C++ is what practically every Computer Science degree uses to teach OOP. It needs the bare minimum to start writing console programs, and the sky's the limit. C# is part of .NET, and can get confusing very fast using Visual Studio. Learn the basics (loops, classes, methods, etc...) in C++ and transition to C#.
Python is also a very good starting language. People are calling it "simple", and it's not even close to that. It has a low learning curve, but can turn into a monster. Major companies use it for very very advanced algorithms and calculations, or you can just use it for some mundane tasks on your computer.
You pick up the core in Python or C++, and any language becomes a breeze.
I was a software engineer writing Objective C. Became a .NET and Python dev. Moved on to be a Controls Engineer programming robots and machines in Perl and Assembly like languages. 90% of my programming experience was in C++ before getting hired.
That is amazing! Thanks for the info. I will check out C++