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[Paws] - A Feral and Guardian Druid Combat Routine


New Member
Jan 31, 2015
[PAWS] A Feral and Guardian Druid Combat Routine

Thank you for your interest in the PAWS Feral and Guardian Combat Routine by SnowCrash! The information in this document should help provide details on how to use the routine, the various features and limitation, and it will outline the changes and additions made for the various releases.


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[2/19/2015] Version 1.1.0 Released (Minor Point)

  • [Major Feature] Added the ability to remove snares and roots via dash or stampeding roar with reaction time settings.
  • [Major Feature] Changed Faerie Fire logic to include all classes for PVP and Faerie Swarm talent detection support.
  • [Major Feature] Added Incapacitating Roar talent ability to the core rotation and minimum enemy count settings support.
  • [Major Feature] Added Bloodtalons support. If talented and enabled, the bot will try to apply healing touch after predatory swiftness procs for finishing abilities at 5 combo points. If predatory swiftness is about to run out at 3 seconds or less, it will apply healing touch no matter what to not lose out on potential dps.
  • [Major Feature] Added Mass Entanglement talent ability to the core rotation and minimum enemy count settings support.
  • [Minor Feature] Added releasing spirit upon death support.
  • [Minor Update] Savage Roar now correctly outputs as a buff to the log file.
  • [Bugfix] In some situations, rake and rip would not execute due to other Feral bleed debuffs on the same target. Fixed by checking for the player’s own bleeds.

Would it be possible for you to include an option that will allow you to heal with HT when Predatory swiftness is up and your closest ally is under % amount of percent ? Also trying to keep up Reju on your arena buddies :) ?

Would it be possible for you to include an option that will allow you to heal with HT when Predatory swiftness is up and your closest ally is under % amount of percent ? Also trying to keep up Reju on your arena buddies :) ?
Good suggestions, Ferhal - I will add it to the backlog.

And I liked it very much, works quickly, everything is fine with the logic, such a nice routine. The interface is clean and beautiful. Looked folder, not when this is not seen by other authors, it is clear that the author proffesional in programming. Of course I understand that over time will be paid, it is a pity, but on the other hand, if the author so will continue, it is worth and purchase) Thank you very much. Sorry for my english it translator)
And I liked it very much, works quickly, everything is fine with the logic, such a nice routine. The interface is clean and beautiful. Looked folder, not when this is not seen by other authors, it is clear that the author proffesional in programming. Of course I understand that over time will be paid, it is a pity, but on the other hand, if the author so will continue, it is worth and purchase) Thank you very much. Sorry for my english it translator)
Thank you, grimmy21. I'm glad you like it.

This routine will always be open source and free - nothing will ever need to be paid. I may setup a donation link to help buy beer while coding, but it will not be required to donate.

Also, I am kicking around the idea of adding the Guardian spec to this - would there be any interest in Guardian from people?


Anything you want, it will bring competetion between the CR authors and give us "consumers" more choice :)

My buddy is an enh shaman, perhaps doing one of those could be great :P
[2/28/2015] Version 1.2.0 Released (Minor Point)

  • [Major Feature] The rotation now checks if Savage Roar, Tiger’s Fury, or Bloodtalons is active and reapplies Rake and Rip if it was not previously applied to a rolling bleed on the current target based on the highest multiplier for damage gain (Snapshotting). This setting can be turned off by turning off the Pandemic behavior for Rake or Rip.
  • [Major Feature] Added the ability to heal the nearest ally with rejuvenate or healing touch with several options including: Heal only when my health is above a certain percentage, healing touch only when predatory swiftness is active or not, and heal only a particular role (such as tank, healer, or dps).
  • [Minor Feature] Added minimum enemy count option for Incarnation and Berserk.
  • [Minor Update] Logic has been added to the ability manager to detect abilities that are trying to cast too fast (such as healing but not properly LOS). In some cases this problem would block other abilities from being able to be cast based on the priority of the ability. The ability manager will now block abilities for a small period of time that are being cast too fast consecutively under a specified threshold.
  • [Bugfix] Healthstone cooldown is now properly observed prior to use.
  • [Bugfix] Fixed an issue where a corpse would release for non-routine based botbases (such as QuestBot), even if the setting was off.
Good suggestions, Ferhal - I will add it to the backlog.

Added this feature in 1.2.0, Ferhal - let me know how it works in the arena (you will have to select "Any Ally" since Arena does not have roles in party).


Thanks for the update.

Some thing

- It tries to apply Faerie Swarm to everyone in bgs
* Could we put a limiter on it? like max 2 or the one your target?

- The Rejuvenation and healing thing looks like it works properly, however in bgs it tries to put rejuvenation on everyone below %
*so could it be limited to an x amount? or just focused target?

The major concern i have is that im very very often just stuck at maximum energy and its not doing anything besides Rake now an then( I have uploaded log )in bgs.

However, i like where this routine is going so keep up the good work Paws :)



Thanks for the update.

Some thing

- It tries to apply Faerie Swarm to everyone in bgs
* Could we put a limiter on it? like max 2 or the one your target?

- The Rejuvenation and healing thing looks like it works properly, however in bgs it tries to put rejuvenation on everyone below %
*so could it be limited to an x amount? or just focused target?

The major concern i have is that im very very often just stuck at maximum energy and its not doing anything besides Rake now an then( I have uploaded log )in bgs.

However, i like where this routine is going so keep up the good work Paws :)
Ferhal, thanks for testing, the log, and the comments. I must admit, I did all the testing for this last release in Raid and dungeon settings and completely neglected the Battlegrounds. I'll head into a few BGs and run some tests on Faerie Fire, as I believe normal FF I personally only have rogue and druid checked - do you have them all selected and are just asking that it limits to how many it throws out?

I don't see shred being cast at all in your logs, which is very strange - would you be able to send me your settings file so I can replicate? It should be under HB\Settings\REALM\CHARACTER\Paws-Settings.xml

Good suggestion on Rejuvenation - I will definitely add those settings.


I accidential clicked on the " Shred " box so it wouldnt cast shred at all - It works now !

I did have FF clicked on all, because i was doing Arena and i would like to keep it "all time " on my Primary target. Could you implement that it would cast FF on primary target ?

In the future could you add a feature that will allow druid to shapeshift in and out of roots/slow :)?

Thanks for the respond

- Ferhal

I accidential clicked on the " Shred " box so it wouldnt cast shred at all - It works now !

I did have FF clicked on all, because i was doing Arena and i would like to keep it "all time " on my Primary target. Could you implement that it would cast FF on primary target ?

In the future could you add a feature that will allow druid to shapeshift in and out of roots/slow :)?

Thanks for the respond

- Ferhal

The way that FF works is that if you have the class checked off in the settings, and you are targeting that class, it will cast FF on that target if you are within FF range. It does not auto-target other nearby classes and put FF on them automatically - they must be your target. That being said, with how the mechanics of how Faerie Fire works, I would recommend that you only check off stealth classes (such as Rogue, Druid) unless you have Faerie Swarm that adds the slow effect to the spell, otherwise you may be just wasting a potentially valuable GCD on classes that don't need it applied on them.

As for power-shifting, it's something I'm considering. I just want to make sure that I implement it in such a way that makes us appear human to some degree first.

Thanks again,
I have successfully completed the Proving Grounds Gold using this routine and Enyo. If you care to know what talents, glyphs, and settings choices I used and some pointers, let me know via the comments.
That is impressive. I'm interested in seeing how you did that.

I used Incarnation and Berserk on a macro for burst damage on the bosses toward the end and turned them off in the settings so I can control the best time to use (when their shields go down). I turned off movement and facing and I also manually used wild charge and skull bash; everything else was handled by the bot. I focused always on bombs first, than banana throwers, healers (stun/interrupt), amber weavers, then everything else. I also left Rip enemy health multiplier at 1.3x and thrash at 2+ surrounding enemies (turned of swipe).

Let me know if you are stuck at particular wave and I can let you know how I handled it.

Hi snowcash.

Im loving your routine atm. But i got more suggestions :)

-The dps off healing, could be that you can put a prio list? like Tanks first, then healers ? Or if tanks are at X % hp then heal tank?

-The Rejuvunation ability is nice, but can you make it so that we can assure that only X numbers of people can have it? Im talking more about bgs

- Explain in an info box what "Pandemic Clipping " is for the newbies :)

- Any news about the shapeshifting out of roots etc?

Thanks Snowcash

- Ferhal
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Hi snowcash.

Im loving your routine atm. But i got more suggestions :)

-The dps off healing, could be that you can put a prio list? like Tanks first, then healers ? Or if tanks are at X % hp then heal tank?

-The Rejuvunation ability is nice, but can you make it so that we can assure that only X numbers of people can have it? Im talking more about bgs

- Explain in an info box what "Pandemic Clipping " is for the newbies :)

- Any news about the shapeshifting out of roots etc?

Thanks Snowcash

- Ferhal

Dunno who told him that "Snapshotting" is still in the game. Blizzard removed it with WOD.
Dunno who told him that "Snapshotting" is still in the game. Blizzard removed it with WOD.
Incorrect. While general snapshotting has been removed from the game, it is (or should be) well known that there are 3 feral druid abilities that still effectively allow for bleed snapshotting: Savage Roar, Tiger's Fury, and Bloodtalons (there is a 4th if you consider Improved Rake's effect while using Incarnation). If a current rolling bleed has not been applied with any of these modifiers, than you are losing out on a considerable amount of DPS over time and thus your bleeds should be reapplied (using these in combination for a higher multiplier is called "snapshotting").

Here is an exerpt from Icy Veins, section 4.2.5:
Your bleeds no longer snapshots your character's stats, as they used to do in Mists of Pandaria. That said, bleed snapshotting does still exist for Feral Druids, but it only works with damage-increasing buffs. This is to say that the damage of your bleeds is determined at the time when they are applied, based on what buffs you have active, and the bleeds will continue to do the same damage throughout their durations, even if those buffs expire in the meantime. The result of this is that bleeds applied when you are under effects that increase your damage are more powerful than bleeds applied when you are not under any such effects.

You can also view the section on Snapshotting and Clipping in pawket's guide located here on the Fluid Druid website.
