<Vendor Name="Elder Ezra Wheathoof" Entry="15580" Type="Repair" X="-1012.62" Y="-245.0951" Z="159.2775" />
you need to put what the heck thats for. the EK and Kal profiles both pickup the horde and alliance elders for those achievementsElders of the Horder:
PHP:<Vendor Name="Elder Ezra Wheathoof" Entry="15580" Type="Repair" X="-1012.62" Y="-245.0951" Z="159.2775" />
Quest: Wheathoof the Elder - Quest - World of Warcraft (id:8678)
yea, its not going to do dungeons./waits eagerly for cata/dung's XD
you need to put what the heck thats for. the EK and Kal profiles both pickup the horde and alliance elders for those achievements
yea, its not going to do dungeons.
Eastern: didn't took Brill, didn't took UC, so i conclude it would not take TB/OG on Kalimdor
bot flight to the spot, goes down a little bit, tried the macros, flight awayInformation about Elder Morthie
Name = Elder Morthie
Wowhead Id = 30358
Faction = 35 [Friendly]
Location = <3484.459, 1958.783, 64.84972>
PHP:<Vendor Name="Elder Morthie" Entry="30358" Type="Repair" X="3484.459" Y="1958.783" Z="64.84972" />