It is prioritizing unknown items, have you never gathered them before?How come instead of crawler coccoons it gathered unexpected crystals O_O
It is prioritizing unknown items, have you never gathered them before?How come instead of crawler coccoons it gathered unexpected crystals O_O
How come instead of crawler coccoons it gathered unexpected crystals O_O
Btw, my most recent version has lots of good changes for flight, but there is an issue where sometimes it saves a flightpath with 0 nodes... currently it is a win some, lose some battle with flight.
Not sure how hard this would be Exmatt but would there be any way to implement a type of "unstuck" into your flight plugins. A lot of time's I've noticed that when the bot has troubles flying somewhere it will usually hang on a "requested path to" or something. Just wondering if there would be a way to implement something like - if the bot is currently executing a moveto tag and hasn't moved more than x yalms in the past 20 minutes, then force it to abandon the current task?
(I know literally nothing about programming so if this sounds like jibber jabber just ignore it!)
ahh if it's sitting in some place for hours it's probably just that it's asked for the next hop and hasn't gotten it so it's just waiting?
NOTE: If you would prefer me to take this down, Entrax, please, feel free to let me know. I am selfish, and would like to show off what my rotation can do.Thanks!
Got some new fixes coming to turn ins, hopefully solves some of the weirdness. Will post again when it is up on git.
Edit: pushed
Quick fix for anyone who gets stuck in Idyllshire on their way to the Goodly Adventurer, add in:
Code:<MoveTo XYZ="63.6445, 207.29, -1.626427"/>
above each instance of:
Code:<UseTransport InteractDistance="3.0" NpcId="1015570" XYZ="63.6445, 207.29, -1.626427" />
so that it looks like:
Code:<MoveTo XYZ="63.6445, 207.29, -1.626427"/> <UseTransport InteractDistance="3.0" NpcId="1015570" XYZ="63.6445, 207.29, -1.626427" />
Don't know if anyone else is having that issue, but, there it is.
Also, If anyone is having issues with the rotations not having enough oomph to get that 470+, I have included my slightly modified version of this (which includes the fix above) profile. It simply sets all value="0" and for those 470+ nodes, it sets the PlusPlus value to 1, or 2 depending on how much Gathering/Percep you have.
This setup allows me with 543G/547P/600GP to Gather 1-2 Adamantite, Morel, and Chysahl Greens, 2-3 Cuprite, Abalathian Mistletoe, and 6-15 Crawler Cocoons, and Volcanic Rock Salts per half hour run.
I do have both 7 O'clock turnins enabled, and have suffered no issues thus far after my edit to the Goodly Adventurer.
As a final note, watch your logs every now and again. If you get a message telling you to use the rotation One++ or Two++, simply set PlusPlus="1" or PlusPlus="2" for that item.
Let me know how this works out for you!
Thank you!
NOTE: If you would prefer me to take this down, Entrax, please, feel feel to let me know. I am selfish, and would like to show off what my rotation can do.Thanks!
Does the Rowena's window stay open when this happens?
Target path '/trunk/OrderBotTags' does not exist
I see the Switch command, but I have nfi what I'm supposed to do with that man. Can you please be specific?There should be a swtich command.