i fixed the coords for cng for kalimdor, but he hasn't tested it (you know cng, he likes to test stuff)
but the kalimdor one is made ... with minor testing after he gets back up
if its "Missing" people its because for some reason it thinks you already did that particular quest that, that quest giver gives. at the end of the profile you should earn the achievement "Elders of Eastern Kingdoms"eastern kingdom is missing the elder at zul'gurub.
all other works fine! thanks
if its "Missing" people its because for some reason it thinks you already did that particular quest that, that quest giver gives. at the end of the profile you should earn the achievement "Elders of Eastern Kingdoms"
Elders of Eastern Kingdoms - Achievement - World of Warcraft
thank you very much for your effort, will test it out soon but out of curiosity does the bot travel to alliance base to find the elders? since i am horde...can we do this manually?
stop bot and do it manuallyyes i got problems too wirh hord, how to skip the critical points for horde?