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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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My char goes to mail and pick the items but after that he just stands stil and and moves slightly each sec, small tick movement
Dosnt deposit stuff in bank
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Ok so honestly havent yet gotten though all previous 59 pages of stuff but about 20 down.. I am not seeing instructions on how to make it pull ore / herbs from the gbank.. I see the options in the xml. but if they are enabled it dosnt withdraw them. Going to attempt to simulate the code for pulling ore our of pb.

Saw the posts that you need datascore the plugin is out of date and broke. LOL so atm clueless. Will get back if i find a fix.

If you have one please post it up.
Ok so honestly havent yet gotten though all previous 59 pages of stuff but about 20 down.. I am not seeing instructions on how to make it pull ore / herbs from the gbank.. I see the options in the xml. but if they are enabled it dosnt withdraw them. Going to attempt to simulate the code for pulling ore our of pb.

Saw the posts that you need datascore the plugin is out of date and broke. LOL so atm clueless. Will get back if i find a fix.

If you have one please post it up.

the TSM auction bot was better :/
was finaly able to get it to go to the gbank and withdraw stuff

But not trying to figure out why in the heck that

1) its useing the auction price to do the auctions... we are botters we get mass quantities of junk... how do we make it use the buyout price

2) It is pulling out like 10 stacks of GIO instead of the 23 i set up the xml for.
ok got it to pull out the correct ammount... <--- stupid me forgot to reset it after i reverted file and redid my xml work
So was working just fine then all of a sudden started getting this error.

PB 1.519: Loading profile AHBuddy.xml
Err: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.ParseDouble(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
at System.String.System.IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormat Provider provider)
at System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider)
at HighVoltz.PbProfile.Load(XElement xml, GroupComposite comp) in z:\Bots\Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\PbProfile. cs:line 173
at HighVoltz.PbProfile.Load(XElement xml, GroupComposite comp) in z:\Bots\Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\PbProfile. cs:line 183
at HighVoltz.PbProfile.Load(XElement xml, GroupComposite comp) in z:\Bots\Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\PbProfile. cs:line 183
at HighVoltz.PbProfile.LoadFromFile(String path) in z:\Bots\Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\PbProfile. cs:line 79

I have delted all of PB and recheked out
I have deleted all of HB and redownloaded then rechecked out PB

Any idea's?
Well, it does not really work for me. the bot just takes out the undercut items then having 290 mails in the mailbox. but he's not depositing anything, or if (for i think 3 items) just a stack of 5 and without buyout price... lawl what a crap -.-

my bot is doing this atm when i start: walking to the mailbox, having now 312 items in it, picking nothing up what's in there, walking to the auction house scanning all my auctions for undercut in an endless circle. if he found sth that is undercut he cancels that auction, running back to mailbox, not picking anything up, going back to auction house scanning for undercut.... no deposit.

btw. the 3 items he deposited are: golden lotus for 1 copper each (yeeha), jewel danio for 1 copper each stack (great), and windwool cloth for 1 copper each stack(...).

dunno what im doing wrong

isn't there a way just cancel all the undercut items and redepositing them with a usual undercut of 1-5% to all other items? and ffs with a BUYOUT price, no one cares for bidding auctions.
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Well I now have everything set up and working properly neglect canceling of items...

Even though on posting of a item it ignores stack sizes below 20 in a stack we will say it is still canceling if undercut by a stack of say 10
withdraw additavly? what does this do assuming it means if i have 5 in my bag and want 15 that it will withdraw out 10 giving me 10 bank 5 bag = 15 total

One more issue.... Err: Unable to find bank


edit: ARG stupid thing is still not withdrawing the correct ammount of crap outa the bank... it loves the default ammounts
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withdraw additavly? what does this do assuming it means if i have 5 in my bag and want 15 that it will withdraw out 10 giving me 10 bank 5 bag = 15 total

One more issue.... Err: Unable to find bank


edit: ARG stupid thing is still not withdrawing the correct ammount of crap outa the bank... it loves the default ammounts

So the cannot find bank is the north bank in SW south bank works fine but ironforge = less people and works great

BUT still cannot get it to withdraw the correct ammount out of the bank.
Well, this is the worst bullshit of all profiles i've ever seen. as you can read in my former post it just continues stupid behaviour and it sold my GOLDEN LOTUS for 9 FUCKING SILVER... great bullshit. never use this again.

Please just stay away from the internet. You are incapable of using a great and simple profile like this, and that's okay. We can't all have an IQ that exceeds 65.
However, the fact that you are not able to simply write something without cursing (or asking for help, for that matter) worries me. Just go away and stay away. Goodbye, and reported!
i asked for help but no one responded. and thanks, my IQ is 126 (which i think has nothing to say but if u want to rely on that, that's okay) but I might not be such a good programer i admit.

i also asked why this profile just doesn't undercut other auctions by an usual percentage of 1-5%, which would be much more sensible i think.
i asked for help but no one responded. and thanks, my IQ is 126 (which i think has nothing to say but if u want to rely on that, that's okay) but I might not be such a good programer i admit.

i also asked why this profile just doesn't undercut other auctions by an usual percentage of 1-5%, which would be much more sensible i think.

You asked for help by saying 'what a crawp' or something like that..
Also, you can set your own undercut percentage. Not everything can be chewed and spoon-fed for you. Just look at the profile, everything makes sense. There is a section called 'UndercutPercentage' (surprising, no?) where you can set the - you guessed it! - percentage for undercutting other's auctions.
Thanks, that helps for the first. And sorry i admit i was cursing but i think everyone becomes a bit angry when he sees that his golden lotus (stack of 20) has been sold for a total of 1g 80 silver, if its my failure or not, this was just a hard loss for me as i dont use any farming profiles :(

In the opening post i just saw you can make a fix price for all items what for me isn't sensible as the prices at the auction house change 1000 times a day, like a petrol station. Sorry for my outrageous comment but my anger was overwhelming my brain ;)

edit: can't find the option you are posting :( neither in profile nor profile settings.
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ARG ok so i made gbank widrawl work... but man its stupid... it pulls out stuff puts it all back in then pulls it out again WTF fail.
Thanks, that helps for the first. And sorry i admit i was cursing but i think everyone becomes a bit angry when he sees that his golden lotus (stack of 20) has been sold for a total of 1g 80 silver, if its my failure or not, this was just a hard loss for me as i dont use any farming profiles :(

In the opening post i just saw you can make a fix price for all items what for me isn't sensible as the prices at the auction house change 1000 times a day, like a petrol station. Sorry for my outrageous comment but my anger was overwhelming my brain ;)

edit: can't find the option you are posting :( neither in profile nor profile settings.

This profile is defintly not for the meak... I have been working on getting it running proper for 2 days now.. still major bugs with withdrawing. bad bad behavior and its still not ready for deployment.
What in the world does WithdrawAdditively="False" do? cant see a difference in False to True
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