Is there anyway to fix the ashenvale issue on our own, even if it is not an optimal fix? I just want to be able to let my bot run until i stop it, the profile already makes so much more gold than expected, a drop won't be horrible for a temporary fix and longer sustainability until the new profile. I know some people will disagree, but just wondering if you have anything that we could do to help with the issue until you release another version.
Something strange is this farming*** is that it selling all the lockboxes ..
anyone can tell me how much gph does this profile give now pls? cause im only getting 600gph with 705 boomkin
do you got 25 man active which profile do you use and how long does your runs take ?
change your dru to feral or guardian.any idea why did i only get 600gph?
i think dk unholy is the best with this profile i have unholy dks and feral druids, unholy is pretty good druid feral singular is too bad doesnt use thrash or swipe so i changed to tuanha it does use thrash but doesnt use swipe or the saber slash talent too , dont know why the routines doesnt like swipe xD does anyone know how to change it to spam swipe or saber slash talent for fireland clearing
and btw does the profiles have mailbox so when bags are almost full with lockboxes or give it a timer so to mail them ?
BTW Your Profiles ARE GREAT ^^ thanks for Sharing ^^
is it safe to create a guild and put like 8 bots in it and use the guild bank ?
i guess its not safe thats why i realy wanted to ask you if could add mailbox support for orgrimmar or SW or even a neutral zone i dont know that would be great for example if it reaches 50x lockboxes mail them to this "name" character
could you do it please ?
is it safe to create a guild and put like 8 bots in it and use the guild bank ?
i guess its not safe thats why i realy wanted to ask you if could add mailbox support for orgrimmar or SW or even a neutral zone i dont know that would be great for example if it reaches 50x lockboxes mail them to this "name" character
could you do it please ?
So far so good, great profile. However, It won't sell my Elementium Lockbox. I have check in the HB folder (root)under protected item, no mention of elementium lockbox
Can someone tells me how to sell them all please.
My bags getting full of them.
So far so good, great profile. However, It won't sell my Elementium Lockbox. I have check in the HB folder (root)under protected item, no mention of elementium lockbox
Can someone tells me how to sell them all please.
My bags getting full of them.