What mining level is recommended to take advantage of all ores in this profile?
downloaded this this morning got 2 banks tabs full on the 1st day! great profile!
[6:46:39 PM:238]:Gatherbuddy is stopped.<br>
[6:46:39 PM:384]: Harvest Report:<br>
[6:46:39 PM:390]: Cobalt Deposit: 60<br>
[6:46:39 PM:395]: Rich Cobalt Deposit: 5<br>
[6:46:39 PM:401]: Saronite Deposit: 3<br>
[6:46:39 PM:406]: 68 nodes gathered in 1 hours 3 minutes 43 seconds.<br>
Been running for maybe 45mins - 1hr and already have 140 units