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[MoreDots] - A CoRoutine option for RebornBuddy

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Community Developer
Dec 15, 2013

First and foremost I'd like to give a big THANK YOU to the following people:
  • Exmortem
  • Kagamihiiragi17
  • Endus
  • Mastahg

All of the above people have helped with the Development of this project in one way or another and this wouldn't be this far along without them.

Please note that this Project is still a WORK-IN-PROGRESS.

If you use this and want to motivate me to work on this faster, please click on the word "DONATE" in my signature and help out my caffeine addiction!

Bugs/Problems relating to individual Rotations will be addressed first.
  • Enhancements will not be done until after everything has been completed. For example: I'm not adding Pet logic to Summoner until after everything in the "Things left to do" has been completed.

I've been very busy lately IRL and haven't had as much time to work on this as I'd like, but if anyone who's not already helping with this and would like to, just send me a PM with a Skype Contact and I'll get you access to it.

Current Rotations:
  1. Archer/Bard - Levels 1-50 all have been optimized
  2. Thaumaturge/BlackMage - Only Level 50 BlackMage Rotation has been completed. Still need to do 1-50 and all of Thaumaturge
  3. Lancer/Dragoon - Levels 1-50 all have been optimized
  4. Pugilist/Monk - Levels 1-50 all have been optimized
  5. Arcanist/Summoner - Only Level 50 Summoner Rotation has been completed. Still need to do 1-50 and all of Arcanist
  6. Gladiator/Paladin - Only Level 50 Paladin has a Rotation completed. This Rotation has not been tested/optimized.
  7. Marauder/Warrior - No Rotation has been started at all yet.
  8. Arcanist/Scholar - No Rotation has been started at all yet.
  9. Conjurer/WhiteMage - Still a work-in-progress.

Things left to do:
  1. Finish doing Rotations for every Class/Job and optimize for all Levels.
  2. Completely overhaul/implement Settings for every Class/Job.
  3. Completely overhaul/implement all of the Behaviours from RebornBuddy (Put healing spells in the Heal Behaviour, Buff spells in Buff Behaviour etc...)


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Things to note about this Combat Routine:

  • CombatSettings have NOT been fully implemented yet.
  • If you click on CombatSettings, it will bring up a Form that should have 1 Setting on it for "Use Rotation Overlay". The Overlay is there to tell you what Rotation you are currently using. You can click and drag on the black space of the overlay to move it to wherever you want. The overlay will stay on the top of your screen as long as you are playing in either Windowed or Windowed Full Screen modes.
  • One known issue is that if you use the Overlay and Windowed Full Screen.....after many alt-tabs between the game and other windows, the Overlay will sometimes no longer stay on top of the game.

Some Classes/Jobs have multiple "Rotations" set for them.
If you use the overlay, you will be able to see which Rotation you are currently in.
An example:

Bard currently has the following Rotations implemented for it(Only implemented at Level 50):
  1. Damage Single Target
  2. Damage AOE
  3. Damage PVP

Here is the code for each Rotation:
                #region AOE
                case HelperEnums.RotationTypes.DAMAGE_AOE:
                    if (await RepellingShot()) return true;
                    if (await MiserysEnd()) return true;
                    if (await Bloodletter()) return true;
                    if (await BluntArrow()) return true;
                    if (await SecondWind()) return true;
                    if (await Featherfoot()) return true;
                    if (await Invigorate()) return true;
                    if (await QuickNock()) return true;
                    if (await RainOfDeath()) return true;
                    return await BardSpells.WideVolley.Cast();
                #region Single Target
                case HelperEnums.RotationTypes.DAMAGE_SINGLE_TARGET:
                    if (await SecondWind()) return true;
                    if (await Featherfoot()) return true;
                    if (await Invigorate()) return true;
                    if (await BluntArrow()) return true;
                    if (await Buffs()) return true;
                    if (await RepellingShot()) return true;
                    if (await MiserysEnd()) return true;
                    if (await Bloodletter()) return true;
                    if (await StraightShot()) return true;
                    if (await WindBite()) return true;
                    if (await VenomousBite()) return true;
                    return await HeavyShot();
                #region PVP
                case HelperEnums.RotationTypes.DAMAGE_PVP:
                    if (await Shadowbind()) return true;
                    if (await SecondWind()) return true;
                    if (await Featherfoot()) return true;
                    if (await Invigorate()) return true;
                    if (await Enliven()) return true;
                    if (await BluntArrow()) return true;
                    if (await BardSpells.CrossClass.InternalRelease.Buff()) return true;
                    if (await BardSpells.RagingStrikes.Buff()) return true;
                    if (await BardSpells.HawksEye.Buff()) return true;
                    if (await BardSpells.Barrage.Buff()) return true;
                    if (await BardSpells.CrossClass.BloodForBlood.Buff()) return true;
                    if (await RepellingShot()) return true;
                    if (await MiserysEnd()) return true;
                    if (await Bloodletter()) return true;
                    if (await FarShot()) return true;
                    if (await BlastShot()) return true;
                    if (await FlamingArrow()) return true;
                    if (await StraightShot()) return true;
                    if (await QuickNock()) return true;
                    if (await RainOfDeath()) return true;
                    if (await WideVolley()) return true;
                    if (await WindBite()) return true;
                    if (await VenomousBite()) return true;
                    if (await MultiDot(BardSpells.Windbite)) return true;
                    if (await MultiDot(BardSpells.VenomousBite)) return true;
                    return await HeavyShot();

Currently, the hotkey combination to use to switch between Rotations is "SHIFT" + "Z"

If you want to change the hotkey you will need to make a change to the Initialize method of the MoreDots.cs file.

public override void Initialize()
            HotkeyManager.Register("Rotation",[B] Keys.Z, ModifierKeys.Shift[/B], r => SetRotation());

I've bolded the part in the code above that would need to change.

Some of the Classes/Jobs have multiple Rotations set up at 50, you will just have to experiment with them to find out which ones do/don't. When I'm done with all of the rotations, I will make sure to document each of them.

I'll add more things to note as they come up and try to address frequently asked questions in this thread.
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First? (also reserved) :cool:

Here's to hoping for a successful project. :)
Dragoon looks pretty good. I know it's not ready for things like Fatebot yet, but I do like how it actually uses abilities and more skills.
This not being updated anymore?

It is. It just has multiple people working on it (for free) who can only devote their free time to it. A lot of work has been done, but none of it 100% complete (and worthy of release). It'll be up to Wheredidigo to announce when the next real update will be.
To be honest...it didn't seem like there was very many people interested in this so I haven't been working on it. I've got most of a framework done for a version of this that would handle class changes, but unless someone wants to pick it up and take off with it, it'll never make it out. I'm moving on from developing for RebornBuddy. I don't like how Mastahg is running this bot, nor do I like how little resources have been given to this bot. Maybe in a few years if things are actually progressing for RB I'll come back to it, but for now, you'll have to do with Magitek and Kupo.
Nooooo worst news possible.
i think a lot of us looked to this as the future of the combat routines.
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Pretty crappy news indeed. This is something you've known for awhile I'm sure. Didn't just wake up one day and feel the way you do about Mastahg or RB in general. Oh, you should change your signature too, "MoreDots - Coming Soon!". You have no problem pointing fingers but it's pretty crappy to leave that up like that.
To be honest...it didn't seem like there was very many people interested in this so I haven't been working on it. I've got most of a framework done for a version of this that would handle class changes, but unless someone wants to pick it up and take off with it, it'll never make it out. I'm moving on from developing for RebornBuddy. I don't like how Mastahg is running this bot, nor do I like how little resources have been given to this bot. Maybe in a few years if things are actually progressing for RB I'll come back to it, but for now, you'll have to do with Magitek and Kupo.

As sad as it is to admit, it's true. I think the only real reason most people use this bot is solely because of magitek. If that gets completely abandoned, then i doubt i will stay. For other stuff like crafting, grinding, questing (sort of), atma farming etc: another bot i know can do it 10x better. I just hope it improves soon.
As sad as it is to admit, it's true. I think the only real reason most people use this bot is solely because of magitek. If that gets completely abandoned, then i doubt i will stay. For other stuff like crafting, grinding, questing (sort of), atma farming etc: another bot i know can do it 10x better. I just hope it improves soon.

This bot afaik is the best bot for grinding/farming out there, as long as you don't want to get banned for using a teleporting bot. Crafting can be done with a simple macro bot/AHK, Atmas can be farmed by this bot too, does no one use Atma Hunter anymore? Worked like a charm for me. Questing is being focused on right now, I'm sure questing will be implemented in full force before too long (we already have dailies after all).
This bot afaik is the best bot for grinding/farming out there, as long as you don't want to get banned for using a teleporting bot. Crafting can be done with a simple macro bot/AHK, Atmas can be farmed by this bot too, does no one use Atma Hunter anymore? Worked like a charm for me. Questing is being focused on right now, I'm sure questing will be implemented in full force before too long (we already have dailies after all).

so i take it you never used FFXIVminion.... it already quests, it can atama farm, fates, skill profiles are super easy, it can do dungeons as well. It gathers with out teleporting, it can craft using basic or advanced skill profiles. Can Farm Frontlines, wolves Den, The list goes on. It is basically the best bot on the market for FFXIV. Easy to make addons for it as well.
so i take it you never used FFXIVminion.... it already quests, it can atama farm, fates, skill profiles are super easy, it can do dungeons as well. It gathers with out teleporting, it can craft using basic or advanced skill profiles. Can Farm Frontlines, wolves Den, The list goes on. It is basically the best bot on the market for FFXIV. Easy to make addons for it as well.

Last I checked it barely has any questing, just a little more than RB, and it does dungeons by teleporting to each boss and only killing them, making it very easy to get banned for using. It's also 5.99 euro per month while RB is only 24.98 euro and you get it forever. I'm not saying minion is bad, but I think you're being a bit unfair with your comparisons. RB has plenty going for it, and it's still a relatively new bot and gaining features rapidly.
Last I checked it barely has any questing, just a little more than RB, and it does dungeons by teleporting to each boss and only killing them, making it very easy to get banned for using. It's also 5.99 euro per month while RB is only 24.98 euro and you get it forever. I'm not saying minion is bad, but I think you're being a bit unfair with your comparisons. RB has plenty going for it, and it's still a relatively new bot and gaining features rapidly.
yes it is a new bot but you made the claim that RB is the best bot on the market. And actually the questing in Minion is great. Yes currently released with the bot is 1-15 unlocks the first dungeon. but I'm working on class profiles. I already have class quest for BLM, and Bard pretty much done some other guys are working on other class quests. the teleporting in dungeons it does yes, but i've been running the same handfull of bots since launch and no bans yet for it. and it does more then TPing to the bosses it can do the dungeon interact with objects complete the objectives. I would rather pay 5.99 per month then a 1 time fee and get continuned support and the many many many features that minon has over RB. Just to make skill profiles for RB is a pain. i can put together a complete Raid quality dps rotation in about 3min for minion. all in game using the ui of the bot. So i think my compairison was spot on. RB for sure is not the best bot on the market for ffxiv... minion is.
yes it is a new bot but you made the claim that RB is the best bot on the market. And actually the questing in Minion is great. Yes currently released with the bot is 1-15 unlocks the first dungeon. but I'm working on class profiles. I already have class quest for BLM, and Bard pretty much done some other guys are working on other class quests. the teleporting in dungeons it does yes, but i've been running the same handfull of bots since launch and no bans yet for it. and it does more then TPing to the bosses it can do the dungeon interact with objects complete the objectives. I would rather pay 5.99 per month then a 1 time fee and get continuned support and the many many many features that minon has over RB. Just to make skill profiles for RB is a pain. i can put together a complete Raid quality dps rotation in about 3min for minion. all in game using the ui of the bot. So i think my compairison was spot on. RB for sure is not the best bot on the market for ffxiv... minion is.

Sure, minion has a lot of attractive features, but it's far from the best. Pretty much no one maintains the combat profiles anymore so they expect you to do it yourself which is dissapointing. The questing logic is incredibly stupid etc. But hands down, RB has the best combat routine so far.
Sure, minion has a lot of attractive features, but it's far from the best. Pretty much no one maintains the combat profiles anymore so they expect you to do it yourself which is dissapointing. The questing logic is incredibly stupid etc. But hands down, RB has the best combat routine so far.

Rb creating a combat profile isnt ver user friendly in minion its very easy to make profiles with a huge array of conditionals. Pos numher of mobs hp % all kinds. Currently there are raid profiles for every class on the forums and level8ng profiles come with the bot. Unique farming combat profiles are there as well. So im not sure what you mean by the combat profiles not kept up.
With the blm profile, is there anyway to make it use flare doing aoe mode? I see that there is some sort of a flare code in the aoe section, but it only seems to go off when both swiftcast and convert are up.
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