BidPrecent="100" StackSize="1" AmountType="Amount" RunTime="_12_Hours"/>
this is for the mysterious essence... only sells it at 0 copper each. Any idea? Thanks!
So I tried to set this up. For example I have minium buyout 40g and maxium 70g a stack. Then the bot goes to AH and scans the prices and there are 50g stacks from others and it says that my min buyout is too low and it tells me the single unit price instead of stack price. How can I set the bot to use stack prices instead of single ones? And eventhough I have set the stack size 20 it keeps putting items on 1 stack
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I have actually had a very good experience with this plugin, just know that it can be done and will work fine.

I do have a question however. Is there really no way to tell the undercutting script to not count a half-stack or such? At the moment;

Post Runecloth @ 41g/stack
Goes to check undercut
Sees 1 Runecloth @ 50c
Cancels auctions
Retrieves from mailbox
Checks for undercuts
Takes Runecloth back down again

Sadly this causes a loop and wastes a good bit of money. Any fix?
well then ahbuddy looks useless... why should i use a bot if i have to edit it everytime manually...? posting by hand on AH is the same then

not quite....

.............setting your buyout minimum to your actual buyout minimum only needs to be done once. Why do you need to edit anything after that? If you are worrying about market fluctuation, then yes, botting the AH is not what you should be doing and I'd recommend you configure TSM to suit your needs. AHBuddy is actually a massive time saver and has made me a fortune....but that's because I took the time to setup the profile to my (and my servers!) needs and now its just a plug-and-play excercise :)
I have actually had a very good experience with this plugin, just know that it can be done and will work fine.

I do have a question however. Is there really no way to tell the undercutting script to not count a half-stack or such? At the moment;

Post Runecloth @ 41g/stack
Goes to check undercut
Sees 1 Runecloth @ 50c
Cancels auctions
Retrieves from mailbox
Checks for undercuts
Takes Runecloth back down again

Sadly this causes a loop and wastes a good bit of money. Any fix?

look for IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" and edit that accordingly.......unless that's not what you meant? :)
look for IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" and edit that accordingly.......unless that's not what you meant? :)

Should that be at 20 if I want the bot to check prices of 20 stacks? Also why is my bot putting all the ores as 1 stack instead of 20 though I have "stack amount 20". So I'm trying to make the bot check for stack prices and sell them instead of checking 1 ore price and setting up only 1 ore in AH

PB 1.532: Searching AH for Ghost Iron Ore
PB 1.532: Skipping Ghost Iron Ore since lowest buyout:2g40s0c is below my MinBuyout:98g0s0c
PB 1.532: Post If Below MinBuyout:False
PB 1.532: Lowest Buyout on AH: 2g40s0c, My Minimum Bouyout: 98g0s0c
PB 1.532: Skipping Ghost Iron Ore since lowest buyout:2g40s0c is below my MinBuyout:98g0s0c
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It works great for me but it keep posting my auction at 0g 0s 0c ... What can i do to change that ? (I'm kind of a noob with AHBuddy, sorry)
It works great for me but it keep posting my auction at 0g 0s 0c ... What can i do to change that ? (I'm kind of a noob with AHBuddy, sorry)

Hi m8 - you need to edit the profile and change the values yourself - the default profile has all the buyout and sell values at 0g 0s 0c.

Open up your profile with notepd (or notepad++ preferably) and edit it by hand - if you're unsure how to do that, just reply back and I'll help you when I can (working atm though - so may not be immediate!)
Does anybody know why it posts Starlight Ink as stacks? When I've atleast tried to, configure it to post the singularly??
<!--Starlight Ink-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="79255" MinBuyout="40g0s0c" MaxBuyout="120g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="5" BidPrecent="99" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />
So I tried to set this up. For example I have minium buyout 40g and maxium 70g a stack. Then the bot goes to AH and scans the prices and there are 50g stacks from others and it says that my min buyout is too low and it tells me the single unit price instead of stack price. How can I set the bot to use stack prices instead of single ones? And eventhough I have set the stack size 20 it keeps putting items on 1 stack

Just bumping. Can't find out what I'm doing wrong
Hi m8 - you need to edit the profile and change the values yourself - the default profile has all the buyout and sell values at 0g 0s 0c.

Open up your profile with notepd (or notepad++ preferably) and edit it by hand - if you're unsure how to do that, just reply back and I'll help you when I can (working atm though - so may not be immediate!)

Hi, ty for your help !
Well, i've checked the profile on notepad++ and edit Min and Max buyout for "Elementium Ore", this is what i did :
<!--Elementium Ore-->
<SellItemOnAhAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="52185" MinBuyout="58g0s0c" MaxBuyout="100g0s0c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="30" BidPrecent="98" UndercutPrecent="0.1" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />

Then i try AHBuddy ingame and it still put my elementium ore at 0g0s0c ... Don't know if it was the right ligne of code to modify :/
I'll appreciate some more advice from your part !
Ty very much :)
Hey guys, I set up this profile and watched it, but the bot withdrew full bags from my mail box, then tried to send herbs to an alt, is there anyway I can stop the bot from mailing items? I just want it to withdraw from my mailbox, and list it all on AH, cancel the auctions, withdraw from mail and relist?

Cheers, I was trying to find the option in the script but didn't know what I was looking for.
Hi, ty for your help !
Well, i've checked the profile on notepad++ and edit Min and Max buyout for "Elementium Ore", this is what i did :

Then i try AHBuddy ingame and it still put my elementium ore at 0g0s0c ... Don't know if it was the right ligne of code to modify :/
I'll appreciate some more advice from your part !
Ty very much :)

I can't see why that would be wrong at all....you seem to have done everything correct.....

....did you save your edits and then restart your HB? Might be worth a try :)
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