this feature is not activeanyone AutoEquip is available?
i checked betterEquip & empty slot but the bot is nothing to do
any suggestion?
Ops totally forgot about this,Have you had any luck with this feature darkbluefirefly?
I'll[SUP] never [SUP]tell....[/SUP][/SUP]awakening comes soon , there will be huge changes, have you tested it on closed beta? will it work for first 3 acts normal? do you plan to expand on act 4?
Gimme a few, when I get home I'll get you some code. I made Quest Specifically for this,
In your FACE TONY! Told ya this would be needed.
I'll[SUP] never [SUP]tell....[/SUP][/SUP]
Hi darkbluefirefly,
Is the option of pausing the Quest Plugin from other plugins still planned for 2.0 release?
Why would it work with 2.0 anyway without an actual 2.0 bot?Yea Updated
First Post to tell peeps it's not working, I'm literally getting pmed every day asking.
Yes, with new QoL pushedx put in, things are SOOO much simpler now(I hope) in theory.
The same reason why it has an Act 4 Check box 1 year before Act 4 was announced.Why would it work with 2.0 anyway without an actual 2.0 bot?
The same reason why it has an Act 4 Check box 1 year before Act 4 was announced.
The same reason why it has an Act 4 Check box 1 year before Act 4 was announced.