Community Developer
- Joined
- Dec 15, 2013
- Messages
- 417
You only read what you want to read, don't you?
Sort of a selective reading disorder.
He stated that the project was not supported "UNLESS someone wants to pick it up and take off with it." (this thread 13.10.2014,01:46)
I gave my opinion that it was worth being picked up by SOMEONE ELSE .
Then, I got my butt chewed out for not donating.
Then, I got my butt chewed out for no log file.
Due to his irritability, I decided that I didn't care about a log file, because I don't care about this CR anymore.
I simply refuse to take the blame for his failure to follow through on his project.
First, it was Mastahg's fault.
Then, it was Bossland's fault.
Then, it was my fault for not donating.
I offered to donate for an updated CR.
Then, it was my fault for not supplying a log.
By that time, I had lost interest and sought something else that did what I needed. (Yes, I paid good money for it!)
No, I am not crazy. I simply refuse to take the blame for his failure to update his project.
First, let me state that you are correct in the fact that I stopped development on this CR.
Now let me point out a few things:
- I have come back to FF14 and am actively working with a lot of the other community developers on multiple projects.
- I noticed that someone was having problems with my old CR and decided that I'd take a look at it...
- You have failed to give me anything to look at.
- You have failed to post a log.
- Other people are still using MoreDots without any issue.
Where did I say it was Mastahg's fault? I stated that I don't like the way Mastahg is running this bot, not that it was his fault I'm leaving. (Hint: 90% of the community developer's don't like the way he's running this bot)
Where did I say it was Bossland's fault? I stated that I wished Bossland would put more developer's on RB instead of just Mastahg because I believe that would make the bot better in general. Is that blaming them for something?
Where did I say it was your fault for not donating? I pointed out that it is very frustrating to have someone post about a bug/problem and not give any evidence of said problem.
When you offered to donate for an updated CR, I asked for a log so that I would know what you wanted updated.
I still don't understand how you can expect ANYONE to fix something when it isn't broken for them and you won't provide anything showing how it is broken for you.
You can be angry all you want at me for pointing out that it is still your failure's that are preventing you from getting an updated CR.
Bottom line is....put up or shut up. Post a log file showing your problem, or don't post at all.