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Pay4plugin System

Greed is a powerful tool.
I foresee Honorbuddy and Gatherbuddy moving towards this direction.
Why not try to make some extra cash....

Personally i would leave, it comes down to nickle and diming everyone for every add-on.

Honestly if we had to pay for every plug-in, every mesh, every profile I would leave too. But personally I don't see that happening.
Honestly if we had to pay every plug-in, every mesh, every profile I would leave too. But personally I don't see that happening.

Lets hope so...
I do enjoy eveyone that puts time and effort in to making this, but like someone said - addons and CC should be a hobby. Not a cash cow.
Well I can't see that happening with Profiles and CC, unless its done in private between dev and customer, Which Personally I wouldn't see an issue with. But I can't see profiles and CCs being affected at this current time

The Honorbuddy Plugin's System will be changed in the next few weeks.

however I do see it becoming an issue with the bots security, There are some people that will try and 'modify' the bot to try and overcome these hurdles, Weather it be packet editing or simply softpatching.
I honestly think that it should be reserved only for exceptional PLUGIN'S, and never CC's. When I say exceptional, the AH plugin is one of the few I would consider exceptional. Things that VASTLY change the botting experience. Not meshes, or classes, or simple Plugins. Also, with charging for a plugin, there should be some kind of contract, so that support is maintained so we dont get what we got in glider, many pay-for addons, that then stop being supported 2 months later.
Guy's, it is what it is. If they want to make a paid plugin system, let them do it. If it fails, then most likely they will remove it. If it is successful, then we all benefit. Aslong as plugins don't go about 5-10usd I am fine.
One paid add-on that goes beyond what honorbuddy was useful for is fine.

The auction house one is fine since for one, I could care less about using it.

Paying for custom classes would be stupid, Paying for profiles would also be stupid.
Plugins will be cheap . You guys seem to think that all new plugins are going to cost money which will not be the case. Its not like I am going to stop releasing plugins that are free and I'm sure there will be others that do so too. The idea behind paid plugins is more support for the plugin - its not like people are going to start selling plugins that do absolutely nothing (you think we would let them?). As Hawker said they will be payable for a few hours worth of gold and in the case of eAuction where it makes you gold it will pay for itself pretty fast.
Thats great news. I guess its time for the Fpsware Professional Custom Class pack to be released.

Don't worry you won't be paying a huge one-off fee to use the CC's. You'll be charged automatically by credit card per hour of run time. And if you order now throw in a free set of Ginsu knives.

But wait there is more.... if you order in the next 15 minutes I'll throw in a second zip file containing exactly the same CC's absolutely free. And for one lucky person you will receive a third zip file.

Now that is value for money!

i can't stop laughing xD
i really hope that this system wont make everything on this forum to cost... will end up with every CC and plugin costing and there is a free version that probly isnt even working..
i just loled at nearly every single post in here LOL

If you dont like the plugin dont buy it make your own. Like most say if the plugin makes a big difference then i will probably buy it, why stuff learning how to make plugins, Id rather learn to make my own profiles, meshes and cc's they seem easy enough after editing a few already..easy as 1 2 3 i think lol

It's quiet common sense.

Good Luck with this guys can't wait actually lol
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That is all.

That is all.


Also if eAH wasn't called a plugin no one would be reacting like this at all. It is only because it is called a plugin - something that was solely free before. You are all over-reacting. As I said above I am still going to develop free plugins. This will mean unless other people who want to make plugins and charge for them make really good plugins my free ones will be better. If their plugin is that much better that you'll pay then they deserve to be paid don't ya think? And no not everything in HB is going to start costing money - I think fpsware said it best with his above post.
Good thing i dont use plugins ^_^

Pft. Slacker, Plugins are good, L2Love plugins lawl.

Nar with this Pay4plugin system (Btw am copywriting that, it'll cost you to use that now ! ) Should bring some high quality plugins, and maybe some free limited version of them. Its a wait and see situation i think.
Only made this thread to stop all over threads (Mainly erenions eAH thread) Getting spammed about it.
Thats great news. I guess its time for the Fpsware Professional Custom Class pack to be released.

Don't worry you won't be paying a huge one-off fee to use the CC's. You'll be charged automatically by credit card per hour of run time. And if you order now throw in a free set of Ginsu knives.

But wait there is more.... if you order in the next 15 minutes I'll throw in a second zip file containing exactly the same CC's absolutely free. And for one lucky person you will receive a third zip file.

Now that is value for money!

LOL, tht was so jkes
Anyways, i got a question regarding the paid Plugins.

I might have misunderstood something, but are some of them free for lifetime Gather-/Honorbuddyusers?

Well i think as long as the plugins are highquality, and the core doesn't get damaged, it's ok paying for some.

just my 2 cents

I see people are all overreacting. It's a normal thing when changes are being seen in the horizon. As people normally have fear of the changes. But as an IT Consultant, i can let my 2 cent worth reading Here.

First get the full picture together of all that is to come get to know it better and then, only then you can risk anything about it.

Chill down people, wait to see the changes and then comment and post you complaints about it.

/joke mode on

now take my cc and tell me if it's not worth paying me??? :D I will throw in paypal donation link on the guy! LoL. And i will even thanks everyone personally in the thread for the donations. :D
Personally... im not a fan of most things pay4plugin(tm).
But if you're going to do it, nothing we can do about it really, some customers maybe put off, others will stay.
I cant see myself going unless more plugins cost to buy than there are free, or they overtake the use of the main bot.

While on this topic, expanding on the forum reputation system could be an option.
Maybe users with a certain rep level could be rewarded with one of these new plugins without the cost, but those who are willing to just buy it on the spot can still access it.
This could promote a lot of quality posts, benefit the community, while also giving users a 2nd option for getting the plugins if they decided for whatever reason they dont wish to, or cannot pay for it?

And again donations are always an option without scaring away customers with the dreaded "pay for extra" thing going on.

But i trust in you saying there wont be many pay to use additions, only real major addons that took a lot of work and rightfully should be paid for doing.

(Off to London for the weekend so will check back monday)