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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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Yeah. Thx first time 4 this prob :)

But he only stands in OG and do nothing..Must i config anything except the ah things?
Yeah. Thx first time 4 this prob :)

But he only stands in OG and do nothing..Must i config anything except the ah things?

Did you load a profile? If not, you'll need to do that. Look in Bots > Professionbuddy > Profiles and select AHBot as your profile.

Quick warning: It will pay you to try to understand how the profile and bot works. Keep an eye on what you're selling or buying and edit the profile accordingly. Reply here if you get stuck :)

Hope this helps!
I think i should load the AHBuddy not the AHBot from progessionsbuddy.. I feel really silly cuz all other dont have probs like me^^

He only stands in og and do nothing. This is what i do

Start the Bot
Load Profile -> Professionsbuddy/Ahbot..
Go to botconfig
open the AHBuddy profile
config the ah things

Dont work..
whats the name of that site agian where you can check prices on the web ?
I think i should load the AHBuddy not the AHBot from progessionsbuddy.. I feel really silly cuz all other dont have probs like me^^

He only stands in og and do nothing. This is what i do

Start the Bot
Load Profile -> Professionsbuddy/Ahbot..
Go to botconfig
open the AHBuddy profile
config the ah things

Dont work..
Attach a log
Ok i've came to configure it in a nice way, it seems to be good now :)

I was asking myself if i could up inscription on my AH character to Auto-AFK craft glyphs and sell them, since the bot is in "profession mode" ?

Do somebody have any answer for me ?

Would be just huge !
ok this evening after 2 day i decide to use again ahbuddy, i do snv update and start, i check it after 20 min and i see that he post all whit 1 bid... i have calncelled all action manually, i try again and he do it again... what i have to do?

"Dieses Profil enth?lt keine Profile die zum Charakter passen!"

or in English: "This profile does not fit the character profile!"

I don't understand German mate, sorry....but there are errors with GlideProfile and waypoints. What is that? If it can be disabled, whatever it is, then you should disable it, reload your HB and retry the steps above.
ok this evening after 2 day i decide to use again ahbuddy, i do snv update and start, i check it after 20 min and i see that he post all whit 1 bid... i have calncelled all action manually, i try again and he do it again... what i have to do?
The prices have all been reset to 0
"Dieses Profil enth?lt keine Profile die zum Charakter passen!"

or in English: "This profile does not fit the character profile!"

I don't understand German mate, sorry....but there are errors with GlideProfile and waypoints. What is that? If it can be disabled, whatever it is, then you should disable it, reload your HB and retry the steps above.

Dont know what i should do =(
Ok so I made my own little tool for updating the prices. I have created this program in Python and some of you may have issues running it. Because it is coded in python many of the modules used had to be contained in the folder. Hopefully this helps people out.

Here are the instruction

-download the attached folder and extract it
-download your servers .csv file from theunderminejournal
----go to theunderminejournal.com (requires registration)
----navigate to your realm
----click on "site">"market api" in the navigation
----download your csv
-run the application freakanomics_beta
-enter the proper values, everything should be straight forward but if you need an explanation please ask
-a text file will appear with some errors that need to be changed. Most of these come from items contained in AHBuddy which are faction specific and will not show up in TUJ archive if the item is not specific to your faction

here is some sample code. Keep in mind I am on a very highly populated server

      <SellItemOnAhAction Category="Glyph" SubCategoryType="WoWItemGlyphClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="43427" MinBuyout="19g95s8c" MaxBuyout="46g94s31c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />
      <!--Glyph of Sweeping Strikes-->
      <SellItemOnAhAction Category="Glyph" SubCategoryType="WoWItemGlyphClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="43428" MinBuyout="18g35s35c" MaxBuyout="43g18s48c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />
      <!--Glyph of Thunder Clap-->
      <SellItemOnAhAction Category="Glyph" SubCategoryType="WoWItemGlyphClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="43399" MinBuyout="22g73s97c" MaxBuyout="53g50s52c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />
      <!--Glyph of Battle-->
      <SellItemOnAhAction Category="Glyph" SubCategoryType="WoWItemGlyphClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="43395" MinBuyout="66g3s4c" MaxBuyout="155g36s58c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />
      <!--Glyph of Berserker Rage-->
      <SellItemOnAhAction Category="Glyph" SubCategoryType="WoWItemGlyphClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="43396" MinBuyout="67g56s41c" MaxBuyout="158g97s44c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />
      <!--Glyph of Bladestorm-->
      <SellItemOnAhAction Category="Glyph" SubCategoryType="WoWItemGlyphClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="45790" MinBuyout="46g24s19c" MaxBuyout="108g80s45c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />

I am going to be testing this for a little while to try and work out kinks. I will be editing the post with the proper information soon. The pricing has been working great for me and I am able to make some decent money

If you need it now post your .csv('s) here or PM to me and I will try to get you a profile asap :D

I'll be honest the coding is very messy and it sucks that it is in python. But hey, it saves you alot of time. If you find this useful you can donate me, I am in no way looking to profit off this. I got enough out of it by learning how to make a program like this.


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If someone can post a list of items such as old content herbs/mounts/pet/crafted gear/etc with the same format as in AHBuddy, that would help speed up the release of newer versions with more items added.
If someone can post a list of items such as old content herbs/mounts/pet/crafted gear/etc with the same format as in AHBuddy, that would help speed up the release of newer versions with more items added.

If anyone wants to give me the item ids with each on a new line and I can put it in the proper format. I will not however have the proper amounts all will be set to sell/buy 1 item with stack size of 1.
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