first of all: hit ALT+Q (to enable the cooldown usage) or ALT+F1 (to enable automatic switching between aoe and single target, to enable interrupts, to enable cooldowns)
second: setup the routine when to use the cooldowns, they are by default all deactivated
with these small changes u will push a lot more dps.
3rd: attach ... oh wait u did it, thanks for the log
4th: the fixed version (plague leech, bllod tap, and empowered rune weapon) is still not live, but should be avaible within the next hours (depends on how fast the version gets approved by buddystuff)
if the fixed version for PL, Blood tap and ERW is live, it should perform much smoother for you, your version has currently a terrible bug for the 3 talents/spells
edit: and restart your honorbuddy ... u had the routine stopped while u respecced into frost, this is not working.
switching between frost/unholy/blood is supported (or should be at least) but only when the bot is running