Here is my Setting for Pve As and CoP (CoP setting is to be use with CoP standard and Class trinket)
View attachment 193642
View attachment 193643
Which do you prefer?
rough guide:
for farm cop is better. for progression AS is better.
for single target cop is better. for not single target AS is better.
Amazing bro, thanks.
But do you use Mindbender or Insanity? With 4 set and classtrinke.
i was gonna buy this for my new priest but...... looks like gonna have to wait till this guy updates his shit![]()
Yeah sorry guys just crazy busy at the moment with work. Haven't (intentionally) done a disappearing act![]()
4set + class trinket in AS still Insanity? oR mindbender
4set + class trinket in AS still Insanity? oR mindbender
I did not know this. Thank you.
So you are saying Piston + Prophecy of fear is BIS for AS specc? When should I use the class trinket then?
And Mindbender? Pulling some great numbers now as AS.
I am having the same problem. I did some pve dailies and then it started doing the auto mass dispel thing. i dont have it bound to anything and none of the mass dispel options are turned on.
It keeps repeating this over and over. I am not touching anything and i have no hotkey bound.
[Insanity] [HP: 100] [Mana: 99.5] [Orbs: 3] [Hotkey] Mass Dispel Target
Please fix. raiding soon.
New Strategy Guide for talents/rotations for Patch 6.2.3
I won't be going into as much detail here, but simply outlining what spec's to use and what rotations from Millz to use on all Hellfire Citidel fights I have completed on HFC 13/13 Mythic with several top 50 parses on most fight. I will not be going into that much detail here, if you are semi-intelligent and willing to do the work, it's pretty obvious when you should be toggling through different rotations and Settings.
Auspicious Spirit
The setting that i use went runing AS - View attachment 194012
Boss that i use AS on:
- High Council
- Iskar
- Socrethar
- Xhul'horac
- Mannoroth
- Archimonde
Clarity of Power
The setting that i use went running CoP - View attachment 194013
Please noted that Im using Class trinket went running CoP
Stat priority for Dotless CoP - 35% Haste > Mastery > Crit > Multi ( It important that you hit 35% haste in order to keep up class trinket debuff with only insanity )
Boss that i use CoP on:
Gonna update with boss specific tip & trick tomorrow
did any changes happen? all the sudden multidotting SWdoesnt work as good as 2 weeks ago anymore... only dotting my main target
didnt change any settings
i did some tests with CoP and believe to have found a tinsy tiny mistake in the Standard rotation - plz correct me if im wrong!
On Boss encounters, where u mainly hit only one Mob at a time, this rotation directly casts Mind Spike after applying Devouring Plague (which is kinda annoying esp when uve taken insanity)
Like that we dont take the full potential of the DP dot and our insanity attack is kinda non-existant
What do u think about a Priority setup like:
DP > MB > SwD (@20% HP) > MSpike (with 3 Surge of Darkness - if someone still dares to use it....) > Mind Flay/Insanity > Mind Spike ??
if uve got the class trinket, its much easier to keep up the 5 stacks debuff like this aswell