Just dropping in before I head off to bed.
We planned to do the releases in stages (and we will probably do that still). The first "release" will be more or less for developers only, in an effort to let them update their stuff with the new API changes. (We decided this was a good time to give HB some loving, and clean up some internal stuff, upgrade a few libraries, and the like). This will also help us find anything we happened to miss, and any bugs we may have missed.
The bot (as far as I can tell right now) is basically fully updated, however with the upgrading of things, its broken some stuff (nothing too critical, but enough to cause a delay until it works properly). We'll also be putting in the update system from DB/BW into HB, so we can give it even more lovin'.
Our second release will be a generic test (beta) release for the not-so-technically-inclined to run the bot and catch any other lingering bugs. During these builds, we'll try to address the lingering bugs that have been around for a long time. After these builds (maybe 1-3 of them), we'll finally put out the full release with (hopefully) the same things you've come to know in HB.
This expansion is a fairly large change, and HB has been begging for some massive cleanup for quite a long time. You guys will be pleased to notice less CPU usage, faster bot responsiveness, and overall better performance. (Our new memory library going in HB is miles ahead of what it currently uses)
So, that said, have a bit of patience folks. We're working hard to get it out to you guys. (Sunday is our day off!)