since update its just sitting at mailbox trying to withdraw even tho my bags are full. (except some spaces in jc bag but the items in my mailbox aren't gems)
I've changed my interact file to the one u was pointing up somewhere, and now it works, but now to the problem. The bot doesnt go into auctioning - post and auctioning - cancel to se if i'm undercutted, any ideas what i've screwed up?
How can I change the value of items offered for auction? I trade greem items and they are set to 100 gold, how to change this?
(Sorry for my English)
Anyone know where to find the modified files? Cant seem to find them... searched forum and so on. Thank you.
This profile helped me alot, only two problems i have is fact that TSM cant post same item in deferent stack sizes and 2nd problem is that profile start new scan/post cycle so fast that tons of ppl whisper me telling me im bot etc. so i had to change posting time to 2min in hope to bring less attention to me
which version of TSM I should use?
new problem:
HB log:
Starting Posting Cycle
PB 1.193: MoveTo Action completed for type NearestAH
Posting Cycle Ended
it doesn`t scan / post.
this message repeats again and again.
what`s wrong?
you didn`t understood.It's not working because it's not supposed to work with the new version!
I don't know the version numbers, just go to, go to the archives and start trying from newest to oldest until you find one that has the sidebar and not a tab in the AH screen.
Once you find the right version, install the modified files and try again.
you didn`t understood.
I set up an old version of TSM (0.2.6 beta whith the sidebar) and this is a new problem
you mean that I should to test every old version of TSM untill it works properly?
I`m sorry for my english -_-
I did
Anyone else can't find the modified Remote.lua? even after jumping through the hoops in the first post I couldn't find it ):
I just found this post, and wow. I think you just saved my marriage. lol
Not got it working yet i think i have the wrong version of TSM, but i will.
Do you have any plans to update it to work with the new improved TSM out of interest?