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[Plugin] Act 2 Bandits and Misc Quests

i already did that and still doesn't work. it only happens on that specific character
Looks like something to do with curses. Do you have the same curse on your skillbar more than once, or two of the same curse gem equipped or something?
This worked for me fine last week, but now when i try to use it it crashes the game after i press start.. Does it require any other plugins to be enabled ?

[HIDE]2015-05-18 15:49:56,982 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [QuestPlugin] Bot is Not Running, Starting.
2015-05-18 15:49:56,983 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [Start] Now creating the BotThread.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,020 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [BasicGrindBot] Start
2015-05-18 15:49:57,021 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Start] PlayerMover.Instance: Loki.Bot.v3.DefaultPlayerMover.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,021 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Start] MsBetweenTicks: 15.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,021 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Start] InputEventMsDelay: 100.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,021 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Start] LowFpsMode: False.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,028 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [ExilePather] Now reloading the pathfinder.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,031 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [Dat] Now building the Stat lookup table.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,120 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [Dat] The Stat lookup table has been built.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,121 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [Dat] Now building the Passive Skills lookup table.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,176 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [Dat] The Passive Skills lookup table has been built.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,219 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [GetPathfindingData] Now creating the pathfinding data.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,238 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [GetPathfindingData] The pathfinding data has been created (00:00:00.0009003).
2015-05-18 15:49:57,251 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [ExilePather] Now creating the navmesh.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,567 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [ExilePather] The navmesh has been created.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,571 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [ExilePather] The pathfinder has been reloaded.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,572 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ResurrectTask] This task handles resurrection..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,572 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ClearCursorTask] This task places any item left on the cursor into the inventory..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,573 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [AssignMoveSkillTask] A task to handle assigning the Move skill if it's not already on the skill bar..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,573 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleBlockingChestsTask] This task will handle breaking any blocking chests that interfere with movement..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,574 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleDoorsTask] This task handles opening doors..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,574 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [CombatTask (Leash 50)] This task executes routine logic for combat..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,574 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TownRunTask] A task to go back to town during the middle of a bot run..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,575 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [LootItemTask (Leash 50)] This task handles looting items..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,576 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [OpenChestTask (Leash 50)] This task handles opening chests..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,576 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [LootItemTask (Leash -1)] This task handles looting items..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,576 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [MergeInventoryTask] A task to handle merging the inventory into full stacks..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,577 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [IdTask] A task to identify items in inventory..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,577 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [SellTask] A task to vendor items in the inventory..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,577 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [StashTask] This task will stash all applicable items in town..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,578 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [WithdrawTask] A task to withdraw items from stash when we are in town..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,578 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleInventoryItemsTask] A task to manage inventory items that are not stashed..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,578 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [SortInventoryTask] A task to sort the main inventory by moving items towards the top left corner..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,579 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ReturnToGrindZoneTask] This task will return the bot to the previous grind zone after a town run..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,579 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TagWaypointTask] This task will tag a waypoint if it is not already unlocked..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,579 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [UseLooseCandleTask] This task will use the Loose Candle when the grind zone is set to The Archives..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,580 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [UnblockCorruptedAreaTransitionTask] This task will use the Loose Grate and Sarcophagus covers for corrupted area transitions..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,580 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TakeCorruptedAreaTask] A task to take corrupted areas..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,581 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelToGrindZoneTask] This task will travel to the grind zone configured..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,581 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-BossFarm] This task will travel though the local area transitions in boss zones..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,581 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [OpenChestTask (Leash -1)] This task handles opening chests..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,581 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [CombatTask (Leash -1)] This task executes routine logic for combat..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,582 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-PassThrough] This task will travel though the local area transitions in boss zones..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,582 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExplorationCompleteTask (Early)] A task to execute exploration complete logic..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,583 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExploreTask] This task handles exploring an area..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,583 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExplorationCompleteTask] A task to execute exploration complete logic..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,583 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [FallbackTask] This task is the last task executed. It should not execute..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,584 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AutoFlask] Start
2015-05-18 15:49:57,584 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [QuestPlugin] Start, we're doing Quests Primary = True, Secondary = False
2015-05-18 15:49:57,585 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [QuestPlugin] UPDATING QUEST
2015-05-18 15:50:13,833 [8] INFO Logger (null) - [ProcessExited] The game process has closed. Exilebuddy will now close.[/HIDE]
Last edited:
This worked for me fine last week, but now when i try to use it it crashes the game after i press start.. Does it require any other plugins to be enabled ?

[HIDE]2015-05-18 15:49:56,982 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [QuestPlugin] Bot is Not Running, Starting.
2015-05-18 15:49:56,983 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [Start] Now creating the BotThread.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,020 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [BasicGrindBot] Start
2015-05-18 15:49:57,021 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Start] PlayerMover.Instance: Loki.Bot.v3.DefaultPlayerMover.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,021 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Start] MsBetweenTicks: 15.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,021 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Start] InputEventMsDelay: 100.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,021 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Start] LowFpsMode: False.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,028 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [ExilePather] Now reloading the pathfinder.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,031 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [Dat] Now building the Stat lookup table.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,120 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [Dat] The Stat lookup table has been built.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,121 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [Dat] Now building the Passive Skills lookup table.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,176 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [Dat] The Passive Skills lookup table has been built.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,219 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [GetPathfindingData] Now creating the pathfinding data.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,238 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [GetPathfindingData] The pathfinding data has been created (00:00:00.0009003).
2015-05-18 15:49:57,251 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [ExilePather] Now creating the navmesh.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,567 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [ExilePather] The navmesh has been created.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,571 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [ExilePather] The pathfinder has been reloaded.
2015-05-18 15:49:57,572 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ResurrectTask] This task handles resurrection..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,572 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ClearCursorTask] This task places any item left on the cursor into the inventory..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,573 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [AssignMoveSkillTask] A task to handle assigning the Move skill if it's not already on the skill bar..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,573 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleBlockingChestsTask] This task will handle breaking any blocking chests that interfere with movement..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,574 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleDoorsTask] This task handles opening doors..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,574 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [CombatTask (Leash 50)] This task executes routine logic for combat..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,574 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TownRunTask] A task to go back to town during the middle of a bot run..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,575 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [LootItemTask (Leash 50)] This task handles looting items..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,576 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [OpenChestTask (Leash 50)] This task handles opening chests..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,576 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [LootItemTask (Leash -1)] This task handles looting items..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,576 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [MergeInventoryTask] A task to handle merging the inventory into full stacks..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,577 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [IdTask] A task to identify items in inventory..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,577 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [SellTask] A task to vendor items in the inventory..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,577 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [StashTask] This task will stash all applicable items in town..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,578 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [WithdrawTask] A task to withdraw items from stash when we are in town..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,578 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleInventoryItemsTask] A task to manage inventory items that are not stashed..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,578 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [SortInventoryTask] A task to sort the main inventory by moving items towards the top left corner..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,579 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ReturnToGrindZoneTask] This task will return the bot to the previous grind zone after a town run..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,579 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TagWaypointTask] This task will tag a waypoint if it is not already unlocked..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,579 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [UseLooseCandleTask] This task will use the Loose Candle when the grind zone is set to The Archives..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,580 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [UnblockCorruptedAreaTransitionTask] This task will use the Loose Grate and Sarcophagus covers for corrupted area transitions..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,580 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TakeCorruptedAreaTask] A task to take corrupted areas..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,581 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelToGrindZoneTask] This task will travel to the grind zone configured..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,581 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-BossFarm] This task will travel though the local area transitions in boss zones..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,581 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [OpenChestTask (Leash -1)] This task handles opening chests..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,581 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [CombatTask (Leash -1)] This task executes routine logic for combat..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,582 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-PassThrough] This task will travel though the local area transitions in boss zones..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,582 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExplorationCompleteTask (Early)] A task to execute exploration complete logic..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,583 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExploreTask] This task handles exploring an area..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,583 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [ExplorationCompleteTask] A task to execute exploration complete logic..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,583 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AddAtBack] Now adding [FallbackTask] This task is the last task executed. It should not execute..
2015-05-18 15:49:57,584 [22] DEBUG Logger (null) - [AutoFlask] Start
2015-05-18 15:49:57,584 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [QuestPlugin] Start, we're doing Quests Primary = True, Secondary = False
2015-05-18 15:49:57,585 [22] INFO Logger (null) - [QuestPlugin] UPDATING QUEST
2015-05-18 15:50:13,833 [8] INFO Logger (null) - [ProcessExited] The game process has closed. Exilebuddy will now close.[/HIDE]
same problem
Hey All,
Confirmed that it's my plugin causing this to crash.
Run without my plugin and it won't crash.
It's probably something to do with the DAT retrieval of the API, I'll look into it, and I've already notified Drew.
Sorry about that, maybe when it's fixed you'll get teh latest Quest Plugin =).
Lately (2 days ago), I've been having problem with the plugin, it isn't working at all. I try to reinstall the the plugin,the entire bot, it was working perfectly. Looks like the BasicGrindBot have some preference over the Questplugin.
Not sure what to try more.
Lately (2 days ago), I've been having problem with the plugin, it isn't working at all. I try to reinstall the the plugin,the entire bot, it was working perfectly. Looks like the BasicGrindBot have some preference over the Questplugin.
Not sure what to try more.
Heya, without logs, I'm Clueless as well.
Does the plugin require a certain level before the char moves to the next difficulty ? He's killed dominus like a billion times but doesn't go the the portal and start cruel mode.
Does the plugin require a certain level before the char moves to the next difficulty ? He's killed dominus like a billion times but doesn't go the the portal and start cruel mode.

I've had to manually take the portal myself, bot doesn't seem to do it.
Hey, I have a problem, my bot runs to right places but it doesnt pick up green quest items (or even click on it) he comes close to it and then place portal and make a new instance and run it again, tried to reinstal whole questplugin. Do you know how to fix it please?