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[Paws] - A Feral and Guardian Druid Combat Routine

Thanks. i tried with all the settings on and off in every configuration. Still nothing changes FYI. if you need a log i can provide but i'm sure you got it figured out already.

Also a side note. Does this cast HT immediately with the blood talons talent to increase damage of the rotation? and does this routine cast thrash after using HT for blood talons if clarity is proc'd in PVE? there is an option for thrash but that is 2 more more enemies and im guessing that is just for aoe. Thanks for the reply.

i noticed it attempts to removed roots by using bear form powershift. Is this the same as feral powershifting back into cat? if not is there an option to deroot from cat to cat stance?
I think I may have resolved it by adding a check for being mounted within the combat rotation. I tested with a few battlegrounds, and it appears to be working.

HT does not immediately cast for Bloodtalons, it will actually wait until you have 5 CP and then cast to maximize the amount of damage from Rip or FB instead of wasting it on shreds. However, if your clarity is about to run out (3 seconds or less), it will cast HT as to not waste it no matter how many CP you have. I admit, it is not optimized for Thrash (it is more optimized for single-target), but that is a great suggestion and I will add it to the backlog as an option.

For powershifts, the bot will detect if you are rooted or snared, and then attempt to cast into Bear form if you are. Once in Bear Form, the bot will immediately attempt to cast back into Cat Form (this has been optimized for the next release and should happen much quicker). Also, the bot will internally block the Bear powershifting for 8 seconds before using using it again so that you are not constantly going in and out of Bear/Cat Form if you happen to be fighting several classes that chain those debuffs on you. The 8 second timer will eventually move out to be an option that the user can adjust in a later release.

The next release will be available shortly, so you can let me know how the mounting works out.

[3/23/2015] Version 1.5.0 Released (Minor Point Release)

  • [Major Feature] The Guardian GUI for mobility, offensive, defensive, and healing settings are now available.
  • [Major Feature] Public Subversion support now offered.
  • [Minor Update] Adjusted distance calculations to account for hit boxes distances instead of center mass distance for abilities using the distance condition (such as Wild Charge).
  • [Minor Update] Improved Bear Form powershift responsiveness to switch back to cat form. Ignores “Do not override Bear Form” general option if a root or snare was removed due to switching to bear form now and will go back to cat form immediately.
  • [Bugfix] Added a routine during pulling to dismount if mounted, addressing a continuously mounted problem while using BGBuddy.
  • [Bugfix] Heart of the Wild was inadvertently being cast when the setting was turned off.
ok thanks for the fixes. As far as thrash. I was under the impression it was best to use thrash with clarity up only for single target while you have the blood talons buff. This will maximize damage. I may be wrong about this and i am opened to debate. Thanks for the great routine thus far.
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ok thanks for the fixes. As far as thrash. I was under the impression it was best to use thrash with clarity up only for single target while you have the blood talons buff. This will maximize damage. I may be wrong about this and i am opened to debate. Thanks for the great routine thus far.
Thanks bbialgllla,

I appreciate your communication and willingness to test. For the core rotation, I have generally followed the advice offered on the fluid druid website located here that has been widely accepted as a feral staple and one that I have followed without using a bot with a great degree of DPS success. The section specifically on thrash for single target use in WoD has been apparently frowned on (at least there). Here is a small excerpt:
aggixx said:
In Warlords of Draenor, using Thrash on a single target is no longer a significant gain. At level 90 it is a small gain due to the higher levels of mastery available with Siege of Orgrimmar, but at level 100 the gain becomes of no significance and is not worth bothering with. In both cases, if there are secondary or tertiary targets who are useful to damage but not a priority Thrash can be maintained with little to no damage loss to the primary target.
Furthermore, Icyveins appears to be flat-out against using thrash at all with Bloodtalons.
Icy-veins said:
Against a single target, it is a minor DPS gain to use Thrash when you have an Omen of Clarity proc, but do not use it otherwise. If you are using Soul of the Forest or Bloodtalons as a talent, then you should not use Thrash at all against a single target.
In the meantime, I can try and look for other information surrounding this specifically with Bloodtalons but haven't successfully found any supporting claims just yet (perhaps there are some simcraft claims?). I am open to testing myself, also.

I think you already know this, but with 2-piece T17 its a DPS-increase to use thrash on singletarget, because of the bonus.
I think you already know this, but with 2-piece T17 its a DPS-increase to use thrash on singletarget, because of the bonus.
Actually, I remember reading that at one point and thinking that was real nice and then completely forgetting about it, inadvertently, as I just started to get involved in T17 raids. Thanks for pointing this out, I'll be sure to add that into the logic!

I gather that the general application would be to have it detect that bonus set, and place thrash into the rotation regardless of single/multi-target or any talent combination.

ok sounds good. if it can detect the bonus set to use thrash as you have stated would be great. Otherwise, it is pointless. Thanks for the clarification.
ok sounds good. if it can detect the bonus set to use thrash as you have stated would be great. Otherwise, it is pointless. Thanks for the clarification.

As a workaround, you can set the number of surrounding enemies to 1, if you have the set.
WoW. Just Wow.
I just started coding my own Warrior CC and stumbled over this while searching the Dev. Forum, realized it was free and thought I'd take a quick look at how you structured your Project and some of the Logic..

Well.. i had better not done that, now i feel like a complete beginner in Programming :P
Can't really contribute much to your work since i don't have a Lvl 100 druid yet, but I will surely tell my active raiding friend about your Routine and come back later with some Feedback from him, just wanted to say
i'm impressed by the rereadability of your code, everything so well structured and documented I just had to post.

Keep up the good work, I guess I'll do some massive refactoring myself, well even if I'm not using your CR you gave me a new mindset :D:D
WoW. Just Wow.
I just started coding my own Warrior CC and stumbled over this while searching the Dev. Forum, realized it was free and thought I'd take a quick look at how you structured your Project and some of the Logic..

Well.. i had better not done that, now i feel like a complete beginner in Programming :P
Can't really contribute much to your work since i don't have a Lvl 100 druid yet, but I will surely tell my active raiding friend about your Routine and come back later with some Feedback from him, just wanted to say
i'm impressed by the rereadability of your code, everything so well structured and documented I just had to post.

Keep up the good work, I guess I'll do some massive refactoring myself, well even if I'm not using your CR you gave me a new mindset :D:D
Hey, thanks a lot MoreCox! I've been a .NET developer for almost 15 years, so it's great to be able to contribute these concepts to such an active community and I certainly have no issues making the code open source for those who want to learn. My way of doing things is certainly not the only way, so if it helps spark some intuitive creative in others, I'm definitely satisfied.

I'd love to hear more feedback, so let your Druid friend know and I will do my best to incorporate the best I can.

Hey, thanks a lot MoreCox! I've been a .NET developer for almost 15 years, so it's great to be able to contribute these concepts to such an active community and I certainly have no issues making the code open source for those who want to learn. My way of doing things is certainly not the only way, so if it helps spark some intuitive creative in others, I'm definitely satisfied.

I'd love to hear more feedback, so let your Druid friend know and I will do my best to incorporate the best I can.


Hey Mate,

Thanks alot for the CR, will test it later.

Is there any chance u can add it to buddystore.. the lasy mans update =P.

Updated with svn (rev 24), then an error:
[Paws]: Error Initializing Paws Combat Routine: System.Exception: Presets directory is missing!
в Paws.Core.Managers.GlobalSettingsManager.Init() в d:\777\Routines\pawshb\Paws\Core\Managers\GlobalSettingsManager.cs:строка 39
в Paws.Main.Initialize() в d:\777\Routines\pawshb\Paws\Main.cs:строка 56
Updated with svn (rev 24), then an error:
[Paws]: Error Initializing Paws Combat Routine: System.Exception: Presets directory is missing!
в Paws.Core.Managers.GlobalSettingsManager.Init() в d:\777\Routines\pawshb\Paws\Core\Managers\GlobalSettingsManager.cs:строка 39
в Paws.Main.Initialize() в d:\777\Routines\pawshb\Paws\Main.cs:строка 56
Hi grimmy,

Can you make sure that the presets directory exists in your honorbuddy folder just like this? (There should be 2 Paws folders, one is the solution, the other is the project)

See how you have this path:


Rename "pawshb" to "Paws" so it looks like this:

Yes, thank you very much it worked, you're probably the only one who responds instantly.
Add to more routine hot buttons, and it would be great. And esch Thanks again, excellent routine.
for whatever reason the routine isn't showing any preset configurations. The drop down is blank and everything is unchecked. I am using SVN.

also is there a definitive way to check a box and have the routine use incarn and berserk then. it uses it on trash mobs if i leave it at 4 times my hp and it isn't up btw the time we get to a boss sometimes. I know i can do the math and go say 10 times higher but that seems a bit excessive to me. Maybe you have a better system and i am just missing it. thanks.

is there an option to have the routine remove corruption for pvp?

i have tried every seting level i can think of but i can't get it to heal party members over me. it just spams PS healing touches into myself at 100% hp while my party is at 50. I have mine set to 10% and heal party less than 75% but nothing.
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for whatever reason the routine isn't showing any preset configurations. The drop down is blank and everything is unchecked. I am using SVN.

also is there a definitive way to check a box and have the routine use incarn and berserk then. it uses it on trash mobs if i leave it at 4 times my hp and it isn't up btw the time we get to a boss sometimes. I know i can do the math and go say 10 times higher but that seems a bit excessive to me. Maybe you have a better system and i am just missing it. thanks.

is there an option to have the routine remove corruption for pvp?

i have tried every seting level i can think of but i can't get it to heal party members over me. it just spams PS healing touches into myself at 100% hp while my party is at 50. I have mine set to 10% and heal party less than 75% but nothing.
For the presets, can you check the log and see if you have an error similar to what girmmy had above? It's likely a pathing issue.

I use Incarnation and Berserk 2 different ways: For both ways, I turn off the surrounding enemies checkbox (something I generally only turn on for questing). First way, I use berserk and incarnation as an in-game macro and turn it off in the bot when I want to fine-tune when I want that burst damage (generally pvp or specific boss setting). The second way I use it, is to set the health multiplier the same for both. If you're in a raid, I've set to 3 to 5 times my health depending on the raid. The reason for the health multiplier is it works really well in dungeon settings for lowbie characters or high level characters since bosses are technically just elites with larger health pools in a dungeon. So setting it to multipliers that are above the trash but within the general boss ranges works well for all level ranges.

Remove Corruption is something that I'm working on and should have implemented soon.

For your healing problem, I'm not sure what would be causing that without a little more info. Are you in a BG/Arena or Dungeon? I suspect you might be having some difficulty saving your settings due to the presets not being found and the bot is using the default settings regardless of what you're entering.
Hey if you want to implant some pvp arena logic like interrupt logic based on comp your facing(this also needs cd tracking of enemy spells, cc of your healer/los of your healer/ccen unit), some announce logic for arena beginners and so on... I could write you the whole algorithm part/behavior and the coding part would be on your part, I would do the testing. If youre interested in this kinda "big project", just PM me.
So far, nice cr