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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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i just added this text in the xml file

<If Condition="(bool)Settings[&quot;BuyLeather&quot;] &amp;&amp; (int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;MinimumBuyOutGold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<CustomAction Code="Log(Color.Crimson,&quot;AHBuddy: &quot;,Color.BlanchedAlmond,&quot;Scanning auctions for Leather to buy.&quot;);" />
<!--Heavy Savage Leather-->
<If Condition="(int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;MinimumBuyOutGold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="56516" MaxBuyout="25g0s0c" Amount="300" BuyAdditively="False" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />

but the bot doesnt buy any heavy savage leather - can someone help me plz?
i just added this text in the xml file

<If Condition="(bool)Settings[&quot;BuyLeather&quot;] &amp;&amp; (int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;MinimumBuyOutGold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<CustomAction Code="Log(Color.Crimson,&quot;AHBuddy: &quot;,Color.BlanchedAlmond,&quot;Scanning auctions for Leather to buy.&quot;);" />
<!--Heavy Savage Leather-->
<If Condition="(int)Me.Gold &gt;= (int)Settings[&quot;MinimumBuyOutGold&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<BuyItemFromAhAction ItemListType="Item" ItemID="56516" MaxBuyout="25g0s0c" Amount="300" BuyAdditively="False" AutoFindAh="True" BidOnItem="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />

but the bot doesnt buy any heavy savage leather - can someone help me plz?

Well as it said it's scanning for it, it doesn't mean it found anything whitin ur price range :p
Hey Zak, just a note up.

The max & min buyout pictures in your how to are in reverse order, just so u know :P
Could you add an option that an item is purely for the lowest buyout, also when an item is cheaper there?
It should be buy and then check under cuts, sometimes you dont need to cancel but just buy off cheap mats to get back on top :)
Mind if you let me know how to do it?
+ rep to you

Moving this up a few spaces worked for me
<CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="BuyFromAH" />
<If Condition="(HasNewMail || MailCount&gt; 0) &amp;&amp; (bool)Settings[&quot;Check Mail&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="False">
<CustomAction Code="Log (Color.Crimson,&quot;AHBuddy: &quot;,Color.BlanchedAlmond,&quot;Checking for new mail.&quot;);" />
<GetMailAction GetMailType="AllItems" ItemID="0" CheckNewMail="False" MinFreeBagSlots="2" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />
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It should be buy and then check under cuts, sometimes you dont need to cancel but just buy off cheap mats to get back on top :)
Mind if you let me know how to do it?
+ rep to you

Moving this up a few spaces worked for me
<CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="BuyFromAH" />
<If Condition="(HasNewMail || MailCount> 0) && (bool)Settings["Check Mail"]" IgnoreCanRun="False">
<CustomAction Code="Log (Color.Crimson,"AHBuddy: ",Color.BlanchedAlmond,"Checking for new mail.");" />
<GetMailAction GetMailType="AllItems" ItemID="0" CheckNewMail="False" MinFreeBagSlots="2" AutoFindMailBox="True" Location="0, 0, 0" />
i'll have a look and see if i should change the order
hello im interested in getting a fully AH profille with my server info to buy/sell and if possible like the previous post before...buy the cheap to get to the top! ofc im willing to pay the requested fee anyone?
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You can turn off the undercut option.

No, no i think you missed the entire reason and context of my post. He stated
"Umm changing the values on selling to 0 just fucked me up i updated it then left it for an hour it put bid on items for 1 copper and i cant get them off the AH..!"
When i see posts like this I ask myself how bad it must be that a botter has made himself so dependent on honorbuddy that he doesn't know how ( until he gets his honorbuddy set properly for whatever he's doing ) to manually do something, like cancel some auctions on the auction house. I realize that people use honorbuddy to completely automate the process for making money only and have no interest in knowing the inner workings of the game at all, understood, but seeing a button that says cancel auction under your lists of auctions, seems common sense to me when needing to cancel something in an emergency.
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Could somebody please edit this profile for me to ONLY sell glyphs?
I have tried but I just messed it up :(
I've told it to post 10 stacks of obsidium ore. It will do this (and undercut accordingly), but then will follow up by posting 10 more stacks for 0c bids (no buyout). Any clue what may be the culprit?
Hey zakanator,

i gave this profile another try and after adding ALL glyphs is saw that u addet them in your newest version - unosorted itemIDs <3 :D (my fault)
I addet all classic, bc, wotlk herbs and all pigments as well.

Till this day i used the TSM based AH profile but maybe i will use this from now on, there are some question i cant answer myself.

- when i enable posting to the AH i know i have to set up all prices and so on but... does my char take stuff to post from GuildBank / PersonalBank or does he just deposit items there?
I mean when i hae Item XYZ and a amount of 50 but only enabled 4 items to be postet, does he deposit the other 46 items to GB/PB and TAKE THEM when the 4 auction items are sold?

- when the price is below MinBuyOut and i enable PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" to TRUE does he post the auctions for the MaxBuyOut price or will he just undercut anyway then?

- UndercutPrecent="0.0001" means not that my auctions will undercut for the famous "1c" but rather undercuts the lowest price by 0.0001%? (That is similar to 1c right?)

- what does AmountType="Amount" mean? - cant figure it out - i set the Min and MaxBO price, the stacksize of 1 for glyphs the runtime nd the amount of 4 to post 4x1 auctions of that item so what does AmountType="Amount" mean?^^

Hope u can help me

Too bad that this profile wont craft the auctioning items too so that i can KICK TSM to the moon
I USE TSM profile with HB and so on BUT the TSM profile doestn take the stuff form GB/PB to post them / deposit stuff on GB/PB to free my bags for auctioning for example 50 items of X - posting 4 items and deposit the other 46 items until the 4 items are sold.
Hey zakanator,

i gave this profile another try and after adding ALL glyphs is saw that u addet them in your newest version - unosorted itemIDs <3 :D (my fault)
I addet all classic, bc, wotlk herbs and all pigments as well.

Till this day i used the TSM based AH profile but maybe i will use this from now on, there are some question i cant answer myself.

- when i enable posting to the AH i know i have to set up all prices and so on but... does my char take stuff to post from GuildBank / PersonalBank or does he just deposit items there?
I mean when i hae Item XYZ and a amount of 50 but only enabled 4 items to be postet, does he deposit the other 46 items to GB/PB and TAKE THEM when the 4 auction items are sold?

- when the price is below MinBuyOut and i enable PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" to TRUE does he post the auctions for the MaxBuyOut price or will he just undercut anyway then?

- UndercutPrecent="0.0001" means not that my auctions will undercut for the famous "1c" but rather undercuts the lowest price by 0.0001%? (That is similar to 1c right?)

- what does AmountType="Amount" mean? - cant figure it out - i set the Min and MaxBO price, the stacksize of 1 for glyphs the runtime nd the amount of 4 to post 4x1 auctions of that item so what does AmountType="Amount" mean?^^

Hope u can help me

Too bad that this profile wont craft the auctioning items too so that i can KICK TSM to the moon
-It will check how much items you have in your bags if you use deposit or withdraw options.
-PostIfBelowMinBuyout has been changed to true by default, so it still posts at the minimum buyout even if the current prices are below it.
-UndercutPrecent="0.0001" will undercut it at 0.0001% which will be 1 copper most of the time.
-It will check how much items you have in your bags if you use deposit or withdraw options.
-PostIfBelowMinBuyout has been changed to true by default, so it still posts at the minimum buyout even if the current prices are below it.
-UndercutPrecent="0.0001" will undercut it at 0.0001% which will be 1 copper most of the time.

Thanks for answer.

Okay im fine with the undercutting 0.0001%

Just to understand this right...
When i set PostIfBelowMinBuyout TRUE then:

ItemXYZ has a MinBuyOut of 50g and a MaxBuyOut of 500g and the lowest Item on AH is at 40g - My toon will put it in the AH for what? 50g or 500g?
IF the answer would be 50g (MinBuyOut) the i would like to know HOW can i change this to let my toon put all Items in the AH for MaxBuyOut instead? (better for pricing in my opinion)

-It will check how much items you have in your bags if you use deposit or withdraw options.
Means restock all my auctioning items from GB/PB or no restock?

i have a little question. Very sry, i went into the forum and did'nt find answer, u have to understand that english is not my primary language so i might have missed the link.

I try to post stuff at AH.
my item is set to
<!--Vicious Charscale Legs-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="75097" MinBuyout="499g0s0c" MaxBuyout="1099g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="1" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="True" />
btw i added those stuff, was'nt in the original list. I figured its probably the reason, but i really wish to make it work ;) plz
When i go into AH, it post the gear for the Max buyout. Currentlu, that piece is sold at 949 at AH. i want to undercut it, but not go under 499 and not go over 1099... it auto post it at 1099 even if there are some at 949 atm.

any help will be appreciated.

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i have a little question. Very sry, i went into the forum and did'nt find answer, u have to understand that english is not my primary language so i might have missed the link.

I try to post stuff at AH.
my item is set to
<!--Vicious Charscale Legs-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="75097" MinBuyout="499g0s0c" MaxBuyout="1099g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="1" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="True" />
btw i added those stuff, was'nt in the original list. I figured its probably the reason, but i really wish to make it work ;) plz
When i go into AH, it post the gear for the Max buyout. Currentlu, that piece is sold at 949 at AH. i want to undercut it, but not go under 499 and not go over 1099... it auto post it at 1099 even if there are some at 949 atm.

any help will be appreciated.

Change IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" to 1.
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