all okno manglemaw anymorei think its fixed or isnt?
all okno manglemaw anymorei think its fixed or isnt?
24/7 almost 2 years
running now btw, not fixed, stop this pls and read the topic
92 pages and on every page you crying its fixed while its not
I have a strange bug..
When the monster comes out that door after a few seconds he is using teleport while the monster is hitting me, he doesnt trigger him to attack him. someimes it does sometimes it doesnt.
Using trininty .15
Yeah, I tried doing this with a follower/leader and was having the same problem. Not sure if it would help to add a delay before TPing or what.
look at the codeYop, exactly like that.
I added a delay after the kill, befor the TP so the leader doesn't trigger the followers TP, and i added a 3 second wait befor the leader quits so the follower has time to leave too.
<MoveTo questId="1" x="45.8" y="144.9" z="0.5" pathPrecision="8" />
<WaitTimer questId="72221" stepId="37" waitTime="5000" />
<TrinityTownPortal questId="72221" stepId="37"/>
<MoveTo questId="1" x="45.8" y="144.9" z="0.5" pathPrecision="8"/>
<WaitTimer questId="72221" stepId="37" waitTime="3000"/>
<TrinityTownPortal questId="72221" stepId="37"/>
[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]<WaitTimer questId="72221" stepId="37" waitTime="2000"/>[/COLOR][/B]
Honestly people,
How do I STOP the bot from attempting (and unfortunately succeeding) to TP when waiting for the boss to break through the door?
This, the bot started doing that more and more, door not breaking and stuff. Switched to alternative and the bot is running strong again.Try the Alternative version of the profile.
Alternative profile isnt fixing this issue. 1/3 games end in me tping to town and making a new game...
Using .18 trinity. Is this a common issue with .18? Which version of trinity runs flawlessly?