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[Paws] - A Feral and Guardian Druid Combat Routine

[3/7/2015] Version 1.3.0 Released (Minor Point)

  • [Major Feature] Custom Item usage support added. A new “Items” tab has been added that allows the user to add/remove/edit/enable/disable items that they wish to use either out of combat, in combat, combat healing, or resting based on a decent list of conditional requirements that the user can set such as me or my target’s health range, me or my target has or does not have a particular aura, I’m in or not in cat form, I’m moving, my energy percent range, my combo points, and several others. Developer’s note: The item system is dynamically generated through Reflection based on classes that implement the ICondition interface and have the ItemConditionAttribute attribute. This allows new conditions to be created and added very quickly and keeps GUI code completely decoupled from the conditions architecture.
  • [Major Feature] Added Berserking troll racial ability and settings support.
  • [Minor Update] Added maximum number of allowed Rejuvenates on allies.
  • [Minor Update] Rejuvenate should no longer cast when mounted or in travel form.
  • [Minor Update] Added tooltip explanation to Pandemic Clipping settings and other various UI tweaks.
  • [Bugfix] Fixed an issue with Berserk and Incarnation where surrounding enemy count conditions were not properly satisfied if surrounding enmy counts was enabled.

Adding items now implemented. It should be fairly self explanitory how to add whatever item you would like to use along with whatever conditions you would like. One thing to keep in mind, if you want to use an item that puts a buff on you, be sure to include the "Target Does Not Have Aura" condition and type in the name of the buff that the item does. For example, if you would like to use the Oralius' Whispering Crystal, you would type in "Whispers of Insanity" as the name parameter for "Target Does Not Have Aura" condition. There are a couple of default items loaded that will give an example of usage.

Going to work on powershifting through roots/snares and priority target healing next. Should only take a few days.
Some brutal routine play arena still do remarkably little to add. All the same, but I would be very happy if only the developer added reshift machine, and change the type of shape respected Tuan, ie when running hiking shape when in combat forms of combat, and of course burst percentage and shape of a bear when squeezed. And so admirably just fine, thank you. And yes even have chance to knock casts randomly, and then gives routine) More well not seen at all even Tuan, still be a hot button on the tornado and the like. I became a fan of the developer) I hope the translator about properly issued. English is not my strong point) And thanks again SnowCrash.
Big update!

  • [Major Feature] Added character-based profiles support with several default profiles: Automated/Manual Questing, Automated/Manual Dungeons, Manual Raiding, Automated/Manual Battlegrounds, Manual Arena, and Minimalist. Manual, in this sense, refers to a user that uses a routine-based BotBase such as Enyo to control the character’s movement, some abilities, and initiates combat, whereas automated refers to the use of BotBases that control movement and initiates combat such as QuestBot, DungeonBuddy, or BGBuddy. Users can also make and save new profiles, or apply settings to their liking over the defaults.
  • [Major Feature] Added weight-based healing support for tanks, healers, and dps. Each role contains a slider that ranges in tenths from 1.0 to 2.0. The higher the slider, the more weight that is given to that role when determining who has priority to heal. The weight is not applied until after the raw health percentage for healing touch or rejuvenation has been met. That is to say, that if you require health to be at least 75% to apply a healing touch to an ally, the weight will not be applied to the ally until that health condition is first met. This means that there can be 1 Tank at 75% health, 1 healer at 70%, and 1 DPS at 65%, the different weights will factor who gets the heal first. If tanks are set to 1.6 weight, healers are set to 1.3 weight, and dps is set to 1.0 weight, the adjusted health for each role based on weight would be [health / weight]: Tank = 47% @ 75% health (75 / 1.6), Healer = 54% @ 70% health (70 / 1.3), and DPS = 65% @ 65% health (65 / 1.0); thus the tank would be granted the priority heal even though the DPS had a lower raw health percent. This setting can be turned on or off on the healing tab as desired.
  • [Major Feature] Added Guardian support. The bot will know what to do based on your spec with no need to stop or restart the bot. Currently, it does not have a GUI for settings (next release), and is currently intended for manual raiding/dungeons and testing scenarios where the user initiates pulls and taunts appropriately (the bot will apply a standard rotation and mitigation/healing logic as needed – including cenarion ward talent built in). Ensure that you use the Pulverize talent to consume lacerates properly. Future releases will add full Guardian support of all talents, automated questing, and a settings GUI similar to feral.
  • [Major Feature] Implemented Bear Form Powershifting if snared or rooted. Note: You should turn off “Do not override Bear Form” under mobility settings if you intend to use this feature and if you want the bot to turn back into Cat Form after breaking the snare/root.
  • [Minor Update] Various UI tweaks made. Some of the color scheme has been slightly modified, and abilities now light up green when they are enabled.
  • [Minor Update] Added a 5 second pulse timer to the pre-combat buff phase so that buffs are not immediately cast on phase-in or zoning to help us look more human. Also, fixed a small issue where buffs and items would recast immediately following a zone-in event even if the user had met the requirements of having the effective buff already. This happened because there is a teeny-tiny window of time when the character zones into the world after something like finishing or starting an instance where HB does not yet have all of the aura information on the character and the bot assumes the character needs the buff.
  • [Minor Update] Moved Cat Form and Prowl settings to the Mobility tab, since these settings are specific to the Feral spec.
  • [Minor Update] Removed all GUID references from log output.
with what bot i need to use it ( combat/bg/raid)
Hi, dutchgabber.

It depends on what you're doing.

If you are using it for questing, questbot and whatever profile you'd like to use (I personally used Kick's profiles available free on the buddy store, but others should work).
If you are using it just to help you with the routine, and you would like to control your character, I would recommend Enyo, also available free on the store.

What are you trying to do?

what are the ebst settings for max dps for raiding and dungeosn mate
feral that is
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did todays updates break this routine? I just installed it on a fresh install and it will walk up to mobs and not attack its set to automated questing....nothing
Best routine I have used, and I've been using HB for years.
Thank you!
what are the ebst settings for max dps for raiding and dungeosn mate
feral that is
Within the class settings window, you can try manual dungeon profile and use the Enyo BotBase. That's a good place to start with reasonable settings, then you can tweak the settings to your liking from there. I am considering creating a little manual to help people understand all of the settings, as I know it can seem a little overwhelming.
did todays updates break this routine? I just installed it on a fresh install and it will walk up to mobs and not attack its set to automated questing....nothing
Hi, leetdemon. Are you referring to the HB update? I don't see any issue, I just tested with the Questing Bot and vanilla version of the Automated Questing Paws profile and he is running to the mob and killing it as he is supposed to (lvl 40 Druid). Is it set to turn into cat form? Do you have a log file?

Thank you,
Thank you!

Within the class settings window, you can try manual dungeon profile and use the Enyo BotBase. That's a good place to start with reasonable settings, then you can tweak the settings to your liking from there. I am considering creating a little manual to help people understand all of the settings, as I know it can seem a little overwhelming.

Hi, leetdemon. Are you referring to the HB update? I don't see any issue, I just tested with the Questing Bot and vanilla version of the Automated Questing Paws profile and he is running to the mob and killing it as he is supposed to (lvl 40 Druid). Is it set to turn into cat form? Do you have a log file?

Thank you,

Its not showing any options under the mobiltiy tab, offensive defensive or healing tabs either....4

its also not giving me the option to update via svn..do you not have it setup on an svn?

and yes todays HB updates....every other routine is working fine. I am trying to use it on a level 6 druid I used singular for 1-6
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Its not showing any options under the mobiltiy tab, offensive defensive or healing tabs either....4

its also not giving me the option to update via svn..do you not have it setup on an svn?

and yes todays HB updates....every other routine is working fine. I am trying to use it on a level 6 druid I used singular for 1-6
Ah ok, I know what the problem is. I did not test this new Paws update under level 10, and it is looking for a class specialization now (Feral, or Guardian), which you get at level 10. Since you are level 6, it does not know what to do yet.

I'll work on a fix for this and update ASAP

Thanks so much for reporting, I will patch shortly.

Ah ok, I know what the problem is. I did not test this new Paws update under level 10, and it is looking for a class specialization now (Feral, or Guardian), which you get at level 10. Since you are level 6, it does not know what to do yet.

I'll work on a fix for this and update ASAP

Thanks so much for reporting, I will patch shortly.


You're very welcome I appreciate all your hard work and you sharing your routine. Can't wait to use it :)
[3/17/2015] Version 1.4.1 Released (Patch Release)

  • [Bugfix] Introducing the Guardian specialization in 1.4.0 broke new druids level 1 – 9 due to the spec checking mechanism built in to determine rotation behavior. This patch fixes that problem.

The start of the guardian GUI settings are also in this patch for Offensive and Defensive settings, but won't be official until the next release.

[3/17/2015] Version 1.4.1 Released (Patch Release)

  • [Bugfix] Introducing the Guardian specialization in 1.4.0 broke new druids level 1 – 9 due to the spec checking mechanism built in to determine rotation behavior. This patch fixes that problem.

The start of the guardian GUI settings are also in this patch for Offensive and Defensive settings, but won't be official until the next release.


Thanks again works great!
Tried this out and it is sweet. Love the GUI and the well thought out options.

Thanks! :)

What is the purpose of the exclamation marks in the triangles in the GUI?
Tried this out and it is sweet. Love the GUI and the well thought out options.

Thanks! :)

What is the purpose of the exclamation marks in the triangles in the GUI?
Glad you liked it. The exclamation marks just mean that you need to have the talent for those settings to work.

for some reason in auto bgs it wont cast into cat form from mount. it just follows the person around
for some reason in auto bgs it wont cast into cat form from mount. it just follows the person around
Interesting, I would have expected the BG Bot to dismount before the combat routine would take over - similar to the Questing bot. I'll take a look into this.

Interesting, I would have expected the BG Bot to dismount before the combat routine would take over - similar to the Questing bot. I'll take a look into this.


Thanks. i tried with all the settings on and off in every configuration. Still nothing changes FYI. if you need a log i can provide but i'm sure you got it figured out already.

Also a side note. Does this cast HT immediately with the blood talons talent to increase damage of the rotation? and does this routine cast thrash after using HT for blood talons if clarity is proc'd in PVE? there is an option for thrash but that is 2 more more enemies and im guessing that is just for aoe. Thanks for the reply.

i noticed it attempts to removed roots by using bear form powershift. Is this the same as feral powershifting back into cat? if not is there an option to deroot from cat to cat stance?
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