Thanks for the quick reply I appreciate it!
What do you think about looping Lua.DoString("DoReadyCheck()"); with a delay instead of setting DND so once the nubs are ready they just Lua.DoString("ConfirmReadyCheck(true)"); and then you summon?Dnd is only used to mark yourself "busy" (not moving toward dungeon yet) so your raf guy wont waste summon cd.
I can make option to disable it but this means nub1 might summon nub2 while he is going to buy mount / doing vendor and therefore he wont accept summon.
I didn't think of that good point. I would love to test whatever you can come up with though!I could do this but it means you must have setup your team correctly (booster -> nub1 -> nub2) and also might have some problems with Suggestion 1.
Probably gonna add some setting so you can test it and give suggestions :3