KstK -
If you fly to Exarch Refuge manually and start it t here, it works just fine. For some reason it wont do anything if you're in your garrison. I've used it on 3 toons happily.
KstK -
If you fly to Exarch Refuge manually and start it t here, it works just fine. For some reason it wont do anything if you're in your garrison. I've used it on 3 toons happily.
Thank you, amazing profile. I chose the H lvl 2 one.
It maxed me out within an hour however it does skip a lot of timber trees.
A new odd behavior. When pathing up the hill and around, getting to this:
Information about Glowing Draenite Crystal
Name = Glowing Draenite Crystal
Wowhead Id = 79926
Faction = 14 [Monster]
Location = <2028.191, 2384.207, 161.5096>
<Vendor Name="Glowing Draenite Crystal" Entry="79926" Type="Repair" X="2028.191" Y="2384.207" Z="161.5096" />
Each time it got into combat it would go back the other way and down the hill to get out of combat. did it 4 times before i mad it dismount and fight.
Also - any chance to
1)Make it loot what it kills
2)harvest ore and herbs
Small lumber node at 2154.15, 2546.34, 129.89
It ran up to it, tried to run though it, hung on it for like 10-20 seconds, and then ran past it. had to stop and go back to get it.
My toon are trying to farm minerals and herbs, but he doesnt have mining/herb. How can i deactivate that?