Is there a place I can look up the spell ID #s? In case I wanted to change it from making Brilliant Garnets, to Bold Garnets instead? etc
I get what you mean. Thanks, still pretty new and learning as I go. =D
any upload with the fix yet?
prospecting/AH blue gems works good but it wont craft anything with all the green gems. im in a constant loop with about 9 free bag slots where it checks mail, goes to vendor.
any help is appreciated
got it to craft but tries to craft when bags are full, when i set to sell the item it just deletes it
prospecting/AH blue gems works good but it wont craft anything with all the green gems. im in a constant loop with about 9 free bag slots where it checks mail, goes to vendor.
any help is appreciated
got it to craft but tries to craft when bags are full, when i set to sell the item it just deletes it
edit: okay got it to craft/sell but when it crafts it doesnt automatically stack and it keeps trying when bags are full
Hey thanks for the reply. I got everything to work, I downloaded a bag addon which automatically stacks cut gems (very useful) and this prevents the bags being full loop.
Great profile thumbs up! I just started to make primal diamonds with my rare gems which is making me a ton of money
So heres my problem... after it's finished to prosp. it mounts--->start making SE--->stand still in air, and in the lower left corner it says "Moving to archaeology trainer" and nothing more happens... wtf is wrong with this shit? i am using the With AH and Sell SE 1 and i also tryed the all in 1 profile... same thing? what do i do?
Edit: If i land manually it starts cutting, but when i have full bags i just keeps on spamming JC cutting non-stop...
Got same in Org. Toon stats to fly to nearest archeology zone. If i manually land my toon, it stars crafting gems. But it don't stack them. So it always got full bags, and can't craft more. Although if I manually stack items, it do pretty well. It sell green ones, put blue ones on AH. But when he finishes, he start to fly from mailbox to AH again and again. Only if i stop HB and put some ores in his bags, he starts prospecting. Sorry for grammar errors. English is not my native language.So heres my problem... after it's finished to prosp. it mounts--->start making SE--->stand still in air, and in the lower left corner it says "Moving to archaeology trainer" and nothing more happens... wtf is wrong with this shit? i am using the With AH and Sell SE 1 and i also tryed the all in 1 profile... same thing? what do i do?
Edit: If i land manually it starts cutting, but when i have full bags i just keeps on spamming JC cutting non-stop...
Which city are you in?