Using for Mistweaver - having a hard time figuring out how to turn on Fistweaving. Also any way to use engineer tinker gloves on cooldown? I couldnt see an option like for trinket.
Well.. I wouldnt recommend you to go Fistweaving for several reasons. For once fistweaving is doable only on few bosses outside of lfr and maybe flex soo. Second, to achieve it to work correctly you need to lower or even turn off several spells among which are shooting mist, enveloping mist and surging mist. Bottom line is that you want to do as less active healing as you can pulling all your healing from your attacks. Also you would need to turn off Uplift on maximum chi, as you are wasting GCD and potential chi for bok. Your rotation will basically be tiger palm, jab, blackout kick, enveloping mist, uplift, surging mist on 5stacks of viral mists, your tiger, revival, Thunder focus tea and defensive cds. Statue placement by routine is also an issue so you should do this manually.
Following.. Since youre asking about fistweaving i presume that you already read about it, but just in case, ill write it here for the people that are interested in reading trough. Fistweaving is highly gear depending, the higher ilvl u have more "default" spirit and intellect you will have. Stat prior is like this:
Spirit [min 5100] > haste [one of soft caps] > critt [around 40ish raid buffed] > int > more haste.
You need atleast 5100 spirit to hit expertise and hit caps, ofc reforge into spirit until you find your mana regen comfortable.
Haste adds more ticks to our hots and channels.
Critt for those attacks to crit, therefor heal more and crit heal more.
Int is increasing raw power of our attacks therefor our heals too.
Now.. Main issue.. Fistweaving should not be event tried until you get healing legend meta gem. Next difference is that fistweaving uses caster dps version of legend cloak. Theres also a debate should fistweavers take dps or healer legend meta gem and should we use 1h + offhand or 2h weapon. All simcraft shows that 2h caster weapon with dps meta gem provides around 10-15% more healing, but without healing meta gem you will go oom pretty fast unless you reforge/gem into high spirit. This would give you higher raw healing, but sacrifice your additional hot ticks from higher haste.
With all this being said, it means that, if you decide to go seriously into fistweaving as i did, you need to have two legend cloaks, healing and casters. You should, but not necessary, also have 1h+oh and 2h weapons, but also and two helms, one with dps meta, second with heal meta to be able to swap them as you need. commonly setup is casters legend cloak, head with heal meta and 1h+oh as you dont need to swap ur gear too.
Since my monk is atm on farming soo i have luxurity to experiment with the gear therefor with Oracle settings too. Oracle does really good job in basic fistweaving, however to achieve optimal fistweaving rotation you will need to, as i said, turn off or tune down most of your core healing spells and often you will have to pause rotation to do emergency healing.
Im still experimenting with my oracle settings as i want to find settings that will work on all fights in soo. I asked similar question a month ago expecting reply from more experienced ppl but i havent got any reply on it, so i presume that there is only few of us that want to fistweave. Oh.. And sorry for wall of txt.