- Joined
- Jul 21, 2012
- Messages
- 291
Thank you works and looks more like an actual person is playing!
didn't miss that at all, Phelon. the point is if there is a config GUI then it should work, no matter what.. End-users shouldn't be forced to modify the script files, for something to work as they want.
and i apologize for saying it doesn't work, the plugin in fact works great, its just the Configuration GUI that doesn't show up, although i did install the whole thing correctly.
and i am sorry for being such a bitch, i am not trying to flame your hard work or anything its just my humble opinion.
By any chance you know anything besides editing the script which makes the GUI popup like it should? ill provide any info necessary just tell me what you need to know.
#region General Settings
#region Targeting Options
EnabledPriorityTargeting = true;
EnabledForceCombat = false;
EnableTargetingLoSLogic = false;
TargetCheckFrequency = 10;
#region PVP and Racials
EnablePvPTrinket = true;
EnableRacialTraits = true;
#region Banners and Flags
EnableBannerCap = false;
EnableReturnFlag = false;
#region Refreshments and Soul Wells
EnableUseRefreshments = false;
EnableCreateRefreshments = false;
EnableUseSoulwell = false;
EnableCreateSoulwell = false;
#region Interrupts
InterruptSpells.Add("Flash Heal");
EnableInterrupts = false;
EnableInterruptEveryone = false;
EnableFirstInterrupt = false;
FirstInterruptSpell = "";
FirstSpellRange = "";
EnableSecondInterrupt = false;
SecondInterruptSpell = "";
SecondSpellRange = "";
EnableThirdInterrupt = false;
ThirdInterruptSpell = "";
ThirdSpellRange = "";
#region Consumables
EnableUseHealthStone = true;
EnableUseHealthPotions = true;
EnableUsePvPHealthPotions = true;
EnableUsePvPBanner = true;
EnableUseHealthTrinket = true;
UseConsumablePercent = "40";
#region Loot Insignia's
EnableLootInsignia = false;
LootInsigniaRange = "7";
#region Get BG Power Ups
EnableGetBGPowerUps = false;
GetBGPowerUpsRange = "7";
#region Pulse Frequency
HonorbuddyTPS = 25;
#region Targeting
#region Demolishers
EnableTargetDemolishers = false;
TargetDemolishersRange = 15;
TargetDemolishersPriority = "80";
#region Flag Carriers
EnableTargetFlagCarriers = true;
TargetFlagCarriersRange = 45;
TargetFlagCarriersPriority = "80";
#region Healers
EnableTargetHealers = true;
TargetHealersRange = 45;
TargetHealersPriority = "100";
#region Low Health
EnableTargetLowHealth = true;
TargetLowHealthRange = 45;
TargetLowHealthPriority = "60";
#region Undergeared
EnableTargetUndergeared = true;
TargetUndergearedRange = 45;
TargetUndergearedPriority = "40";
#region Totems
EnableTargetTotems = true;
TargetTotemsRange = 45;
TargetTotemsPriority = "100";
Thank you works and looks more like an actual person is playing!
Thank you works and looks more like an actual person is playing!
alright then, im fine with editing the variables, but im still suprised by the fact my config UI doesnt work, and would i have to restart my bot everytime i make a change or recompile the plugin?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Enable Priority Targeting.-->
<!--Enable Force Combat.-->
<!--Locates a new target if current target is LoS.-->
<!--Sets the interval to check for a new target.-->
<!--Enables PVP Trinket Usage.-->
<!--Uses Human / Dwarf / Undead / Gnome Racials.-->
<!--Enable to Cap Banners.-->
<!--Enable to try to return flags.-->
<!--Enable to try to use Refreshment Table.-->
<!--Enable to try to create a Refreshment Table.-->
<!--Enable to try to get Health Stone.-->
<!--Enable to try to create a Soul Well.-->
<!--Enable Use of Interrupts.-->
<!--Enable Use of Interrupts on other Targets.-->
<!--Enables First Interrupt Spell.-->
<!--First Interrupt Spell Name.-->
<FirstInterruptSpell>Mind Freeze</FirstInterruptSpell>
<!--First Interrupt Spell Distance.-->
<!--Enables Second Interrupt Spell.-->
<!--Second Interrupt Spell Name.-->
<!--Second Interrupt Spell Distance.-->
<!--Enables Third Interrupt Spell.-->
<!--Third Interrupt Spell Name.-->
<!--Third Interrupt Spell Distance.-->
<!--Enable to try to use HealthStone.-->
<!--Enable to try to use Health Potions.-->
<!--Enable to try to use PVP Health Potions.-->
<!--Enable to try to use PvP Banner.-->
<!--Enable to try to use Health Stone.-->
<!--Sets the Consumable HP Threshold.-->
<!--Enable Looting of Insignia.-->
<!--Range to try to Loot Insignia.-->
<!--Enable BG Power Ups.-->
<!--Range to try to Get BG Power Ups.-->
<!--How often to pulse Honorbuddy [ Changes Honorbuddy - Ticks per second ]-->
<!--Enable to try to Target Demolishers.-->
<!--Sets the max range on looking for Demolishers.-->
<!--Sets the priority on targeting Demolishers.-->
<!--Enable to try to target Flag Carriers.-->
<!--Sets the max range on looking for Flag Carriers.-->
<!--Sets the priority on targeting Flag Carriers.-->
<!--Enable to try to target Healers.-->
<!--Sets the max range on looking for Healers.-->
<!--Sets the priority on targeting FHealers.-->
<!--Enable to try to target Low Health Player.-->
<!--Sets the max range on looking for Low Health Player.-->
<!--Sets the priority on targeting Low Health Player.-->
<!--Enable to try to target Undergeared.-->
<!--Sets the max range on looking for Undergeared.-->
<!--Sets the priority on targeting Undergeared.-->
<!--Enable to try to target Totems.-->
<!--Sets the max range on looking for Totems.-->
<!--Sets the priority on targeting Totems.-->
Thanks just figured that out on myself, but if i edit them in the files, are they edited in realtime or do i need to restart the bot?
where do i get the gui?
donation sent days ago, also wrote 2 pms.
Doesn't use my felhunter's spell lock =(
awh i was hoping to get the gui today <3 av weekend but ill wait I did send you a pm though =p
Hey, I know this is a not a big deal. But is there any way you can get rogues to apply poison to our weapons?Work has begun on re writing the original BGBot. Just an FYI for anyone caring.
Hey, I know this is a not a big deal. But is there any way you can get rogues to apply poison to our weapons?
And that is great news. I wish you the best of luck. Dont rush anything because people complain. Your amazing.