How did you install it? Did you create a folder in your plugins, then svn to that folder? I did the same thing and couldn't figure out what I did wrong. You need to open the folder you svn to and cut the BattlePetSwapper folder and past that folder to your plugins folder.
I'm having a bit of trouble getting it to level some pets. I had three favorites leveling just fine in Relative mode (new to pet battling again, new account really). I wanted to level three more pets so I had six all around the same level. I favorited three new pets so I had 6 favorites total. Three were lvl 8, three were lvl 1.
I have pet area, bps, and pokehbuddy plugins installed, running profiles in GB mode since grindbot wouldn't leave my major city.
First issue was that when I had 6 pets favorited, it would queue up two lvl 8s and a lvl 1. It would set the lvl 1 to the first pet slot, which made sense since it needed to fight. Then, it would always swap to a high lvl pet right before engage in a battle. Finally unfavorited the high lvls, but now the issue is that it will only level two of the three favorites. It refuses to swap to one pet. I have logic files for all six pets, just curious why it might not swap to one in particular.
I hand leveled the pet in question, Frigid Frostling, to match with the other two, then started the bot. Still won't use him. It was using three pets just fine when I had three others favorited earlier. Can't figure out what the problem is. Can get a log if needed, but I thought I'd post about it real quick while answering chaoz. Also, will now search the thread to see if anyone else has this issue. Please disregard if this is a known issue.
Failim's post for the mf-ing win!! No clue how you worked that out, but it sure did the trick!