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Alright guys, I have been gone for a couple months, and I am finally back.
I will check to see whether all the profiles do work and will look into the stuff you guys have requested
Sorry for being so late, but I just haven't decided to resub, till today I got blamed for feeding bot when the stupid vayne went ballz deep against stun bot...
Hi! Tried your profiles but they didn't work like I wanted them to.
I have all my ore in the guild bank, but these profiles doesn't use the guild bank. Also I'm making rings/necks after I've prospected and then I disenchant it and convert it to Etheral Shards, gives me much more profit since gems are so cheap on my server. Sending the things to an alt instead of selling them with that character would be great.
* After the bags are full he tries to create more gems anyways (spamming it) which makes him look alot like a bot.