Because after timeout the plugin puts another map in.
Hey champ,
You will always have the full log available in your Exilbuddyfoldername/Logs/
Of course you wont know which one it is, but copy a few of the lines you linked earlier, do a search through each text file until you find the one that matches all that error stuff you had. That'll be the log ExVault needs. For example:
[WaitFor] Waiting for new map portals spawning (13.08/15)
[WaitFor] Waiting for new map portals spawning (13.3/15)
[WaitFor] Waiting for new map portals spawning (13.53/15)
[WaitFor] Waiting for new map portals spawning (13.75/15)
[WaitFor] Waiting for new map portals spawning (13.99/15)
[WaitFor] Waiting for new map portals spawning (14.19/15)
[WaitFor] Waiting for new map portals spawning (14.41/15)
[WaitFor] Waiting for new map portals spawning (14.64/15)
[WaitFor] Waiting for new map portals spawning (14.85/15)
[WaitFor] Waiting for new map portals spawning (15.07/15)
[WaitFor] Wait for new map portals spawning timeout.
If that came up in your EB, it'll be in your log, so do a search for "Wait for new map portals spawning timeout" or whatever you choose, you will find it.
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