i'm still testing this out, just a simple revision / edits to make it work faster than what you've seen.
If it's complaining about BPS not present, then we're using slightly different versions of the code
if so, use the nobps version, it's pre-edited to remove the BPS usage that's inbuilt into the 'advanced' version.
just rename it to the regular Pokehbuddy.cs filename (file attach thinks it's the same :/ )
I have not added any bot checks, if you're using GB2 it nearly has to be right on top of the pet to engage in a battle or GB2 will steal the focus right back.
edit: i'm not sure how to prevent the yo-yo of changing direction every 150-200 ms, the blacklisting process needs time to try again while in the framelock, and GB2 polls faster than 50ms according to testing. Pausing the active bot will fix this right up, but i haven't done it yet.
So while it works, it's not reliable.
edit 2: also noticed it's not reading the cooldown status for abilities (only uses ability 1),i'm just reading through the debug log to see why.
in the debug, the pet logic is executing for pets, but the cooldown status isn't being picked up by the LUA. will probably be something to do with the LUA parsing, or my own set of screwed up addons interfering (which i really shouldn't be using while testing). will try it again in a few minutes with a clean setup.
the good news is, only about a week until WoD and then dealing with menageries & garrisons makes pet battles so much more difficult
If i can get the parser to work for strings, i might be able to get it working more reliably while questing (so it doesn't interfere with QuestBehavior usage). it will slow down questing, but that's going to be a good thing.