AutoMove arena does not work
So I have to complete itself Arena games? "Have I bought yesterday the routine" And my C haracter Feral Druid it lv 97. I will test.. when full gear and level 100 Arena.
But if I have to do everything yourself as cc damage, for which it is the routine? I'm looking for something great for the arena does it all
u mean tooltip? i will fix it, thanksPs: On Miscs> Trinket Usage
We have two times "Trinket #1" instead of "Trinket #1" and "Trinket #2"
its not implemented yet.Why we can't check/uncheck the revive/rebirth options ?
I am not giving any ETA, sorry. Please do not ask for when this or other thing will be doneSo any info on the hotkey function? Would like to use it in raid soon, but its not optimal as it is.
I've got some problems on Kargath , i've killed trashs with Lunar Inspiration (T100) and ppl have ninjapulled Kargath.
So i've run Kargath with Lunar Inspiration and the CR try to Moonfire the adds on tribune when i'm below, with Kargath. It's a big lost of dps because you can't cast any spell on the tribune adds if you are with Kargath.. but the CR want try, again and again.
The moonfire is the highter priority on multitarget too, the Raiding-Manual Preset set the moonfire priority to 89 but we need 100%
With good priority spells on the dummy of the Mage tower lvl 3 (Multidots 3 targets) it's better, 29.4k instead of 26.72k.
My Preset:
SX Raiding Test 1
Code: SX Raiding Test 1.thgw -
Does your CR supports framelock enabled?
Cause I have fps drops from 50 to 7 each time my character gets into a combat.
If I uncheck the framelock, the rotation becomes too slow.
Any ideas on that?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, It support framelock by default, check u have checked framelock in HB, also for Enyo have framelock on (like default settings).
Issue can come from: u addon installed in WoW, other streamed \ manually installed products (CR, plugins etc). To figure out what cause problem - check FAQ session (you need to disable all and do fresh install).
Make proper issue report, read FAQ and all paragraph, do all steps which is there. As only you have this problem, its not cant be cause of Multi doting for Melee.I found the cause of my fps drops. In Class Config>Positionong and Combat> Auto target if in Melee for Multi Doting should be unchecked. If do that, ur fps becomes normal, but the AOE rotation wont work.
Also there are several major improvements that could make this CR more complex:
- Interrupts do not interrupt spells sometimes
- Variable interrupt time would make the interruptions not that suspicious
- Bear form if health < % would be nice
There are too many suggestions to write them here)
The answer for 1 is andwer for 2 - so its already implemented.- Interrupts do not interrupt spells sometimes
- Variable interrupt time would make the interruptions not that suspicious