[10:21:07.116 D] Teleporting to Falcon's Nest
[10:21:14.443 N] Set default value for flying to false until we can determine if we can fly in this zone.
[10:21:18.199 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to MoveToTag: LineNumber: 956, XYZ: <458.6684, 212.5399, 692.8544>, Name: null, Distance: 3, UseMesh: True, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[10:21:18.199 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 8852f972-bbd9-49f5-b835-eb89cd22f95c
[10:21:18.200 D] Requesting path on 397 from <468.1898, 212.5399, 721.5374> to <458.6684, 212.5399, 692.8544>
[10:21:19.093 D] Generated path to <458.6684, 212.5399, 692.8544> in 00:00:00.8926663 ms
[10:21:24.820 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to FlightPathTo: IsDone: False, Target: <-684.4172, 130.6977, -600.1046>, UseStraightPath: True, Radius: 3, InverseParabolicMagnitude: 10, Smoothing: 0, MountId: 1, ForcedAltitude: 0, ForceLanding: False, LogWaypoints: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 963, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
[10:21:24.820 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 8c836a76-e490-4cfb-b12f-82d9072db8cc
[10:21:24.863 N] FlightPathTo: Created 144 waypoints to fly a distance of 1730.247
[10:21:24.863 D] DoAction Mount 1 0xE0000000
[10:22:54.589 D] Added new hook [PoiAction] 30bd642f-a900-4c20-a817-ca89b9900457
[10:22:54.590 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to GatherCollectableTag: IsDone: False, AdjustedWaitForGp: 0, AlwaysGather: True, CordialTime: Auto, CordialType: Cordial, DiscoverUnknowns: True, FreeRange: False, FreeRangeCondition: Condition.TrueFor(1, TimeSpan.FromHours(1)), GatheringSkillOrder: null, Slot: -1, GatherObject: null, GatherObjects: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String], DisableRotationOverride: False, GatherRotation: Collect470, GatherSpots: null, GatherIncrease: Auto, GatherStrategy: GatherOrCollect, HotSpots: Clio.Utilities.IndexedList`1[ff14bot.Navigation.HotSpot], Collectables: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ExBuddy.OrderBotTags.Common.Collectable], ItemNames: null, Distance: 3,1, SkipWindowDelay: 0, SpellDelay: 400, WindowDelay: 2000, Loops: 1, SpawnTimeout: 25, While: True, DefaultGatherSpotType: GatherSpot, Radius: 3, InverseParabolicMagnitude: 10, Smoothing: 0, MountId: 0, ForcedAltitude: 0, ForceLanding: False, LogWaypoints: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 969, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
[10:22:54.590 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7f863ae4-047c-465b-903c-da4ef714e441
[10:22:54.681 N] GatherCollectable: Node set -> Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch 0x2A3494E0
[10:22:54.681 D] [POI Set] Type: Gather, Name: Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch, ObjectId: 4000028F, NpcId: 0, Location: <-711.907, 103.8554, -633.6237>
[10:22:54.694 N] GatherCollectable: GatherSpot set -> GatherSpot -> NodeLocation: <-711.907, 103.8554, -633.6237>, UseMesh: True
[10:22:54.711 N] GatherCollectable: Using rotation -> Collect470
[10:22:54.732 D] Generating path on 397 from <-682.8757, 131.2308, -598.3588> to <-711.907, 103.8554, -633.6237>
[10:22:54.743 N] Angle of deviation: 57,71336
[10:22:54.743 D] Generated path to <-711.907, 103.8554, -633.6237> using 17 hops in 00:00:00.0108663 ms
[10:22:55.149 D] Moving to next hop: <-686.2911, 128.0101, -602.5076> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,699463
[10:22:55.347 D] Moving to next hop: <-687.9988, 126.3998, -604.582> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,874951
[10:22:55.515 D] Moving to next hop: <-689.7065, 124.7895, -606.6564> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,72719
[10:22:55.687 D] Moving to next hop: <-691.4143, 123.1792, -608.7308> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,341663
[10:22:55.831 D] Moving to next hop: <-693.122, 121.5689, -610.8052> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,67789
[10:22:55.981 D] Moving to next hop: <-694.8297, 119.9586, -612.8796> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,808062
[10:22:56.147 D] Moving to next hop: <-696.5375, 118.3482, -614.954> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,568281
[10:22:56.313 D] Moving to next hop: <-698.2452, 116.7379, -617.0285> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,344242
[10:22:56.451 D] Moving to next hop: <-699.9529, 115.1276, -619.1029> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,754721
[10:22:56.628 D] Moving to next hop: <-701.6606, 113.5173, -621.1773> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,395618
[10:22:56.763 D] Moving to next hop: <-703.3683, 111.907, -623.2517> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,801491
[10:22:56.930 D] Moving to next hop: <-705.0761, 110.2967, -625.3261> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,591477
[10:22:57.080 D] Moving to next hop: <-706.7838, 108.6863, -627.4005> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,742547
[10:22:57.263 D] Moving to next hop: <-708.4915, 107.076, -629.4749> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,214231
[10:22:57.396 D] Moving to next hop: <-710.1993, 105.4657, -631.5493> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,663767
[10:22:57.566 D] Moving to next hop: <-711.907, 104.1, -633.6237> (Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch) D: 3,354452
[10:22:57.618 N] Started Landing Task
[10:22:57.618 V] Blacklisting 4000028F for 00:00:36 [Type: Interact] - Reason : Blacklisting node so that we don't retarget -> Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch 0x2A3494E0
[10:22:57.618 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
[10:22:57.722 D] Interacting with Unspoiled Lush Vegetation Patch 0x2A3494E0
[10:22:57.752 N] Landing took 00:00:00.1339376 ms or less
[10:22:59.364 D] DoAction Spell 4088 0x101D60D7
[10:22:59.364 N] ExBuddy: Casted Aura -> Collector's Glove
[10:23:00.396 N] Gathering ItemName:Chysahl Greens Chance:95 HqChance:11 Amount:1 RawItemId:12900
[10:23:04.198 D] DoAction Spell 4092 0x101D60D7
[10:23:04.198 N] ExBuddy: Casted Ability -> Discerning Eye
[10:23:06.603 D] DoAction Spell 4091 0x101D60D7
[10:23:06.604 N] ExBuddy: Casted Ability -> Impulsive Appraisal
[10:23:09.763 D] DoAction Spell 4098 0x101D60D7
[10:23:09.764 N] ExBuddy: Casted Ability -> Single Mind
[10:23:11.630 D] DoAction Spell 4091 0x101D60D7
[10:23:11.631 N] ExBuddy: Casted Ability -> Impulsive Appraisal
[10:23:14.796 D] DoAction Spell 4092 0x101D60D7
[10:23:14.796 N] ExBuddy: Casted Ability -> Discerning Eye
[10:23:16.597 D] DoAction Spell 4089 0x101D60D7
[10:23:16.597 N] ExBuddy: Casted Ability -> Methodical Appraisal
[10:23:22.030 N] GatherCollectable: Collected item: Chysahl Greens, value: 491 at 05/01/2910 21:43:32 ET
[10:23:25.964 N] GatherCollectable: Collected item: Chysahl Greens, value: 485 at 05/01/2910 21:44:34 ET
[10:23:29.762 N] GatherCollectable: Collected item: Chysahl Greens, value: 488 at 05/01/2910 21:45:56 ET
[10:23:30.131 N] Using Cordial -> Waiting (sec): 5 CurrentGP: 15
[10:23:32.096 D] DoAction Item 6141 0x101D60D7
[10:23:32.097 N] Using Cordial
[10:23:32.097 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Node is gone
[10:23:32.164 D] Removed hook [PoiAction] 30bd642f-a900-4c20-a817-ca89b9900457
[10:23:32.164 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TeleportTo: LineNumber: 1011, ZoneId: 0, AetheryteId: 8, Name: Waiting Aetheryte, Force: False, Aetheryte: null, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[10:23:32.164 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 77f5d633-3491-44ed-913a-99ecf31dfab6
[10:23:32.431 D] Teleporting to Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
[10:23:45.355 N] Set default value for flying to false until we can determine if we can fly in this zone.
[10:23:51.030 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TeleportTo: LineNumber: 1141, ZoneId: 0, AetheryteId: 71, Name: Falcons Nest, Force: False, Aetheryte: null, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[10:23:51.030 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 957dbb5b-64b8-4aca-ac7d-b876b66ac5d1
[10:23:51.270 D] Teleporting to Falcon's Nest
[10:23:59.218 N] Set default value for flying to false until we can determine if we can fly in this zone.
[10:24:02.439 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to FlightPathTo: IsDone: False, Target: <435.329, 231.1133, 718.7801>, UseStraightPath: True, Radius: 3, InverseParabolicMagnitude: 10, Smoothing: 0, MountId: 1, ForcedAltitude: 0, ForceLanding: False, LogWaypoints: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 1142, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
[10:24:02.439 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1b0133ff-ae1d-428d-999e-4c4056372534
[10:24:02.443 N] FlightPathTo: Created 11 waypoints to fly a distance of 40.01358
[10:24:02.443 D] DoAction Mount 1 0xE0000000
[10:24:12.112 N] Started Landing Task
[10:24:12.112 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to FlightPathTo: IsDone: False, Target: <469.7218, 186.0902, -220.3065>, UseStraightPath: True, Radius: 3, InverseParabolicMagnitude: 10, Smoothing: 0, MountId: 1, ForcedAltitude: 0, ForceLanding: False, LogWaypoints: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 1149, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
[10:24:12.112 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6f170747-dc46-44fc-b91d-d050c010836e
[10:24:12.217 N] FlightPathTo: Created 95 waypoints to fly a distance of 940.7717
[10:24:14.159 D] ExBuddy: Adding Random Direction2D. from <439.2299, 230.5618, 688.9417> to <441.6004, 230.5618, 690.1825>
[10:24:14.231 N] Created new Landing Unstuck Coroutine, moving to <441.6004, 216.5415, 690.1825>
[10:24:14.231 N] Resumed Landing Unstuck Coroutine
[10:24:34.234 N] Resumed Landing Unstuck Coroutine
[10:24:54.343 N] Resumed Landing Unstuck Coroutine
[10:25:14.495 N] Resumed Landing Unstuck Coroutine
[10:25:34.567 N] Resumed Landing Unstuck Coroutine
[10:25:45.787 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Pushed the stop button.