Turn off TV and restart... not work... logs incomming
Alt-X in Enio not work too......
Since your keys with enyo are also not working, i assume that it is not really related to the routine. it's an issue with your machine and should be reported to support thread of honorbuddy.
there are quite a few apps interfering with it like AMD raptr and tv, and which are blocking / destroying the functionality of the keys.
The only thing i could do, to workaround this a lil bit would be to add settings to override the keys and to enable the cooldowns and other stuffs (like it is done in automated rotation for questing)
But this won't give you the full functionality and control of/over the routine.
If you find a routine (or plugin, or botbase) where these keys are working, you should tell me and i'll try to have a chat with the developer.
I've tried a different way today but this one has multiple issues / disadvantages which i have to work around and where i don't know if it will work for you, since i can't reproduce this issue on my 3 machines so far.
My suggestion (even if the creator of this routine, and me of course, like all your money), use the refund function in the buddystore (if it is still avaiable for you) to save your money.
My other suggestion would be to pm me so that we can share skype details and i would try different things with you together to (maybe) find a solution!
But since we are all (the devs i know of) use the hb internal function for registering hotkeys, it is more or less an issue with hb on your machine, not with the routine / code of us itself.
i could send you an executable / standalone file which does not need honorbuddy or wow to function and to test ... if this works for ya, i would spend some hours to adapt the code for the routine (currently it is simply tracking keypresses where they are done (no matter if wow is focused or any other window/application or only the desktop) ... but i'll need your feedback on this as soon as possible since i can't test it (it works for me)