It's trying to rape trees a lot. As in, it continuously tries to move RIGHT WHERE the timber is, and keeps walking into it forever, extremely bottish-like...
Strangely, it wan't doing that much before, but it got worse now.
EDIT: im using Alliance timberator 2
Sorry to say, this thing doesn't work very well at all. I followed the instructions and even made a fresh Buddy install just for this profile. It farms 1 tree then sits walking back and forth to the same tree over and over...never moving on. Too many bugs...don't waste your time with this one, until its fixed.
Sorry to say, this thing doesn't work very well at all. I followed the instructions and even made a fresh Buddy install just for this profile. It farms 1 tree then sits walking back and forth to the same tree over and over...never moving on. Too many bugs...don't waste your time with this one, until its fixed.
Sorry to say, this thing doesn't work very well at all. I followed the instructions and even made a fresh Buddy install just for this profile. It farms 1 tree then sits walking back and forth to the same tree over and over...never moving on. Too many bugs...don't waste your time with this one, until its fixed.
Yeah it does stop happening frequently if I simple reopen HB specifically to run lumberator... thxPB still has some bugs for sure. Sometimes just doesn't execute the timeout i have. Usually a restart of the bot fixes it and like i said earlier PB also doesn't like it when you use this profile after using another. I haven't had that issue since i made a bot folder just for Lumberator and run only it.
If u are an Ally pls fly manuelly to talador then Works perfectmine just sits at the flight path. Hers the log
PB: MoveTo Action completed for type Location
PB: MoveTo Action completed for type Location
PB: MoveTo Action completed for type Location
PB: MoveTo Action completed for type Location
PB: MoveTo Action completed for type Location
PB: MoveTo Action completed for type Location
PB: MoveTo Action completed for type Location
PB: MoveTo Action completed for type Location
I'm sorry the alliance version seems to not work especially with the flightmaster. I'm waiting on a few friends to level some alliance toons so i can borrow their account. Could be a while.
I'm sorry the alliance version seems to not work especially with the flightmaster. I'm waiting on a few friends to level some alliance toons so i can borrow their account. Could be a while.
I run it on 3 alliance chars, lvl 2 and 3 lumber mill, working like intended.
Dude!!! I don't mind flying there... it's <1 min from Garrison!!! and it saves me HOURS of farming!!!!
1. You have to select the option to kill between hotspots or else the bot will get stuck going back and forth.
2. Because PB detects items (timber) from such a long distance, once it locks onto a target and forgoes most other commands from the current bot (looting for instance) even if they are already apart of the bot being used. I have no idea how to write a command that can change that, but that is exactly why this needs to be a bot and not a profile. If i could get it to work without a few of these problems i would be selling this, not giving it away for free.
3. If you want it to harvest ore and herbs simply change "Grind Bot" anywhere in the profile to "Gatherbuddy2". I intentionally use Grind Bot so that it doesn't harvest ore and herbs.
Lumberator: Searching For More Lumber
Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <2114.237, 3097.947, 120.3149>
PB: MoveTo Action completed for type NpcByID
PB: InteractAction complete
Lumberator: Searching For More Lumber
Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <2114.237, 3097.947, 120.3149>
PB: MoveTo Action completed for type NpcByID
PB: InteractAction complete
This is what mine does over and over at the same tree that is not harvestable it walks back and forth and keeps trying to harvest it I have seen others stuck here in a loop as well what gives??
had no problems 3 chars (all lvl 100) haven´t added anything (cc, attack ooc was disabled)Is there any way to blacklist the place for the daily please?