?ndere aktuelles Profil zu [A][GB2] 1-75 - Herbalism and Mining - Elwynn Forest - by Lbniese
PB 1.540: Adding TradeSkill Kochkunst
PB 1.540: Checking for new version
PB 1.540: No updates found
PB 1.540: Adding TradeSkill Erste Hilfe
PB 1.540: Adding TradeSkill Bergbau
PB 1.540: Done Loading Tradeskills.
PB 1.540: Adding TradeSkill Erste Hilfe
PB 1.540: Adding TradeSkill Bergbau
PB 1.540: Done Loading Tradeskills.
Bot wird gestartet!
Currently Using BotBase : ProfessionBuddy
Charakter ist level 90 Undead Rogue
Momentane Zone ist Eschental
Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
Warnung: ‘Factions’ wurde in die ‘GrindArea’ verschoben. Bitte beachte diese ?nderung in deinen Profilen.
?ndere aktuelles Profil zu [A][GB2] 1-75 - Herbalism and Mining - Elwynn Forest - by Lbniese
PB 1.540: Start Called
Added new hook [Death_SpiritHealer] 12a68f28-a6a8-4489-ab3d-222516db401a
Added new hook [Death_CorpseRun] cff4ad7a-0887-46be-b66b-5d50b6d9984f
Added new hook [Death_CorpseRetrieval] 83b2f5ab-b242-4998-8369-a5ef35a214f5
Added new hook [Death_Main] 89f68e65-1954-4539-a0b0-8b6504e4fdce
Added new hook [Death_SpiritHealer] 78623048-3344-4819-ae2c-6fedfec9a05e
Added new hook [Death_CorpseRun] 651c79fe-87c1-465c-aa9f-751ec8e3968d
Added new hook [Death_CorpseRetrieval] 7076c49d-99d0-436e-957a-67af94b34d15
Added new hook [Death_Main] e0060859-b3bb-4a40-9136-f00e6dffa463
Added new hook [Routine_Rest] 265abb6b-0ae8-4f2e-81d9-86dde3115dd3
Added new hook [Routine_Buff] 1e40c1b2-03b9-4132-8a58-241d53b91ee7
Added new hook [Combat_PullBuff] 2f721836-eae0-40a5-9763-dd653bd77f3b
Added new hook [Combat_Pull] 8c8c583e-7567-4bbf-b306-114188bb5b61
Added new hook [Combat_OOC] 5e148d7e-296c-4dee-b9fd-c602df1a6a1c
Added new hook [Combat_Heal] 7fd823ed-a0b0-4fe6-bdb3-d71a2631ba49
Added new hook [Combat_Buff] 4b773ea3-3fd0-4386-bce9-e8c9c067ab6c
Added new hook [Combat_Only] 19637249-b82f-4878-be7b-46507f3f5328
Added new hook [Combat_Main] df911ac1-766d-44c2-b0d2-f7610d139cf5
[Lua.Events] Attached to event BAG_UPDATE with handler OnBagUpdate
[Lua.Events] Attached to event SKILL_LINES_CHANGED with handler OnSkillUpdate
[Lua.Events] Attached to event SPELLS_CHANGED with handler OnSpellsChanged
[Lua.Events] Attached to event BANKFRAME_OPENED with handler OnBankFrameOpened
[Lua.Events] Attached to event BANKFRAME_CLOSED with handler OnBankFrameClosed
Cleared POI
Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
Cleared POI
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Toughness (53121)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Smelting (2656)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cooking Fire (818)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cooking (2550)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Lifeblood (55480)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Herb Gathering (11993)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: First Aid (3273)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Wound Poison (8679)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Crippling Poison (3408)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Deadly Poison (2823)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Symbiosis (110503)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mind-numbing Poison (5761)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Leeching Poison (108211)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Swiftblade's Cunning (113742)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Venomous Wounds (79134)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Improved Poisons (14117)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Relentless Strikes (58423)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Blindside (121152)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Safe Fall (1860)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Seal Fate (14190)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Shadow Focus (108209)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Parry (82245)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mastery: Potent Poisons (76803)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Master Poisoner (58410)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Leather Specialization (86092)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cut to the Chase (51667)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Fleet Footed (31209)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Detect Traps (2836)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Anticipation (114015)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Assassin's Resolve (84601)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Prey on the Weak (131511)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Dismantle (51722)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Slice and Dice (5171)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Throw (121733)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Preparation (14185)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mutilate (1329)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Stealth (1784)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Vanish (1856)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Shroud of Concealment (114018)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Eviscerate (2098)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Vendetta (79140)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Redirect (73981)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Shiv (5938)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Kick (1766)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Sinister Strike (1752)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Deadly Throw (26679)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Pick Pocket (921)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Sprint (2983)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Gouge (1776)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Tricks of the Trade (57934)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Pick Lock (1804)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Shadow Walk (114842)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Shadow Blades (121471)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Expose Armor (8647)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Smoke Bomb (76577)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Kidney Shot (408)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cloak of Shadows (31224)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Sap (6770)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Ambush (8676)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Recuperate (73651)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Feint (1966)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cheap Shot (1833)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Disarm Trap (1842)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Garrote (703)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Evasion (5277)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Fan of Knives (51723)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Rupture (1943)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Crimson Tempest (121411)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Blind (2094)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Distract (1725)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cash Flow (83941)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Wisdom of the Four Winds (115913)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Weapon Skills (76297)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Reinforce (83943)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Working Overtime (118021)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Fast Track (78632)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Languages (79747)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: The Quick and the Dead (83950)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Shadow Resistance (20579)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Armor Skills (76273)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Pet Training (119467)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cold Weather Flying (54197)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Ride Like the Wind (117983)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: For Great Justice (118483)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Hasty Hearth (83944)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Guild Mail (83951)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Artisan Riding (34091)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Flight Master's License (90267)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Bartering (83964)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Bountiful Bags (83966)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Fatigue (134732)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Honorable Mention (83960)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: The Doctor Is In (118076)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Touch of the Grave (5227)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Dual Wield (674)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mount Up (78633)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mr. Popularity (78635)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Will of the Forsaken (7744)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mobile Banking (83958)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mass Resurrection (83968)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cannibalize (20577)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Revive Battle Pets (125439)
[SpellManager] Adding known spell: Auto Attack (6603)
[SpellManager] Dispatch (111240) overrides Sinister Strike (1752)
[SpellManager] Envenom (32645) overrides Eviscerate (2098)
[SpellManager] GCD check spell set to Toughness
[Lua.Events] Attached to event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB with handler
Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
[Singular] Your Level 90 Undead Assassination Rogue Build is
[Singular] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot Solo in Eschental
[Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
[Singular-DEBUG] Stack trace for RebuildBehaviors called.
[Singular-DEBUG] Caller 1: RebuildBehaviors in SingularRoutine.Behaviors.cs line 36
[Singular-DEBUG] Caller 2: <Initialize>b__1d in SingularRoutine.cs line 171
[Singular-DEBUG] Caller 3: Invoke in line 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Caller 4: UpdateContext in SingularRoutine.Context.cs line 88
[Singular-DEBUG] Caller 5: <.ctor>b__19 in SingularRoutine.cs line 39
[Singular-DEBUG] Caller 6: _InvokeMethodFast in line 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Caller 7: InvokeMethodFast in line 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Caller 8: Invoke in line 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Caller 9: DynamicInvokeImpl in line 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Creating Combat behavior.
[Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(Rogue, RogueAssassination, Combat, Normal) - Rogue, RogueAssassination, Combat, Normal, Battlegrounds, 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateAssaRogueNormalCombat to behavior Combat for Rogue Rogue Assassination with priority 0
Replaced hook [Combat] 2a5d0183-ce08-4089-9422-e550a012025c
[Singular-DEBUG] Creating Pull behavior.
[Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(Rogue, RogueAssassination, Pull, Normal) - Rogue, RogueAssassination, Pull, All, 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateAssaRoguePull to behavior Pull for Rogue Rogue Assassination with priority 0
Replaced hook [Pull] 5e962787-79fd-4276-85f1-6087cbcb1617
[Singular-DEBUG] Creating Rest behavior.
[Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(Rogue, RogueAssassination, Rest, Normal) - Rogue, 2147483647, Rest, All, 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateRogueRest to behavior Rest for Rogue Rogue Assassination with priority 0
Replaced hook [Rest] 80e321a7-6c37-47ba-82b2-b0cccd841ed2
[Singular-DEBUG] Creating CombatBuffs behavior.
[Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(Rogue, RogueAssassination, CombatBuffs, Normal) - Rogue, 2147483647, CombatBuffs, All, 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateRogueCombatBuffs to behavior CombatBuffs for Rogue Rogue Assassination with priority 0
Replaced hook [CombatBuffs] 291a3751-2e42-4791-bc4c-ef7857c9caf6
[Singular-DEBUG] Creating Heal behavior.
[Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(Rogue, RogueAssassination, Heal, Normal) - Rogue, 2147483647, Heal, Normal, Battlegrounds, 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateRogueHeal to behavior Heal for Rogue Rogue Assassination with priority 0
Replaced hook [Heal] 913e814e-90cf-4fb3-9065-ba022e48aef3
[Singular-DEBUG] Creating PullBuffs behavior.
[Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(Rogue, RogueAssassination, PullBuffs, Normal) - Rogue, 2147483647, PullBuffs, All, 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateRoguePullBuffs to behavior PullBuffs for Rogue Rogue Assassination with priority 0
Replaced hook [PullBuffs] cf3c35a4-02be-4aae-9aa8-4d4c7cb7c3e0
[Singular-DEBUG] Creating PreCombatBuffs behavior.
[Singular-DEBUG] IsMatchingMethod(Rogue, RogueAssassination, PreCombatBuffs, Normal) - Rogue, 2147483647, PreCombatBuffs, All, 0
[Singular-DEBUG] Matched CreateRoguePreCombatBuffs to behavior PreCombatBuffs for Rogue Rogue Assassination with priority 0
Replaced hook [PreCombatBuffs] 60d792e1-b0f0-485b-a33e-8bda99340547
Mine/Herb 1-600: Made by Lbniese
Mine/Herb 1-600: Mining: True
Mine/Herb 1-600: Herb: True
Mine/Herb 1-600: Mining.Level: 204
Mine/Herb 1-600: Mining.MaxLevel: 300
Mine/Herb 1-600: Herbalism.Level: 206
Mine/Herb 1-600: Herbalism.MaxLevel: 300
Mine/Herb 1-600: Made by Lbniese
Mine/Herb 1-600: Mining: True
PB 1.540: Loading Profile :C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\Honor Budd\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\1-600 Mining & Herbalism - By Lbniese\Horde\[H][GB2] 180-225 - Herbalism & Mining - Southern Barrens - by Lbniese.xml, previous profile was C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\Honor Budd\Bots\Professionbuddy\Profiles\1-600 Mining & Herbalism - By Lbniese\Alliance\[GB2][A] 1-75 - Herbalism & Mining - ElwynnForest - by Lbniese.xml
Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles.
Mine/Herb 1-600: Herb: True
Changing current profile to [H][GB2] 180-225 - Herbalism and Mining - Southern Barrens - by Lbniese
[Gatherbuddy2]: A new profile has been loaded. Updating waypoints
Mine/Herb 1-600: Mining.Level: 204
Mine/Herb 1-600: Mining.MaxLevel: 300
Mine/Herb 1-600: Herbalism.Level: 206
Mine/Herb 1-600: Herbalism.MaxLevel: 300
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Zinnader" at X="2849.237" Y="-918.8386" Z="204.1366"
Activity: Bewegung hin zum Objekt
Activity: Loading Tile/s
Loading Kalimdor_33_26
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Zinnader" at X="2849.237" Y="-918.8386" Z="204.1366"
Activity: Bewegung hin zum Objekt
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Zinnader" at X="2849.237" Y="-918.8386" Z="204.1366"
Activity: Interaktion mit dem Objekt
Interact Done:1427733432
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Blacklisting F51006C400206842 for 00:00:02 [Type: All]
[Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Zinnader.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Wildstahlblume" at X="2929.806" Y="-916.1597" Z="200.9483"
Activity: Bewegung hin zum Objekt
[CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 32244, KnownIndex: -1
Mounting: Blue Wind Rider
Activity: Interaktion mit dem Objekt
Interact Done:1427733432
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Blacklisting F51006C400206842 for 00:00:02 [Type: All]
[Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Zinnader.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Wildstahlblume" at X="2929.806" Y="-916.1597" Z="200.9483"
Activity: Bewegung hin zum Objekt
[CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 32243, KnownIndex: -1
Mounting: Tawny Wind Rider
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Wildstahlblume" at X="2929.806" Y="-916.1597" Z="200.9483"
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Activity: Interaktion mit dem Objekt
Interact Done:1427743928
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Blacklisting F5100657001FCB9A for 00:00:02 [Type: All]
[Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Wildstahlblume.
Activity: Unterwegs zum n?chsten Hotspot
[CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 32295, KnownIndex: -1
Mounting: Swift Green Wind Rider
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Zinnader" at X="1950.932" Y="-829.1163" Z="105.463"
Activity: Bewegung hin zum Objekt
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Zinnader" at X="1950.932" Y="-829.1163" Z="105.463"
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Activity: Interaktion mit dem Objekt
Interact Done:1427720312
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Blacklisting F51006C400205623 for 00:00:02 [Type: All]
[Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Zinnader.
Activity: Unterwegs zum n?chsten Hotspot
[CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 32245, KnownIndex: -1
Mounting: Green Wind Rider
Activity: Interaktion mit dem Objekt
Interact Done:1427720312
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Blacklisting F51006C400205623 for 00:00:02 [Type: All]
[Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Zinnader.
Activity: Unterwegs zum n?chsten Hotspot
[CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 32297, KnownIndex: -1
Mounting: Swift Purple Wind Rider
PB 1.540: Pulsing Tradeskills from OnSpellsChanged
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Zinnader" at X="353.5017" Y="-815.941" Z="60.71367"
Activity: Bewegung hin zum Objekt
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Zinnader" at X="353.5017" Y="-815.941" Z="60.71367"
Activity: Interaktion mit dem Objekt
Interact Done:1427728184
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Blacklisting F51006C4001EF509 for 00:00:02 [Type: All]
[Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Zinnader.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Beulengras" at X="316.9323" Y="-724.2309" Z="38.682"
Activity: Bewegung hin zum Objekt
[CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 32243, KnownIndex: -1
Mounting: Tawny Wind Rider
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Beulengras" at X="316.9323" Y="-724.2309" Z="38.682"
[Flightor]: Unstuck attempt 1
[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Beulengras" at X="316.9323" Y="-724.2309" Z="38.682"
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Activity: Interaktion mit dem Objekt
Interact Done:1427730808
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Blacklisting F5100E92001FB480 for 00:00:02 [Type: All]
[Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Beulengras.
Activity: Unterwegs zum n?chsten Hotspot
[CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 32296, KnownIndex: -1
Mounting: Swift Yellow Wind Rider
Activity: Interaktion mit dem Objekt
Interact Done:1427730808
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Blacklisting F5100E92001FB480 for 00:00:02 [Type: All]
[Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Beulengras.
Activity: Unterwegs zum n?chsten Hotspot
[CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 32243, KnownIndex: -1
Mounting: Tawny Wind Rider
Activity: Interaktion mit dem Objekt
Interact Done:1427730808
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Blacklisting F5100E92001FB480 for 00:00:02 [Type: All]
[Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Beulengras.
Activity: Unterwegs zum n?chsten Hotspot
[CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 32245, KnownIndex: -1
Mounting: Green Wind Rider
Inserting Bergstinktier [PetBattle] into the database!
Bot wird gestoppt!
Stop called!
Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
PB 1.540: Stop Called
[Gatherbuddy2]: Gathebuddy2 nach dem Sammeln von 9 Elementen in 0h 3m 24s beendet
[Gatherbuddy2]: Zinnader: 5
[Gatherbuddy2]: Wildstahlblume: 1
[Gatherbuddy2]: Beulengras: 3
Aktivit?t: Honorbuddy wurde gestoppt!
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
at Styx.CommonBot.Targeting.(Delegate , Object[] )
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.CommonBot.Targeting.(Delegate , Object[] )
at Styx.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse()
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse()
at Styx.Pulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()