Yes, the minimum and maximum pet level controls the ringer settings.if i use the setting "Ringerx2" is it possible to only use pets between a certain level range in slot 1?
My issue is that sometimes it goes to swap - and leaves one dead pet in the mix. Not sure why it'd do that, but I'm using favorites only and have 5 alive pets that should match (all nearly same level)
Yes, the minimum and maximum pet level controls the ringer settings.
To explain what BPS does,
Minimum, goes through the pet list by journal order (in theory it's by level/xp per pet, then by guid ) , and selects the first pet that meets the criteria.
Maximum, same deal. It picks the first pet that meets the highest level criteria.
Ringer should be more random than it is, it will choose from the list in the same condition as the last time, and the next, until the conditions you choose are modified.
If you want something more selective, I'd suggest adding desired ringer pets to a favourites position in the pet journal, so the first criteria is the shortest list of possible pets, and not the same 4 pets every time.
Eg if you put Min 10 and max 24, it will go through the list and find the first pet in the journal that is level 10, using the sorting order from the pet journal. If there's no level 10, it goes through to find a level 11,12,13 and so on until it finds 1 pet, checks if it has above 90% health, etc, is alive, etc.
The same filter works for the ringer, but it reverses the sorting order, and starts from the end of the list, due to this filter being quite basic, picking the first pet in the list until it's 'used', then the next, etc.
[PB] Going to switch slot 1
[PB] view, total = C_PetJournal.GetNumPets() for wantlevel=1,24 do for i=1, total do petID, _, owned, _, level, favorite, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, isWild, canBattle, isTradeable, _, _ = C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndex(i) if (petID ~= nil) then health, maxHealth, power, speed, rarity = C_PetJournal.GetPetStats(petID) if (health == maxHealth and level==wantlevel and favorite == true and isWild == true and owned == true and canBattle==true) then C_PetJournal.SetPetLoadOutInfo(1,petID) return end end end end
[PB] Pulsing BPS
[PB] Heavily injured pets : 1
It keeps swapping in my low level in slot 1 so it keeps dying, no idea what's wrong![]()
Ok... i give up... i find so hard to manage the settings to power level my pets... even with Ringer or Ringerx2..... You all talking about Maths ... and Programming... no1 told me that i have to have degree in Computer Use in order to use this programm or even this plugin.... what about the common people who dont have a clue about that?... I use Pokebuddy and BattlePerSwap and i have Petarea too.. but i dont know when to use it... i have 5 pets level 25 (after 3 days... without power leveling), and i want to power level all my low favourite/blue pets. Can some1 help or? or send me a message the right plugins settings to use in order to do that?... i dont know anything about pet logic system and how it is working... I have tryed everthing and nothing is working.... the bot sometimes changes always the pets without doing anyhting else and we end up losing the fight, it change the first pet without let it hit in order to not take exp from the fight.... many many different fails and i dont know what to do. Is any1 here who can explain me with SIMPLE words how to manage that (here or with message), or to give up?
Noone can, bcs the plugins were not updated for some time now.
HB has changed alot, and the plugins need to be updated also (which didnt happen yet).
Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
Personally havent used it for some time now, but i leveled alot of pets like 1y ago...