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[Plugin] Act 2 Bandits and Misc Quests

Still having major issues with this in act 3. It appears that, It doesn't turn in the quest for Clarissa ? so it holds the bracelet in the inv. and continues on to the docks etc, and just continuously farms battlefront. It doesn't go and collect the ribbon spool or the other thing in the docks that it needs. Yes, collect quest items is on in my item filter as well.
hi i have been using your plugin for awhile but now it suddenly just starts on act 2 running the broken bridge a million times not doing anything but that after i progress a certain amount through act2
hi i have been using your plugin for awhile but now it suddenly just starts on act 2 running the broken bridge a million times not doing anything but that after i progress a certain amount through act2 so i dont know how to fix it
I have problems with broken bridge as well. I do that quest manually.

This plugin will be on hold until 1.4 is out.. then I HOPE DarkBlueFly with incorporate act 4.
Else I might have time then to work through it and squeeze in 1.4 but I expect the EB changes for 1.4 will break this plugin realllll bad.

yeah i did normal all fine all the way to dom then moved to next diff then he went all way to act 2 to kill vaal oversoul, but just keeps grinding chamber of sins lvl 2. i changed it to caverns lvl 2 on my own see how it goes. Im guessing it grinds to a certain level before it moves on?

im still really new to EB soo its all new to me but still greatful for this plugin so im not really complaining lol.

EDIT- yeah its back to grinding chamber of sins lvl 2 i dunno what its doing might try removing the plugin an redownloading it.

getting this-

[HandleAct2Progress] AddAtFront Success.
[HandleKraitynKill] AddBefore failed.
[HandleAliraKill] AddBefore failed.
[HandleOakKill] AddBefore failed.
[QuestPlugin] The bot will Kill All Bandits
[HandleThaumeticSeal] AddBefore failed.
[HandleWeaver] AddAfter failed.
[HandleVaal] AddAfter failed.
[QuestPlugin] Primary Tasks Added, Proceeding
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> Im guessing it grinds to a certain level before it moves on?

Yip... there is a 'grindzone' setting within the Quest plugin settings.

I guess you have hit the reset/clear(?) options in the plugins settings?

But yes, reinstall the plugin, if that doesnt work then download a fresh copy of EB, install into a fresh directory, and then the plugin, and see if that helps.

> Im guessing it grinds to a certain level before it moves on?

Yip... there is a 'grindzone' setting within the Quest plugin settings.

I guess you have hit the reset/clear(?) options in the plugins settings?

But yes, reinstall the plugin, if that doesnt work then download a fresh copy of EB, install into a fresh directory, and then the plugin, and see if that helps.


yeah i dunno i did a fresh install of everything i dunno whats going on with it lol

i dunno only way i can fix it is if i put "grindZoneName" to the upper sceptre of god, so weird tho i neever touched any of that with my first run threw normal ://

all well lets see if it will beat act 2 an keep going its runing right now wish me luck..

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Every time the bot changes areas, it completely stops and has to be manually started again by clicking 'start'. When started, it finds its way to the next area perfectly, though. Anyone know how to fix this?

e: Fixed it thanks to this post:
Hey Shrek_III,
I found the issue that the bot was having, thanks to your, FerroKarr, and thetestdummy have said.
It was the problem with;

public static void CheckIfOverLevel()
            if (LokiPoe.Me.IsInTown || !BotManager.IsRunning)
           [B] while (Loki.Game.LokiPoe.StateManager.IsLoadingStateActive)[/B]

This was test code that needed to be removed, which I forgot to.
The new update I added
if (LokiPoe.Me.IsInTown || !BotManager.IsRunning ||[B] !LokiPoe.IsInGame || !_overLevelChecked[/B])

IsInGame, checks for states the game currently is in, including loading. The CheckIfOverLevel() gets called in Tick now, and will run only once, hence the bool !_overLevelChecked is there, once it runs once, it won't run until next area change. In the future, it will be called upon level up, since there is no internal levelup API, I did a quick hack to compare levels and determine level up. Code is still buggy.

Look forward to the update soon.

I had to change the .cs file to get it to work, if you're having trouble that's what I'd suggest trying.
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Hey All,
Been MIA for a bit, but busy working on some stuff to be released. Will do it as soon as all the projects are done, probably after A4 as things will change when it comes out. No use in posting, then 2 days latter A4 hits lol.
Welcome back!

>No use in posting, then 2 days latter A4 hits lol.
And 1.4a, 1.4b, 1.4c, 1.4d...
A new act will see.. at least 5 followup patches in the first week or so. then a few in the second.. and at least one in the third week.

Had a quick play around with ExampleRoutine to try to make it quest a little faster by ignoring trash like a player would. I found the following replacement improved the bot's speed pretty significantly:

                // Ignore mobs that are too far to care about.
                if (m.Distance > (_currentLeashRange != -1 ? SpeedRoutineSettings.Instance.CombatRange : 300))
                    return false;

                // Ignore any mob near Divine Shrine: thanks ExVault!
                if (m.HasAura("shrine_godmode"))
                    return false;

In ExampleRoutine.cs should have this added to it:

                // Ignore mobs that are too far to care about.
                if (m.Distance > (_currentLeashRange != -1 ? SpeedRoutineSettings.Instance.CombatRange : 300))
                    return false;

[B]                // Ignore white mobs that are further than melee range away.
                if (m.Rarity == Rarity.Normal && m.Distance > SpeedRoutineSettings.Instance.MaxMeleeRange)
                    return false;[/B]

                // Ignore any mob near Divine Shrine: thanks ExVault!
                if (m.HasAura("shrine_godmode"))
                    return false;

Let me know if it works :)
Had a quick play around with ExampleRoutine to try to make it quest a little faster by ignoring trash like a player would. I found the following replacement improved the bot's speed pretty significantly:

                // Ignore mobs that are too far to care about.
                if (m.Distance > (_currentLeashRange != -1 ? SpeedRoutineSettings.Instance.CombatRange : 300))
                    return false;

                // Ignore any mob near Divine Shrine: thanks ExVault!
                if (m.HasAura("shrine_godmode"))
                    return false;

In ExampleRoutine.cs should have this added to it:

                // Ignore mobs that are too far to care about.
                if (m.Distance > (_currentLeashRange != -1 ? SpeedRoutineSettings.Instance.CombatRange : 300))
                    return false;

[B]                // Ignore white mobs that are further than melee range away.
                if (m.Rarity == Rarity.Normal && m.Distance > SpeedRoutineSettings.Instance.MaxMeleeRange)
                    return false;[/B]

                // Ignore any mob near Divine Shrine: thanks ExVault!
                if (m.HasAura("shrine_godmode"))
                    return false;

Let me know if it works :)
Heya Infinite Monkeys,
Thanks for that, a bunch of us are already running custom routines with my unreleased updated QuestPlugin. We have something similar to that. By the way, if you are using that while using ExVault's Map Plugin, you will run into some issues, as ExVault's plugin requires full clear, unless you specified it not to.
Good luck!
Heya Infinite Monkeys,
Thanks for that, a bunch of us are already running custom routines with my unreleased updated QuestPlugin. We have something similar to that. By the way, if you are using that while using ExVault's Map Plugin, you will run into some issues, as ExVault's plugin requires full clear, unless you specified it not to.
Good luck!
Thanks for the warning, I'm only using it for questing though - if I was mapping I'd use a normal routine for more xp and loot per map even if it wasn't necessary.
i randomly get this now an eb isnt clicking on the warehouse sewers :(. no idea lol

[QuestPlugin] Primary Tasks Added, Proceeding
[QuestPlugin] Refresh Button Clicked, LokiPoe.IsInGame = True, Enable Plugin = True
[QuestPlugin] Refresh Button Clicked, 1-3 Second Freeze
[QuestPlugin] CLEARING GUI
[QuestPlugin] We're in Act 3
[QuestPlugin] Is In Correct Area, Proceeding with Primary "Tasks"
[QuestPlugin] We're in Act 3, adding tasks for that act only
[HandleSewerGrating] AddBefore failed.
[HandleTolman] AddBefore failed.
[HandleLockedDoor] AddBefore failed.
[HandlePiety] AddAfter failed.
[HandleDominusArea] AddAfter failed.
[HandleUndyingBlockage] AddBefore failed.
[QuestPlugin] Primary Tasks Added, Proceeding

i just went an recived the keys myself an opened it an EB has moved on i dunno. i tested it a few times it wouldnt go to town to talk to the npc so got me haha.

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already been posted: stuck at act 2 sometimes. clearing broken bridge or other areas for ever, not killing bandits or proceeding.

working good at act1 as far as i have seen.
I have some suggestions for this Plugin in order to make it more efficient time wise.

Seeing DocksCorruptedAreaFarmer wouldn't it be good to force the bot to go the the quest spots using the same method in there with the TerrainDataEntries?

Let's say Riverways for example, when you have to open the Vaal Ruins cave, you could make it find this tileset(which there are more variants but you just needed to find one of the variants)

and when you were close to it it would force move to the next one.


This method also works for Western Forest(Alira) and similar zones. On other areas it could just move to the end location. This would fasten the questing process but it would also require to farm certain zones to make up for the level difference. Like Southern Forest, Ledge, and other easy zones that we could overlevel to make questing easier and stay on a certain level range.
I have some suggestions for this Plugin in order to make it more efficient time wise.

Seeing DocksCorruptedAreaFarmer wouldn't it be good to force the bot to go the the quest spots using the same method in there with the TerrainDataEntries?

Let's say Riverways for example, when you have to open the Vaal Ruins cave, you could make it find this tileset(which there are more variants but you just needed to find one of the variants)

and when you were close to it it would force move to the next one.


This method also works for Western Forest(Alira) and similar zones. On other areas it could just move to the end location. This would fasten the questing process but it would also require to farm certain zones to make up for the level difference. Like Southern Forest, Ledge, and other easy zones that we could overlevel to make questing easier and stay on a certain level range.

You will raise the tinfoil army with that thing :) ofc it would be possible, but could it be safer than the actual "human-like" version? Trust me, the upcoming versions are already way better than the actual release.

Faster process = underleveled & not optimized zones. You're gonna get rekt if you :

- Don't have enough stuff to progress
- Don't have the possibility to farm an "optimized" leveling zone

So it would lead to an infinite death loop if not supervised, and lot of people don't want to supervise.

but that's still a good idea for crazyboyz, gather terrain ID + worldcoord data for every map, will take long tho. I guess there's 5-6 randomizatios for each map.
and It's sort of "cheaty" more than legit.
Why ? because human people can detect corrupted zones based on the loading frametime. But they can't detect which tile is loaded for any zones.
I have some suggestions for this Plugin in order to make it more efficient time wise.

Seeing DocksCorruptedAreaFarmer wouldn't it be good to force the bot to go the the quest spots using the same method in there with the TerrainDataEntries?

Let's say Riverways for example, when you have to open the Vaal Ruins cave, you could make it find this tileset(which there are more variants but you just needed to find one of the variants)

and when you were close to it it would force move to the next one.


This method also works for Western Forest(Alira) and similar zones. On other areas it could just move to the end location. This would fasten the questing process but it would also require to farm certain zones to make up for the level difference. Like Southern Forest, Ledge, and other easy zones that we could overlevel to make questing easier and stay on a certain level range.
Hey tozededao,
Good Suggestion, I've already done it 2 months ago. toNyx, jyam, ExVaut, and a few others have the version.
I'm almost done the auto level til X then progress.
But what toNyx says is true, you will get banned faster then you think due to reasons.