Hello thanks for the profile man really appriciate it! but im having an issue with 1/3 bots. It keeps changing Empty bags now to true. ill change it to false but when it relogges or goes and switch to banker to ah items, it change back to true. this makes the bot go in an endless loop of checking for mailable items and then switching to banker, then back to mailing items ect.
ill try that, but first im just gonna try to delete this chars multizone settings in professionbuddySorry man that is def a bot problem, my only suggestion is a fresh install, bugs happen to me all time, what I do is create a fresh bot install and add everything I use, plugins, routines, setup my settings they way I like it, such as mount distance and mount type. I never actually start the bot, I then take that folder and keep it unused, hen I have problems with a current bot I just copy and paste that unused bot folder and use it.
Hey my friend,
just updated from 1.18 yesterday and saw that there are 3 profiles in the orgrimmar folder - but i dont see any field where i can choose which he uses, do he uses those 3 in a random order by default?
or how to change?
that's weird, i've never actually seen that message before, i wonder if the newest PB update added that. It's not something i've added as part of the profile. Let me see if i can figure it out.
I put one that is just Durotar, one that is just Felwood and one that is both, that way you can just delete what you want, the bot randomly picks one each time if you leave them all in.
No way to have an option to pick one over the other with the way the profile is currently.
Always getting stuck in the gate in orgrimmar and some nodes it is stuck flying attempting to gather continuously even when the blacklist node is set to 8 seconds. I will add logs when I get home.
Quick edit: The bot also sometimes stops after gathering a node, the only way I get it to continue is by mounting up, then everything goes back to normal.
Got the same problem. always stuck @ the gate or @ Mailbox
I'll delete my current SVN and try your zip you attached. I just let the bot run for an hour while I was away. Went through the pandaria portal into jade forest then flew south into the water while collecting herbs/ore along the way. Eventually dieing from fatigue. Taking rez sickness and doing it all over again lol. Came back to fully red gear and /afk in Krasarang Wilds.
That is why there is a slow computer version of the profile, if your computer doesn't load the area fast enough PB thinks your still in your main cities continent and why to to fly there to get back on coarse.same issue here
the problem is PB it's self, it's just been very buggy lately, unfortunately i can't do anything about that, but i've had the same issues where it works fine for a few days then messes up other days, i'm just hoping highvoltz can get to updating it soon, but he is spread pretty then right now.