Would you still play WOW if Blizzard, somehow, improve their detection methods and there were no WOW bots available? (only play by hand?)
Please justify your answer...
I would NOT play by hand, sorry.
I bot because there a lot of ridiculous things in this game and there is no way to get around them without a bot.
Just to name a few.
-Leveling. Seriously. Leveling takes way too long for even the most patient gamer, especially when you want to level a character of each class so you can experience the game in its full glory and beauty.
-Gathering. Just too tedious and boring and there is little that can be done to relieve this. All you do is run in circles in a zone for hours. Even the most patient people can get bored to death if they have to do it for years.
-Raiding. Everybody expects you to follow the EJ rotation and talent builds to the letter, while paying attention to tricky mechanics and standing out of trouble. Underperformance is always rewarded with a shitstorm and a kick. Some classes have ridiculously complex and tricky mechanics, which simply make it hard for the average player, who is actually the majority of players in WoW to do it all.
-PVP. Same story. Who takes random BG's seriously ? Nobody, that's who. Everyone knows you are there to just grab your entry level gear and then we all move on and start doing either Arenas or RBG's, which is where the real battle is at.
-Dungeon grind. Seriously, it's just too tedious, and the fact that we all know we will be spending the next two weeks acquiring gear we are going to be replacing immediately after that doesn't help at all. Dungeons feel like a total waste of time and effort, and no, they are not fun after the first few runs. Especially if you want to also gear an alt or two.
Other games offer the ability to buy items or golds for cheap, from their online stores, or even have ingame stores and there is no reason Blizzard shouldn't do it too. Just because there is a vocal minority of BC losers who keep screaming "we didn't have it that easy, keep the game hard" doesn't mean Blizzard should comply with their demands on every step. We all saw what happened when they announced that Cata dungeons will be hard - 2 Million subscribers left immediately. That's way more than the BC fanbase will ever be, but eventually every time a new xpack is released Blizzard caves in under the ridiculous demands of people who just can't move on and evolve with the rest of the community.
Blizzard should just take a firm stance on this and decide whether they want to develop the game to attract new players, or they will keep it as a closed secret clubhouse for elitists with too high to justify self-esteem only. Yes, maybe some subscribers will leave, but this will be the end of those mass unsubscribing waves, as after those elitsts leave, there will be no one to stay in the way of making the game more user friendly and lots of new people will be happy to discover this exciting world that is Azeroth.