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[PET BATTLE] [POKEBUDDY] Logic Files For Pet Battle Behaviour

The Lil K.T. profile isn't working right. It just casts his Syphon Life skill (number 2) Non stop. Atleast mine at level 2 that is all he does

Fixed that.

Hadnt much time to work on more logic files. Sorry for that. Just a few new ones made it into the update. hopefully you can need them! Feel free to add more logic files!
Any chance someone got Alliance area profiles ?

these two plugins should help you out. AndyWest has set up some default profiles for collecting pets in areas and moving on once it's collected the rares/uniques. if you start it in the zone, it will move up and down either continent and fly to new areas or forfeit battles, etc. just be careful of the settings (defaults won't work for most people) and it should work fine.

hi and thanks for this very nice plugin,

in pet-fight the char try to mount. here the log:

Mounting: Red Riding Nether Ray
[BB] Doing Logic
Mounting: Red Riding Nether Ray
Mounting: Red Riding Nether Ray
[BB] Doing Logic
Mounting: Red Riding Nether Ray
Mounting: Red Riding Nether Ray
Mounting: Red Riding Nether Ray

i use a profile to fly to hotspots.

is something wrong with my settings?


(sorry for my bad english)
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I was looking for a logic for a proto-drake welp and the personal world destroyer any idea I I tried to make my own but found out that I'm way over my head right now Ill keep trying
Thanks for the information thus far
building logic is rather easy if you look at existing pets first.

even without that, there's only a handful of abilities that are difficult to insert, e.g.

sear magic/aged yolk to clear buffs/debuffs,
first use/second use spells that don't have a debuff, like plant, dark simulacrum, etc.
kick/jolt interrupts multi-attacks like swarm

Proto-drake whelpling is similar to lil ragnaros, so i just copied that info over, you can adjust if the buff is different.
add the following to the default logic


as for the destroyer, you don't really need to watch for debuffs, just start with the default profile, then add in the two sections,

castspell(2), when health(thispet) islessthan 90 AND castspell(2) cooldown(skill(2)) is false.
Emperador Crab

(Stats --? 357AP ; 211Sp ; 1481HP)

Ability 1 --? Snap
Ability 2 --? Renewing Mists (3 rounds)
Ability 3 --? Shell Shield (5 rounds)


I trie to made a profile but i fail on that porpose :P

I'm a noob guy writing profiles.

I'm newbie and i need some help writing this logic profile.

I don't need any condition with if my pet has "x" healt or if enemy pet has "X" heathl.

I want a profile doing this:

1 spell --? Ability 3
2 spell --? Ability 2
3 Spell --? Ability 1
4 Spell --? Ability 1
5 Spell --? Ability 2
6 Spell --? Ability 3

Repeat 3, 4, 5, 6 until the end of the figth
like this:

3 Spell --? Ability 1
4 Spell --? Ability 1
5 Spell --? Ability 2
6 Spell --? Ability 3

3 Spell --? Ability 1
4 Spell --? Ability 1
5 Spell --? Ability 2
6 Spell --? Ability 3

Can some one help me with that??? i can explain why i want his profile for my crab. With this i will have the sheil up all the time and i will have the heal buff all the time to.
With this my crab can kill almost all pets with almost full health all the time.

Can someone help me with this profile?????
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Something like this would get you close I think:

The buffs I have listed might be wrong, but you can check those. This will cast shell shield if the buff isn't up, then will cast renewing mist if that isn't up, otherwise will cast snap.

Actually, here is what I use for my crab, pretty close:

I will try to do that.

Other think i want to level up my pets like this:

Position pets.

1- Pet i wanna level
2- Pet lv25
3. Pet lv 25

I want my 1 pet doing just the 1 ability and just 1 time afher that i want to swap to my 2nd pet to kill the others pets.
how can i do this????
The main part of that would be the swapout part. I use something like this in my leveling pets:


As long as they can survive 1 hit (and they don't get a DOT that wipes them out after the switch), this will do about what you want.

Your settings in Pokebuddy also affect this, go read that thread as it is talked about in great length- by people who understand it better than I - several times in the thread.
I copied the logic files in my petsettings folder. When I pull the pets up in my plugin, it does not load the logic. Is there something I am missing?
I copied the logic files in my petsettings folder. When I pull the pets up in my plugin, it does not load the logic. Is there something I am missing?

Check the folder name for the plugin, rename to /Pokehbuddy/. Check the files are placed in Plugins/Pokehbuddy/PetSettings/
then look in the pet settings folder for the pet name.xml files, unzip the files or copy the extra pet settings into the folder.

If that's all okay, open one of the logic files.
It should have <PetBattleSettings> , <Logic>, and now <SpellLayout>, if it's been updated to the new version.

Check that the logic section, has a @CASTSPELL(2) and/or $ COOLDOWN(SKILL(2)) EQUALS along the way.

The numbers can change, the logic section needs the $ and @ symbols to read commands properly.
Some early versions changed the symbols, if so, look for different PetSettings to use.
Check the folder name for the plugin, rename to /Pokehbuddy/. Check the files are placed in Plugins/Pokehbuddy/PetSettings/
then look in the pet settings folder for the pet name.xml files, unzip the files or copy the extra pet settings into the folder.

Thanks ++Rep

If that's all okay, open one of the logic files.
It should have <PetBattleSettings> , <Logic>, and now <SpellLayout>, if it's been updated to the new version.

Check that the logic section, has a @CASTSPELL(2) and/or $ COOLDOWN(SKILL(2)) EQUALS along the way.

The numbers can change, the logic section needs the $ and @ symbols to read commands properly.
Some early versions changed the symbols, if so, look for different PetSettings to use.

This is what is in an example Logicfile that I have.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

The directory is the following Desktop/HB/Plugins/Pokehbuddy/Petsettings

Still does not load the files when I pull the Pet up in battle. I hit refresh pet, the spider comes up but with default settings. Is it a folder permission setting maybe?
This is what is in an example Logicfile that I have.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

The directory is the following Desktop/HB/Plugins/Pokehbuddy/Petsettings

Still does not load the files when I pull the Pet up in battle. I hit refresh pet, the spider comes up but with default settings. Is it a folder permission setting maybe?
I always advise not to put HB in any windows related folder. Preferably a different drive :)

And try clicking Revert to species generic. If you used the pet with pokehbuddy BEFORE getting the species file, it will ignore it. Clicking Revert to species generic fixes that.
Whats the best logic we have here i need a good team running to win all my battles when im afk please HELP!!!
Whats the best logic we have here i need a good team running to win all my battles when im afk please HELP!!!

there's too many counter pets to really make 1 killer team, the most popular team makeups either focus on healers, focus on mechanicals or humanoids, or focus on "specials", those pets that tend to take out an entire back-row of pets. such as undead pets, humanoid pets, or pets that have a series of devastating 50% attack(s)

a team of 3 fluxfire felines would take out a considerable number of pets, but so would a team of dragonkin or a team of turtles, frogs, etc.

mechanicals/humanoids/dragonkin hit hard enough to take on fabled pets, but are easily countered if you fight the wrong kind of pet. it happens.

PvP is more about rolling a select few hands in poker, people build anti-Specials teams or suicide teams, or counter-block teams, it's strategic, guessing how people will play.

PvE, you can create a team for an area of pets, a beast/flying/dragonkin team will usually knock out most of the common pets in an area, spider/turtle/celestial will handle most pve battles.

you can use something like battle pet swapper to load in a random assortment of pets, which will also swap out pets with low health for others you haven't levelled up yet.
I was looking for more info for this plugin like best team people have used with the logics that are in this m8 as with the bot i seem to lose every single battle :-(
I was looking for more info for this plugin like best team people have used with the logics that are in this m8 as with the bot i seem to lose every single battle :-(
There is no "best team".
Basic rules for a botted team : Get a variety of pets. You'll encounter a lot of critters so having a beast pet with a self heal is extremely useful. Also a lot of aquatic pets (in my experience). Get a flying for that. And to complete the team, get a mechanical. They are only weak against elementals, they have a rez on death, most come with a healing ability.

I often use a Baby Blizzard Bear, Clockwork mechanical gnome & right now the guardian cub. Not a bad team. The bear can take an insane amount of pounding, gets a self heal, has decent dmg abilitys. The gnome is a decent fallback pet. The guardian cub is only because i encounter a lot of aquatics lately :)

But then again, there are plenty of people with other sweet teams that are completely different.