Im afraid it wont mill Icecap, you have wrote 13461 as ID, but the ID is 13467. I've changed all the 13461 to the real one, still does not work.
Have no clue what else to change.
I've been trying out this profile in Dalaran. It mills the herbs in my inventory fine and makes ink from them, but although I have set Mail: Collect Mail and Insc.: Make Greater Crane wing to True, it gets stuck on the mail-part. It opens the mailbox (through a wall in the inn), but it doesn't take the mail. It's full mails with herbs from an alt, no CoD or anything. I'm not getting any errors at all. Any idea what could be the source of this problem?
Any chance the ability to buy Light Parchment if there are none in your bags can be added into this if you choose to craft the BoP shoulder enchants? I know I could just buy 1000 at a time or w/e, but I am trying to make this as afkable as possible with a farming route without taking up unnecessary herb bag space.
I've been trying out this profile in Dalaran. It mills the herbs in my inventory fine and makes ink from them, but although I have set Mail: Collect Mail and Insc.: Make Greater Crane wing to True, it gets stuck on the mail-part. It opens the mailbox (through a wall in the inn), but it doesn't take the mail. It's full mails with herbs from an alt, no CoD or anything. I'm not getting any errors at all. Any idea what could be the source of this problem?
Hmmm, ok. I have only started using this today, and it did not buy the parchment after it ran out so I stopped it and bought them myself. Maybe I just didnt wait long enough. I will try again. Other than that, this profile works great!
Same thing happens to me too. Cleared cache/updated/deleted etc. still goes to the mail box and says that he got all mails but got nothing. Any help?
Other than that, awesome job !
It can only buy perchaments in Orgrimmar/Stormwind or Dalaran, if you are in any off those cities then tell me what city so i can try it.
It does everything until it needs to make the JC stuff. It keeps saying Shadowfire Necklace but doesn't make it. It does get the jewel settings though.
Maybe it is just that mailbox? if it does not get mail it is not the profile, it works on every character i have tried it on, never had a problem with it not geting the mail, i have had the bot sitting by the mailbox looking at an empty mailbox some times, but that is a wow bug the flag just don?t go away.
i'm having the same issue...
Edit. i tested it on an alt and it works, but on a level 1 char without profession it doesn't work
Edit2. tested it on another level 1 char and it can i solve that??
Edit3. on account A it works, on account B it doesn't works..i've tried it an all my characters..
View attachment 5924 2013-01-21 14.09.txtThe guy walks to the mailbox, opens it? then just look at the mail but does not take anything?
Could you upload a log please so i can look at it.
View attachment 78802
yes! that's what he did! i've tried to do a fresh install of HB, professionbuddy but still doesen't work on this account...
just your profile !is this with al PB profiles that gets mail? or just mine?