Hi there,
I got an issue. I have been running this profile from a long time and always smooth. Since HB .887 and latest WOW, each time the booster is going outside or inside the dungeon, WOW crash on the loading page.
each and every single time.
I had Tony to debug it, remote control, etc... and the issue is the following :
" The developper sohoud update his tool as well as he is not using the proper BotBase ".
Below is the Skype chat with Tony during the remote control :
[13:12:45] Tony: show me the problem you are describing
[13:13:10] Joe: big windows, booster
[13:13:15] Joe: all 4 litls, noobs
[13:13:31] Joe: levelling through dungeon with profiles.
[13:13:36] Joe: profiles haven't changed.
[13:13:51] Joe: have to wait for booster to go out from dongeon
[13:14:06] Joe: it's always when loading the wow page that it crash.
[13:14:20] Tony: professionbuddy is not made for dungeons tho
[13:14:31] Tony: that's Dungeonbuddy
[13:15:57] Joe: this is what I am using
[13:16:08] Joe: Working perfectly from last 2 years.
[13:16:19] Joe: See, booster loading page when going out... and wow of booster crash
[13:16:24] Joe: Same wow folder for all
[13:16:35] Tony: thats because the developer its not using the proper bot mode
[13:16:43 | Edited 13:16:48] Tony: and its crashing the game
[13:16:55] Joe: Last two years.. NO issue, from .887, issues
[13:17:06] Tony: wow updates,Hb updates
[13:17:08] Joe: I have been using it weekly
[13:17:17] Tony: the developer should update his tool as well
[13:17:27] Joe: so, it's a developer issue ?
[13:17:43] Tony: yeah,you must report it on his thread providing your log file
[13:17:50] Tony: and he should check it and fix it
[13:17:52] Joe: Log won't show anyting
[13:18:03] Tony: the developer will debug it tho
[13:18:15] Joe: ok, thx for your time, will do so
[13:18:21] Tony: keep me updated plz
[13:18:31] Joe: will do
[13:18:39] Tony: ty
Troubleshooting done :
* WOW Repaired - no changes
* No programs running that could interfers with HB (check done by Tony)
* Fresh HB installed - no changes
* Fresh WOW downloaded - no changes
* No WoW Addon - no changes
* Windows updated (win10 64 bits) - no changes
* WoW interface reset - no changes
* PC restarted - no changes
I am attaching some logs from the booster to be degugged.
As of now, Profiles are UNUSABLE, as AFTER 24 hours, the noobs are only level 41..... I used to do 1-90 in 12-14 hours max !
Thank you.