Sorry that i could not reply on the first few pages, seems there are many ppl out here with concerns
So why paid plugins ?
Paid Plugins are actually not a part of Honorbuddy, like an Auction House Tool, it has to be maintained and improved, actually its nothing more than to maintain and improve eTrain ( which is absolutely free ), B U T actually not even 30 % off the users are willing to use an AH tool, because they dont need it , or dont care, or whatever else. The Developer on the other side, spends a lot of time to provide this service for the minority of the users, with an system included in HB which allows to give the Plugin Developer an "monetary Thanks" back for the work, its a good conclusion to give Developers the possibility to create Plugins for niched products.
Also the gathering plugin, which will be Gatherbuddy for Honorbuddy is free for all Lifetime Users, we do not plan to start 100 paid plugins. We will NOT create this:
# Paid Login Plugin
# Paid Start Button Plugin
# Paid Load Profile Plugin
but Developers will have the possibility and the attraction to create niche products.
We do not charge for Meshes, Profiles or CustomClasses, there will not be a Pay4CC or Pay4Mesh system from our side.
Another thing, if someone creates now an plugin which is free and we have one that we do charge for, then the users are free to chose which to use.
If a Dev decides to create a plugin and decides to not charge anything for it and give it free to the HB users, then it will be free.
So why paid plugins ?
Paid Plugins are actually not a part of Honorbuddy, like an Auction House Tool, it has to be maintained and improved, actually its nothing more than to maintain and improve eTrain ( which is absolutely free ), B U T actually not even 30 % off the users are willing to use an AH tool, because they dont need it , or dont care, or whatever else. The Developer on the other side, spends a lot of time to provide this service for the minority of the users, with an system included in HB which allows to give the Plugin Developer an "monetary Thanks" back for the work, its a good conclusion to give Developers the possibility to create Plugins for niched products.
Also the gathering plugin, which will be Gatherbuddy for Honorbuddy is free for all Lifetime Users, we do not plan to start 100 paid plugins. We will NOT create this:
# Paid Login Plugin
# Paid Start Button Plugin
# Paid Load Profile Plugin
but Developers will have the possibility and the attraction to create niche products.
We do not charge for Meshes, Profiles or CustomClasses, there will not be a Pay4CC or Pay4Mesh system from our side.
Another thing, if someone creates now an plugin which is free and we have one that we do charge for, then the users are free to chose which to use.
If a Dev decides to create a plugin and decides to not charge anything for it and give it free to the HB users, then it will be free.