I must have an older version of exmatt's order bot tags. Where can I get the latestcopy?
I must have an older version of exmatt's order bot tags. Where can I get the latestcopy?
I think you reach the spot too late.
Example Blue Quartz is up during 7-8 AM, and the bot will go for it if 1.Time is between 6-8 AM / 2.You enable it.
So if you start the bot at 7h40, for him it's between 6-8AM, so it'll try to go for it.
But it have to port, talk to a pnj and fly to reach the destination, when he finally reach the hotpot it's 8+ AM, node is gone.
This kind of "fails" will only happen when you start the bot and only for the "First timezone".
But before you stop it he try to port to Falcon's nest (line 468) the port is for Violet Quartz, and you were on blue quartz right before. Did you enable those 2 material even if they are in the same timeline (7-8 AM) ?
This thing is very busted.. some one please fix it.
On your log the bot was trying to port to flacon's nest when you stop it, isn't it the next area ?If that was the case then it should go onto the next area and not just sit there.
Right now the bot just sits there and does nothing. It isn't doing the collection
right. In fact I left it for quite a while and it didn't collect anything!
Problem here... The bot doesn't running...
When i launch the script :
And that's all...
Here's my config :
Code:<!-- Profile Settings --> <!ENTITY Rotation "Unspoiled"> <!ENTITY GatherIncrease_Tag "Yield"> <!-- Tags possibles --> <!-- Yield : +2 Yield items / +5% or 15% Yield rate --> <!-- Quality : +30% Quality / +5% or 15% Yield rate --> <!-- YieldAndQuality : +2 Yield items / +10% Quality rate --> <!ENTITY Rotation_Collectable "Collect450"> <!ENTITY Rotation_Collectable_60 "Collect470"> <!ENTITY Rotation_Collectable_1Star "Collect470"> <!ENTITY IsTimeBetween_tick "25"> <!ENTITY TurnInAfterLoop "1"> <!-- Gathering Settings : Set to 1 what you want to gather or 0 if you don't want - Collect_XXX : Set to 1 if you want them as Collectable or 0 if you don't want --> <!-- 2.00 AM & PM - 2.55 AM & PM --> <!ENTITY LightKidneyOre "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_LightKidneyOre "0"> <!ENTITY Cuprite "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_Cuprite "1"> <!-- 5.00 AM - 5.55 AM --> <!ENTITY AstralMoraine "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_AstralMoraine "0"> <!ENTITY SunMica "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_SunMica "0"> <!ENTITY AurumRegisOre "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_AurumRegisOre "0"> <!-- 7.00 AM - 7.55 AM --> <!ENTITY VioletQuartz "0"> <!ENTITY BlueQuartz "0"> <!ENTITY RedAlumen "0"> <!-- 9.00 AM & PM - 9.55 AM & PM --> <!ENTITY Chysahl "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_Chysahl "0"> <!-- 10.00 AM & PM - 10.55 AM & PM --> <!ENTITY HeavensLemon "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_HeavensLemon "0"> <!ENTITY AbalathianMistletoe "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_AbalathianMistletoe "1"> <!-- 11.00 AM & PM - 11.55 AM & PM --> <!ENTITY Adamantite "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_Adamantite "0"> <!-- 12.00 AM & PM - 12.55 AM & PM --> <!ENTITY CloudBanana "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_CloudBanana "0"> <!ENTITY Morel "1"> <!ENTITY Collect_Morel "0"> <!ENTITY AbalathianRockSalt "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_AbalathianRockSalt "1"> <!ENTITY RedQuartz "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_RedQuartz "1"> <!-- 5.00 PM - 5.55 PM --> <!ENTITY VanillaBeans "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_VanillaBeans "0"> <!ENTITY HoneydewAlmonds "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_HoneydewAlmonds "0"> <!ENTITY SeventhHeaven "0"> <!ENTITY Collect_SeventhHeaven "0"> <!-- 7.00 PM - 7.55 PM --> <!ENTITY DravanianPaprika "0"> <!ENTITY WattleBark "0"> <!ENTITY Snurbleberry "0">
Yea i was confused the first time too..you need to choose both the item and Collect the item if you want to collect it.
Edit: I guess I wasn't on the last page of posts...thought I was =(
Yea i was confused the first time too..you need to choose both the item and Collect the item if you want to collect it.
If XXX != 0 (yes i want !)
If Collecte_XXX != 0 (and collectable !)
gather as collectable
If Collecte_XXX == 0 (and not collectable !)
gather as unspoiled
If XXX != 0 [COLOR="#FF0000"]OR Collecte_XXX != 0[/COLOR](yes i want... but how ? collectable or not ?)
If XXX != 0 (oh okay you want unspoiled)
gather as unspoiled
If Collecte_XXX != 0 (as collectable !)
gather as collectable
\Rebornbuddy\Plugins\OrderBotTagsCan someone please explain to me where i put all of exmatts stuff. I dont have any plugin to enable flight.
Failed to load profile: Element FlightPathTo is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<FlightPathTo XYZ="294.029, 271.385, 341.6016" Radius="3.0" MountId="1" DismountAtDestination="false" />) Line 116
[22:29:58.728 D] System.Exception: Element FlightPathTo is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<FlightPathTo XYZ="294.029, 271.385, 341.6016" Radius="3.0" MountId="1" DismountAtDestination="false" />) Line 116
at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object )
at Clio.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element)
at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object )
at Clio.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element)
at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object )
at Clio.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element)
at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(XElement , Type )
at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor..(XElement )
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(XElement , PropertyInfo )
at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object )
at Clio.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element)
at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.NeoProfile.Load(XElement element, String path)
at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.NeoProfile.Load(String path)
at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.NeoProfileManager.Load(String profilePath, Boolean rememberPath)
holy shit finally... thank you so much, i'm fucking retarded apparentlyLike this![]()
Here is the difference in the code :
Code:If XXX != 0 (yes i want !) If Collecte_XXX != 0 (and collectable !) gather as collectable /If If Collecte_XXX == 0 (and not collectable !) gather as unspoiled /If /If
With two distinct tag it'll be :
Code:If XXX != 0 [COLOR="#FF0000"]OR Collecte_XXX != 0[/COLOR](yes i want... but how ? collectable or not ?) If XXX != 0 (oh okay you want unspoiled) gather as unspoiled /If If Collecte_XXX != 0 (as collectable !) gather as collectable /If /If
Well.. okay it's not a big deal, but when you have some time zone with 3+ items it's begin to be a mess (just look at my condition in baked pipira's profile)
But...in fact...indeed...may be.. two distinct could be better (at least for everyone except me), i'm working on my All-In-One(This profile + "Old Unspoiled" + 51-55 HW unspoiled), Exmatt you should be prepared yourself for a lot of complains about "Gathering didn't work ! =( because of GP Issue" x)
Atm, idk yet if i'll let it like this or separete both entity.
Noticed another quirk Entrax, the Northern most node for Abalathian Rock Salt seems if you have that and Morel (or cloud banana) going, it can get stuck. Like, it just stops itself.
[10:34:02.787 D] Loading last profile
[10:34:03.396 N] Loaded profile Mining and Botany: Unspoiled / Legendary Node Farming [1.03] - RB
[10:34:03.397 N] Bot Thread Started.
[10:34:03.441 N] [Ultima] Loading: Miner
[10:34:03.999 N] Connection to established.
[10:34:04.121 N] Clearing all hooks.
[10:34:04.121 D] Added new hook [TreeStart] e4fa1597-d2fd-48ad-be38-fefa81462567
[10:34:04.121 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] b0787e59-18e3-41d4-bcf0-632500647979
[10:34:04.121 D] Replaced hook [Heal] 129ecefd-c004-440d-85aa-a12ce31dc8ba
[10:34:04.121 D] Replaced hook [Pull] 890a6ab8-91cd-4582-a8ee-75419d2ac556
[10:34:04.121 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] 3782c24b-6cef-43eb-a976-0a8cf1bcf4cd
[10:34:04.121 D] Replaced hook [Combat] cc3a852d-621c-49b4-b4db-d5f906bcab4b
[10:34:04.121 D] Replaced hook [Rest] e4c0f0df-5342-4323-89d2-c19af74541ea
[10:34:04.135 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] b73c8818-79ca-4cc6-ba9b-080fdfb43f81
[10:34:04.137 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] 3b72c536-992b-4b03-9ea8-197ba097bea4
[10:34:04.138 D] Added new hook [SetDeathPoi] 8d6b9059-72bb-48c6-91e0-3427a10db30b
[10:34:04.138 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 23a6a2fd-03e1-4f60-9db8-1932607b1218
[10:34:04.138 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 63a78604-d788-441d-9af8-59de05ee6613
[10:34:04.138 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 8764e163-d77e-4777-a43d-1b7dcbc8a532
[10:34:04.139 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] 555cad1f-9c44-4bd7-ace7-07aff5b86909
[10:34:04.139 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] ce610dba-2fb2-4f9c-a3a7-c7b38609fe2b
[10:34:04.410 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to : LineNumber: 749, Condition: IsTimeBetween(8,10) or IsTimeBetween(20,22), Conditional: System.Func`1[System.Boolean], IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[10:34:04.410 D] Removed all hooks from [HighPriorityProfileOrderBehavior_Hook]
[10:34:04.410 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 94ec3886-800f-4e21-8beb-275001052abe
[10:34:04.450 D] Replacing Navigator with Flight Navigator.
[10:34:04.450 N] Started Flight Navigator.
[10:34:11.136 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to : LineNumber: 829, Condition: IsTimeBetween(10,11) or IsTimeBetween(22,23), Conditional: System.Func`1[System.Boolean], IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[10:34:11.136 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 841bbcee-b172-41cb-80b7-a7ac84a04ca4
[10:37:06.158 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to : LineNumber: 1062, Condition: IsTimeBetween(11,13) or IsTimeBetween(23,1), Conditional: System.Func`1[System.Boolean], IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[10:37:06.158 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] e3ec2e34-7cdf-4e40-964e-4a06efba47d1
[10:40:01.168 N] GatherCollectable: Resetting.
[10:40:01.169 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to : LineNumber: 232, Condition: IsTimeBetween(0,4) or IsTimeBetween(12,16), Conditional: System.Func`1[System.Boolean], IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[10:40:01.169 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1b318896-72d0-4a5b-939b-f2022411426f
[10:51:41.141 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to : LineNumber: 422, Condition: IsTimeBetween(4,6), Conditional: System.Func`1[System.Boolean], IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
[10:51:41.141 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 04635424-18ce-45a6-ae2e-5f3a64b2ac90
My Bot doesnt move, what's wrong in here?![]()