Use Gather Buddy 2 as your bot, and use bor's breath as the profile. Flying is good, but being realistic you need to camp. Don't expect it overnight. It took me 1 week 24/7 days a week. I killed Vygrosa 15-17 times, and saw TLPD dead 4-5 times. One morning I woke up, WoW had exited (as per Tony's optional setting) and had it in my bags.
Uploaded User Manual
Used Spells from Rarekiller:
If I should use other Spells, please inform me. I only know Shaman and Priest Abilities.
You can also config them in the Folder RareKiller/Config/...xml
To Stun Spinning Crane Kick of Pandaren or Rain Dance of Jinyu (not necessary because he will flee also):
<Spell Class = "Priest" Name="Psychic Horror" />
<Spell Class = "Mage" Name="no Spell available" />
<Spell Class = "Warrior" Name="Intimidating Shout" />
<Spell Class = "Hunter" Name="Scatter Shot" />
<Spell Class = "Rogue" Name="Kidney Shot" />
<Spell Class = "DeathKnight" Name="Asphyxiate" />
<Spell Class = "DeathKnight" Name="Strangulate" />
<Spell Class = "Paladin" Name="Hammer of Justice" />
<Spell Class = "Shaman" Name="Capacitor Totem" />
<Spell Class = "Warlock" Name="no Spell available" />
<Spell Class = "Druid" Name="no Spell available" />
<Spell Class = "Monk" Name="Paralysis" />
For the Plugins Settings: This is all described in the User Manual. There is a Quick Setup for TLPD included... Or is it maybe not understandable? Is something not clearly described? Just help me to explain it better.
The Problem I see: Skullbash requires Bear Form - so not usable for most of the Druids I think. Many will fight in Cat or Moonkin or I'm wrong?
But you can simple replace "no Spell available" with "Skull Bash" and it should work for you if your Toon fight in Bearform.
Beside this: ... "not necessary because he will flee also" and I had to say, the fleeing works good on my Toon.
I will replace Tab with Tap ?hhhh the other way around, I mean
For the Plugins Settings: This is all described in the User Manual. There is a Quick Setup for TLPD included... Or is it maybe not understandable? Is something not clearly described? Just help me to explain it better.
Maybe you forgotten to activate "autodismount in flight" in your WOW Settings?
Hopefully it is so, because I'm not able to test with HB for the Moment or longer
<-- German User
PS: I will write more the next days, how it will go on with Rarekiller and my other Plugins. I had to inform me about my options now and sleep a night over it or two...
I think this is a little bit outdated. In my last tests the bot did actually pretty well against those MoP rares. The spell "rain dance" seemed to be a problem because he couldn't dodge the projectiles. But against the pandaren champions he managed even to stay away from the Spinning Crane Kick and he interrupted the heal as well.Rarekiller will only pull the searched Mobs with a Spell to get Aggro of the Mob. The Fight had
to be handled by your Combat Routine. So check that you also have a good working Combat
So you don't have to use GB2 anymore? I watched the bot fly a nearly complete round of all MoP rare yesterday and saw another issue. If you fly from Kun-Lai to Townlong there is a really buig height difference. The bot will stay at a really high height at the start but he can't see any units from this far. The same problem occurs if one of this really big pillars in The Jade Forest is in the flightpath. He won't fly around it. If you are developing a botbase to fly around, this might be worth a look. Maybe you just force the bot to exactly go to the hotspot....additionally to my plan developing a simple botbase to fly around.![]()
Maybe this one:What profile should I use if i wanna tame loque'nahak? And should i remove all but Loque nahaks text on tameablemobs? or is it enough to write his ID on the tame ID
Hall?chen, was versuchst du denn genau zu jagen? Dann kann ich dir spezifische Anweisungen geben.hallo,
wie muss ich HBde denn einstellen damit der Rarekiller da funzt? hab Grindbuddy und Grind Bot probiert und verschiedene profile geladen. lief nicht. Und das Plugin war auch aktiviert und eingestellt.
musst du da erst was updaten damit das mit der DE version jetzt l?uft oder mach ich da einfach was falsch?
Which Class and Spec are you using, and which CC?Anyone find a way to get their CR to stop attacking during the whirl kick that the panda rares have? I can see the plugin is trying to run away, but the CR fights back and ends up dying. I turned movement off that doesn't seem to help.
Hall?chen, was versuchst du denn genau zu jagen? Dann kann ich dir spezifische Anweisungen geben.