Hi I bought this, and it does quite well in Arena tbh, the damage is insane.
However, is it possible to make it use "Remove Corruption" cause its really good! like dispel me or teammate, either on hotkey or automatic. Please.
Same thing with Soothe (dispell all enrage)
I would really love that.
I'd be happy to help, but Mrs, not SirThank you sir!
hi Alisha,
I've used the free trial and i'm very pleased with the result !
becouse of the nice result i have bought your product.
keep up the good work !
With kind Regards Xcited
Never ask abou ETAAny ETA? :>
it use Preset that is stetted in last GUI tab, depends of Context. Check this tab and Setup different preset, if you would like toHi Alisha
why it always default use Raiding_Manual. if i use my config . it will change to Raiding_Manual by itself
which BotBase u use? if u selected this preset, profile CR wont control movement, only BotBase can. For manual movement i suggest u to use Enyo as BotBase (use can get it for free from Store).guys i have a problem, i have selected manuallyy bg_arena movement, but all the rime HB move my char, any idea?
Check Hb Settings -> "Auto select talents"well done!
thanks a lot
And i have another question, when HB start ,if i want change my Talent, it can't reload my new Talent, i must close my HB and restart it. can you help me?
Check Hb Settings -> "Auto select talents"Its on by default as i know, also as autoequip, i suggest to set it off, while no leveling.
than i do not understand what do u mean. CR do not change talents by itself.yes, i cloes autoequip . but it's only auo change talents when HB start , if the HB is not working, the talents will not change ,so if you want change your talents ,you can pause HB or pause Enyo.
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