Great work! Thank you so much for this *_*
I heared about that it will sell on some servers for 20000 gold (i've seen it in the AH on my last server for 18k).
I am starting in Goldshire and get following error:
[23:39:29:721] [Navigator (Parrot Cage Farm.mesh)]: Changed destination! Last: <n. def., n. def., n. def.>, new: <-14340,6, 414,6041, 6,62688>
[23:39:29:735] [Navigator-WalkPath (Parrot Cage Farm.mesh)]: GeneratePath failed!
Lawl that sucksdropped after 9 hours of farming for me.... so i gladly went to the auction house and put it out for 15k gold . 10 minutes after i get a messeage, "somone bhougt your acution for ..." so i run to the AH only to see i wrote the wrong numbers... sold it for 1k gold instead of 21k goldaaaah!
sweet profile tough
Update: 4 pets and 39k humans killed![]()