I work, ALOT. I have time here and there between me 50+ hour weeks at work, my side business, girlfriend, RL, etc. I make time for this when I can. Expecting me to hop on daily to make sure people who donated, who have been using this prior with out the donation, have svn access is not reasonable. And as Vastico pointed out.. it is a donation, not a payment. You are donating because you like my work, the access to the SVN is just my thank you for the donation.
If I was charging for a service, that would otherwise be unusable with out the SVN access, then yes.. It would be unreasonable. People need to realize that this is a hobby for me. Hobbies get attention when all of RL is done and not before. Some weeks are longer than others, anyone who works RL and has a real life understands this. This is not a business for me, and it is not a money making adventure for me. I make more in one week at my RL job (not including my side business) than I have made in 6 months of developing and supporting this project. You do the math here.
If I actually charged (which would be in excess of 20 bucks per), judging by my downloads.. I would be doing pretty well. But due to the fact it is a hobby and I can't always work on it.. it is a donation type of thing. Due to this, people sometimes have to wait. And honestly.. 3-4 days to wait.. is not that big of a deal. Just put on the big boy panties and understand that things take time on these projects.
I appreciate the fact people donate, I really do, because if it wasn't for them this project would be dead. But on the same token people need to realize I am not dropping my RL obligations for a 5 dollar donation here and there.
EDIT: Everyone has been added, I woke up and hour early to get this done, and getting talents of healers is almost done. Final testing phases. BTW.. this was no small task =).
Edit #2: MrProbst, I will be working on the flag issue tonight and tomorrow once the targeting healers by talents is finished.